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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 9?

??El Rosa bio enterprises ??

A company which manufacture all sorts of cosmetic for skin care , hair and many more . A company that worth billions of dollars .

“What , how did this even happen ” president Nickolas (Mr El Rosa ) scream at his assistant who just bow his head .
” Sir please calm down ” Mr Godfrey said trying to calm president Nickolas .
” 20 containers of bio chemical all stolen and you want me to calm down , those chemicals worth 100 million . That’s a big lost to us , who ever is doing this is hell bent on bringing down my company” president Nickolas holler and slam his fist on his desk , this not the first time they are having such problems . There’s someone always there to either steal their container or sink it and for the past 5 years there haven’t been able to catch the culprit .

President Nickolas huff and relax on his seat .
” What’s the company current lost ” he ask calmly , Mr Godfrey quickly glance at his iPad .
” We at lost of over 200 million dollar ” he said and president Nickolas sigh that’s really alot for them to lose .
” What’s the status of our new perfum and the cream formula” he ask.
” It’s ungoing air , but I think we need to order for another set of chemical else we won’t be able to complete the project on ground ” Mr Jeffrey said .
” Fine order for 10 containers and also I want you to keep this a secret from my wife . I don’t want her to worry ” president Nickolas said and Mr Godfrey nodded and then walk out , president Nickolas glance at the picture portrait on his table . A photo of him , Mrs Cristal and Belinda looking happy . The picture was taken last year Christmas . He sigh and pick up his phone and put a call across to an unknown number .

” I want you to look into my stolen containers , make sure you get a lead on who this f-__-ker is “he said and put down his phone .
” Who ever you are am gonna find you and when I do am gonna make your life a living hell ” ..


Maya walk down the busy hall way heading to the school exit point ,it’s already 3pm which is the institute regular closing time .

“Maya Maya Maya ” someone scream from behind and Maya turn , Lucas rush to her .
” Geez you ran off with out even saying goodbye” he said but she just stared blankly at him .
” You were busy arguing with Esther to notice me leaving the class room ” she said calmly but he sigh .
” Oh about that Are you waiting for your driver or..”
“I don’t a driver, am walking home ” she cut in and Lucas gasp
” What ! you’re walking home , like trekking home ” he ask .
” Why does it seem weird to you ” she ask , he stared at her from head to toe and scratch his hear nervously .
“It’s just that am surprise, look over there ” he said while pointing at the parking lot where all kinds of cars were parked along with expensive motobikes .
” Every student have their ride ..”
“Well I don’t, am not like every student .Mrs El Rosa Is the one sponsoring I and my friend “she said
” So’re on scholarship or something ”
” Is something wrong with that ”
” No no it’s just…”

” Amaya ..”a loud cheerful voice echoed and Maya frown , Mara rush to them and hug Maya .
” Awe baby girl today was fun , no body wanna be my friend in the modeling unit . They are all bunch of arrogant girls and proud and uncouth guys who are from weathy families . Hahaha but don’t worry because I put them all in their place ” Mara said proudly and just then she noticed Lucas and her cheerful face harden to a frown .
” And who are you ” she ask glaring at Lucas who flinch and step back .
“H-hey a-am Maya friend we are in the same unit ” he stuttered taking 2 steps backwards .
” Is this blond hair boy disturbing you just say a word and am gonna exterminate him ” Mara said .
” Ex-exterminate wait who are exterminating ” Lucas ask
” You ” Mara snap .
” Woa woa calm down tigress am not the enemy here am just a peaceful handsome guy ” he said and Mara arch her brows and examine his face , she rolled her eyes and turn to Maya .

” Maya ” Mara call .
” Mara meet Lucas he’s my new friend , and Lucas meet Mara my childhood bestie” Maya said and Mara grin from ear to ear .
“Nice to meet you Lucas ” Mara said and they both shook hands .

“Somebody help” a loud scream was heard and all eyes turn , Candie could be seen running as fast as his legs could take him and behind him is a huge angry dog .

“Candie put down the puppy ” Alex scream from behind , Candie held the little puppy close to his chest as he run for his dear life while the puppy mother chase after him .
“No I won’t ,she’s too cute for me to let go of her ” Candie scream in tears .

” ummm think that puppy is a male not a female ” lucky who stood beside Damon said .

Damon , Alex , lucky and Rick stood beside a black van while watching he drama .
“He’s gonna get himself ki||ed one of this days ” Rick grumble and Alex turn to him .
” Hey wake up sleeping Cinderella” Alex scream and spank Rick’s head
” Ouch man calm down am awake and my name is not sleeping Cinderella” Rick snap .

Students around laugh as Candie run around and the dog sill did not back down .

” That guy sold his brain for handsomeness ” Lucas said
” Why will you say something like that ,he’s so cute ” Mara said grinning while Lucas scoff .
“Handsome but brainless ” Lucas said .
“He’s heading towards us ” Maya said and they all gasp , Candie rush towards them . As soon as he got to them he quickly push the puppy into Maya hand .
” Hold her for me ” he said hastily
“What , wait ” Maya scream confuse while Candie hide behind her , the loud furious bark of the fast approaching dog caught their attention . Maya eyes bulk out ,she filt cold chill down her spin .

