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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 2?

” Wow I love it , now I see why everyone talk highly of you ” Mrs Lolita said while admiring her dress ,she glance at her reflection in the mirror and smile in satisfaction.
” Am happy you like it ma’am ” Maya said , she had a measuring tape wrapped around her neck and behind her is her old sewing machine .
” Oh my dear here your payment ” Mrs Lolita said and gave Maya few dollars notes .
“Thanks ma’am do well to patronize me again ” Maya said calmly and Mrs Lolita nodded and pack her cloth then she walk out ..Amaya sigh and look down the cash .
” This isn’t enough” she mumble , after she was done with her high school studies she ventured into fashion world after learning the sky of tailoring . Her parent used their last saving to rent her own tiny shop at CBD (central business district) area .

“Maya ..Maya ” a loud cheerful voice called and Maya sigh and turn , Mara rush in .
” What’s it Mara ” Maya said .
” I saw Mrs Lolita on my coming here , did she pay ,where’s the money , why don’t we go out on a date ” Mara said to Maya who rolled her eyes .
” C’mon mara you know I have alot of plans so I can’t just waste my money ” Maya said while arranging her working table , Mara click her tongue and glance around the shop . There were many cloths samples hanging on the wall , no doubt Maya is good in what she does and she’s also boring .
” Anyways I came to inform you that the fashion festival has already started ” Mara said and Maya gasp and turn to her .
“What I thought it was gonna start by 6pm ” Maya said .
” Stupid , check you time ” Mara snap and Maya quickly pick it her small phone and she gasp and quickly look outside only see that the sky was already dark.
” Oh no I can’t miss that , c’mon Mara ” Maya said and quickly lock her shop and they both rush home .
The fashion festival is a world wide fashion showcase which is held every 4 years and for the past 10 years El Rosa has always won .

After running for almost 20 minutes they both rush into Amaya small house which is built with bamboo and cement.

“Good evening mom ” Maya said and kiss Mrs Jenny cheek .
” I thought you won’t show up, the show is already at it’s peak ” Jenny said smiling .
” Oh no ” Maya scream and rush in to seating room where she met her dad watching the show in their old LG hot tube TV .

“Good evening dad ,who is leading ” she ask and sat on the floor since there weren’t enough seats .
” Oh Maya don’t tell me you ran all the way here just to watch this show “Mr Miki said smiling .
” Don’t blame me dad , am sure El Rosa house will still win this year festival” Maya said staring passionately at the TV screen .
models could be parading with different kind of design cloths . Maya smile unconsciously as she stared at the cloths taking notes or their design and also she could also out line few flaws .

” She’s really into this fashion thing ” Mrs Jenny said while staring at Maya from behind , Mara chuckle .
” You can say that again , she doesn’t miss watching this show every 4 years. She has improve greatly in her sewing ski|| “Mara said and Mrs Jenny smile sadly .
” I wish we had enough to help her achieve all of her dreams ” Mrs Jenny thought .

” Mara what are you doing over there huh ” Maya yelled and Mara chuckle and came up to Maya and she also sat on the floor .

Unlike Maya who was admiring cloths Mara was busy admiring the handsome models on stage .
” And for the final results , we have just 3 winners ” the mc announce and Maya gasp and position herself well .
” El Rosa house owns ” Mr Miki said
” I don’t think so dad , Tiena Lopez fashion world might wine . “Maya said .
” How sure are you ” Mara ask .
” Base on their designs it seems Tiena Lopez dresses were made from incredible material with good texture and designs ” Maya said and Mara shrug and look away not like she care .

Tiena fashion world is a huge fashion company and have been rivals to El Rosa elite house of fashion .

” The third position goes to Nora West from gold stone fashion house ,second place goes to Belinda El Rosa from El Rosa elite house of fashion and first position goes to Austin Smith from Tiena fashion world ” the mc announce and they was a loud cheer.
“I told you guys ” Maya said grinning and Mr Miki wink at her .

