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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 14?

Maya was seated alone at the auditorium with her sketch book in front of her , a bundle of crayons were lined beside the book as she sketch out a female high waist trouser which has 2 deferent colours .
She list out the pattern of fabric which could be use for her design and also list out other external material which could be added .

” Wow I love your work ” someone said and Maya flinch and look up only to find Davina stand there with a big but creepy smile , Maya noticed that Davina is putting in a pirate black eyes patch which match her black jacket , black leggings and black Michael Jordan sneakers .
” Oh you don’t have to give me that look , am Davina by the way but the school knows me as the black witch . Hahaha ” Davina said and laugh while Maya just stared blankly at her .
” Back to your design , wow are you from the 3rd year class ” she ask
” No 1st year ”
” 1st year and you are this good in sketches , like seriously . I hired 10 teachers to tutor me on how to produce sketches ” Davina said and Maya gasp .
” 10 tutors ” Maya squealed.
” Yeah , I was just so desperate .anyways what’s your name ” she ask Maya .
” Amaya but you can call me Maya ”
“Nice name for a beautiful girl ” Davina wink and Maya smile and look away , Davina pick up the book and scan through Maya past sketches . She could see few flaws but she just smile , Maya on the other had was just admiring her face . Even with the eye patch she’s still so goddamn beautiful .

” Your sketches are great but you still need to put more effort ” she said and place back on the table as Maya quickly pick it up .
” C’mon I gat something to show you ” Davina said and grab hold of Maya arm and with out warning she drag Maya out .
“Hey wait wait ”
“C’mon you will like it ” Davina said giggling , this was the first time there are meeting but Davina is acting like they have been long time friends .
” Ouch , where are you taking me to ”
“To my shrine ” she said and Maya was confused .
” Shrine “Maya repeat and Davina nodded.
” Welcome to my shrine ” Davina announce the moment they walked into a huge room , Maya mouth fell open .

There were over 10 sculptures are wearing crazy designers but among the cloths Maya eye locked on a sculpture wearing a silver wedding gown .
“OMG , lady Mendy Kalifa wedding dress ” Maya shriek and rush over the dressing , she felt the weight of the gown and it’s silky nature . The gown had white stones surrounding the neck .

“Why do you have this gown ,is this really Mendy Kalifa wedding wedding gown or you just made a copy of it . The gown was rated at the second most expensive gown on Earth and it was made special for Mrs Mendy Kalifa” Maya ask and Davina giggle .
” Actually I was the designer who made the gown , I made 2 of it. one was sold to Mrs Mendy Kalifa while the other one is still here ” Davina said and Maya gasp .
” Wait are you saying you actually design the world 2nd most expensive gown ” Maya ask in disbelief and Davina smile and nod , Maya look down at the gown then at Davina finding it hard to believe .
” The stones at the neck of the gown is pure diamond , Mrs Cristal actually was behind the aesthetic of the gown. She initiated the diamond neck ” Davina said and made glance up at the diamonds attacked to the neck of the gown .
“d@mn ” Maya mumble and just then she saw a female high hills made of glass and red stones were used in decorating it’s belt .
” Who made that , bloody ” Maya said and held up the shoe .
” Alex , that’s one of the greatest achievement so far ”
” that smoke head “Maya thought .

” Anyways that’s not what I wanna show ” Davina said and walk over to a huge drawing board.
” I wanted to show his to you ” she said and Maya gasp , Maya walk close to the board . A sketch of a gown was displayed on the board though the sketch is undone , but Maya could tell that what ever Davina is working on is gonna be a master piece .

” This is my newest work but am not done with it , let’s just say I have run out of ideas ” Davina said with a sigh , Maya stared at the deign and crazy design idea popped into her head .
“Am trying to come up with good night dress design , something incredible and outstanding” Davina said .
” Will mind if I play a little with you design ” Maya ask
” No problem ” Davina said and move back , Maya pick up a marker from beside the board and she started working while Davina just watch .
After adjusting and initiating new design Maya was done then she turn to Davina .
“What do you think ” she ask Davina who step forward with arms folded .

” Evening gowns needs to be fitted in order to bring out the curve from it’s user ” Davina said and Maya twist her lips .
” Oh I see , umm I ..”
“I love it Maya it’s fabulous but first let’s work on some other things . First the gown need to be fitted , then next is…” Davina said and pick up another marker and board wiper , she wipe out the left hand of the gown .
“Why don’t we make it half arm and full arm and the gown should be on full floor length ” Davina said and wipe the Hem of the gown then she increase it’s length .
“What do you think ” she ask and Maya smile .
” Beautiful , what if we add a sunflower like design at he left angle of the waist ” Maya and and draw a flower at the side of the gown .
” To make this gown more segzy and attractive am gonna make the B-__-bs setting to be made of lace fabric ” Davina said and Mark the B-__-bs of the gown with a X .
It took them an 3 and finally they came out with an outstanding design sketch . They both step back and observe their work .
“Awe it’s so beautiful ” they both squealed and hug each other .
” Team work really is incredible , you are gonna be my team mate Maya ” Davina said .
” Me , you’re team mate ” Maya ask surprise , Davina nodded still smiling .
” Don’t be shy am gonna be your tutor from now on or should I saw we are gonna work together from now on . So I take it that we are now friends ” Davina said .
” Yeah but don’t you think you’re over hyping me , i mean we just met for the first time and…”
” Shushh baby girl , say no more and ..” Davina was still saying when Maya phone started ringing , Maya excuse herself and pick the call .

“f-__-k am on my way , yeah thanks Lucas ” Maya said be end the call .
” Sorry Davi but I gat to go am late for classes ” Maya said and grab her bag .
” Wait can I at least get your ..” Davina was still saying when Maya rush out .
“Geez she didn’t even let me finish” she grumble and turn around , she smile when she saw the sketch .
“It’s so perfect , that girl really gat talent ” she mumble ..


Maya speed down the stairs hoping to get to class on time . .
Meanwhile Damon was climbing up the stairs with his hands in his pocket , Maya was so fast that ankle twist and lost balance.
“Ahhh ..” she shriek and fell forward but Damon caught her before she could somersault down the stairs .

“Are you okay miss ” Damon ask and Maya nodded with eyes wide open as she stared into his deep ocean blue eyes and his inviting pink lips .
“Ahhhh my ankle ” she wince and Damon glance down at her red ankle .
” C’mon seat down for a moment ” he said and help her to seat on the stairs block .
” Let me take a look at that ” he said and Maya nod with out saying a word , he took off her shoe and observe her red angle .
” It’s not that bad ” he said and look up at her .
” But you will have to abstain moving around frequently for now . So can you walk ” he ask .
” Yes I-i can “she said and he nod and rose up , he pull her up .
“Umm thank you ” she said almost in a whisper , Maya tried to move her feet but she felt a sharp pain from her ankle .
“Ahhhh ” she scream out and lean on the stairs rail , Damon sigh .
” It seems you can’t walk , you need support ”
” No no I can walk ,I just need ….”
“I h@ťě stubborn girls , clearly you can’t walk so stop arguing ” he snap and she press her lips together ..


“Am i dreaming ”
“Isn’t that Damon Smith , king of the school God’s ”
” Who the f-__-k is that Ɓîtçh he’s carrying ”
” What the hell , that’s not Belinda then who is she ”
” Wait she’s the girl from first year , the one that got drenched with egg goo ”
” What’s she doing with my baby ”

The student at the hall way leading to Maya class were stunned where they saw Damon carrying Maya on his back like a baby ,. Maya who couldn’t take the looks and murmuring hide her face on his shoulders and by now her face is red . Most students made video while others took photos of them …


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