The dog leaped forward with it’s jaw wide open to take it’s first bite but Mara was fast enough to swing her right leg . Mara kick landed at the head of the dog which sent it flying backwards , the dog whimper and laid frozen on the ground like it’s dead .
Lucas, Candie and Maya gasp whole Mara glare dagger at the dead dog .
” Mama yo, you ki||ed her ” Candie scream and rush to the dead dog and he knelt beside .
” You ki||ed Mama yo , how cruel are you ” Candie scream crying like a baby .Lucas clinch his fist and grit his teeth he felt like struggling Candie .

“How heartless are you huh ” Candie yell , Mara came close to him . Candie look up at her but her fist slam on his head which knock him out instantly.
“Bastard that dog almost bite my friend ” Mara yell at Candie unconscious body while is beside the dead dog .
“C’mon Maya let’s go home ” Mara grab Maya wrist and drag her away , Lucas stood still trying to register what just happen.

“D-did t-that g-girl just knock Candie out with one punch ” lucky stuttered .
” Fascinating” Rick grumble
” Incredibly crazy ” Alex said grinning .

” Candie baby open your eyes ”
“What did that insane girl do to my crush ”
” Am gonna ki|| her ”
” How dare her ” massive number of girls circle around Candie body and clearly they are all pissed .

Davina was leaning beside her black Range Rover Evoque with a pink bottle water in her hand , she smirk after enjoying the drama .
” Hahaha he’s never gonna change , handsome but brainless like a bird ” she mumble .

*** Belinda mansion***

“Ahhhhh who the f-__-k is this Ɓîtçh , how dare her hurt my baby ” Mildred scream after watching the of how Mara knock out Candie , the school website is flooded with the video and pictures .
Many students rain abuses at Mara while others find the whole thing funny .
Mildred and Belinda live together but the building belongs to Belinda .

“My problem is this girl ,she the rude Ɓîtçh I told you of” Belinda point at Maya and Mildred groan .
” Wait who hell do they think they are huh , first one was rude to you and this stupid Ɓîtçh dare humiliate my baby . This is unacceptable ” Mildred holler but Belinda rolled her eyes and pick up her phone .
” C’mon girl friend let’s party I feel so bored ” Belinda said and jump down from the sofa .
” More like you are in need of fresh Ďïčk to warm you up ” Mildred teased Belinda who chuckle .
” I won’t let Damon segz starve me hell no , c’mon babe let’s get ready to f-__-k some black dude ” she said and hurried towards the stairs with Mildred behind her .

***Maya and Mara bungalow***

” Okay Mom love you ,send my regards to my big brother “Maya said and end her call ,she exhale and glance around her room .
” Maya it’s time to eat ” Mara loud voice echoed and Maya sigh and wore her flip-flops , she exit her room.

” Noodle and bread ” Maya said staring at the plate
” Well that’s the only food in this house ” mara said and sat down in front of her own plate of noodles which is steaming hot .
” We need to find a job , at least to help provide food else we are gonna die of starvation ” Maya said and Mara nod
” I was already thinking of the same thing , so what kinda job do you think we should do ” Mara ask and push a spoon full of noodles into her mouth .
“Janitor , sales girl , waitress . Let’s just do anything that will help sustain us “Maya said .
” Oh ,what’s the time ” Mara ask and Maya glance at her wrist watch .
” 4: 20 pm ” Maya said and look up at Mara .
” Why don’t we tour around maybe we might find a suitable job for ourselves” Mara suggest .
” Great idea Mara , let’s get fast then ” Maya said and dig into her noodles ..

***Glass Villa ***

“Awe my head ” Candie woke up after an hour ,he massage his aching head which has white bandage wrapped around it .
“Welcome back to the world of the living” lucky giggled .
” I had a weird dream ” Candie grumble .
” What was the dream all about ” Alex ask smiling , Candie smile and look up at the ceiling.
“My dream was all about a girl who actually punch me unconscious , hahaha can you believe …”

” Dumb head it wasn’t a dream ” Rick spank Candie head and he howl out in pain .
“Rick are you insane ” he snap at Rick .
” You were knocked out by a girl ” Damon who is also present in the room said with arms folded .
“Wow mister cold finally said a word ,hahaha isn’t it wonderful ” Alex ask grinning ,Damon hiss . Damon wasn’t like this ,he was little bit cheerful .
Unlike Candie who is the team social butterfly Damon is the team hottie the one who could spin things up for them . But everything change over night , a visit at Belinda place changed Damon . It even got worst when Belinda stab a pencil into Davina left eye .

” I gat something important to do in my room ” Damon said and walk to the exit door .
“Damon ” lucky call and Damon pause and turn to him , Damon expected lucky to say something but instead he smile . Damon didn’t bother to smile back he just walk out and lucky sigh .
“He’s never gonna come back to us will he ” he ask and the room went into silence, Alex huff .
” Maybe or maybe not ” Alex mumble


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