❤️Fashion festival venue ❤️

The huge hall was crowded with fans who cheer non stop .
” Wow it’s a miracle that El Rosa decided to step down for the past 10 years ” the mc said laughing .
Belinda stump down from the stage with out collecting her prize , she grit her teeth furiously .
” I can’t believe am second place ahhh , f-__-k does bastard this is cheating . Am sure Mrs Tiena bribed those judging ” she grumble .
” Belinda are you okay ” her best friend Mildred ask .
” Do I look okay to you huh , this is frustrating why should I take second place ” Belinda half yell and Mildred scoff and flip her hair backwards.
“Oh c’mon babe why are you so worked up about that $h|t , you have rock this festival since you were 15 . You have even won bigger awards than this ” Mildred said and Belinda sigh seeing reasons why she shouldn’t be angry .
” Oh my God Damon looks so handsome ”
“Where is he , why didn’t he participate in this year festival .”
” If Damon had participate then Austin won’t have won ” murmuring filled the air and Belinda turn towards the direction of Damon who is dressed in a red tuxedo and his black jet hair was curled into jelly .

“d@mn he looks so heavenly like always ” Belinda thought while staring lustfully at him .
Damon look up and his gaze locked with Belinda who wink and blow a kiss at him , he scoff and look down at his phone .

“He’s ignoring me ” Belinda spat .
“Hahaha you should get use to that by now , where is Candie ” Mildred said and Belinda rolled her eyes .
“Why are you look for that man wh-_-re ” Belinda grumble ..

Damon got up from his seat and walk out ignoring the eyes staring at him and whispers .
” Candie where are you ” he mumble to himself , he walk into the restroom hall .

“Oh yes babe , am all yours . Ahhhhh f-__-k me like a Ɓîtçh ” Mõ@ɲ echoed out of a particular toilet and no doubt Damon knew it was Candie hand work . He walked close to the door and knock .

“Who the f-__-k is it can’t you see this…”
” Shut the f-__-k up and get outta here Candie ” Damon cut in and a loud groan was heard .
“Whose that mother f-__-ker ,don’t tell me you’re stopping . I haven’t even Com yet and…”
” Get lost Ɓîtçh ” Candie voice was heard and shortly the door was unlocked and he walked out grinning from ear to ear .
“Hey bro ” he said but Damon scoff .
“Am done here let’s go ” Damon said and walk ahead .
” But am not done yet i…” Candie was saying when Damon slam the door shut .
“Geez he’s such an @$$h0le , hey wait up ” Candie scream and rush out too .

?? Glass Villa??

Glass Villa a mansion found at the top of a mountain close to the city , the Villa is owned by Damon and his friends but originally it’s own by Alex .

Damon and Candie walked into the mansion and candy won’t stop talking about girls and their huge @zz .
“You guys are back ” Alex said climbing down from the stair .
“I heard we took second place in the festival” he said and now standing in front of them , Damon walk away and hurriedly climb the stairs with out saying a word .
” Hey @$$h0le am talking to you ” Alex scream at Damon but the loud door slam was heard .
” That handsome bastard ” Alex scream and Candie giggled and shove his hand into his pocket .
” You should let him be , so what did you guys cook. Am really hungry ” Candie yawn .
” Why won’t you be hungry when you burn all of your energy on girls Pů$$¥ ” someone said and Candie scoff and walk close to the couch .
A handsome dark skin dreadlock guy was lying on the couch with eyes close .
” Rick I thought you were out on a date ” Candie ask
” He slept all through the date , hahaha ” Alex said and Candie scoff . Rick has sleeping default , he sleeps all the time . It’s hard to see Rick full awake he sleep even while eating ,bathing and even in class . Because of his weird condition he’s not allowed to drive .

” How can you sleep on a date are you mentally high ” Candie snap .
” Maybe, maybe not ..” Rick railed and soon he was fast asleep
“Hey Rick wake up am talking to you ,hey ” candy scream
” Stop yelling idiot he’s already asleep ” Alex snap and candy glare at Rick .
” Where is lucky ” candy ask and Alex point up.
” In his room” Rick mumble in his sleep .
” This guy is super weird ,he can even hear us in his dream . I will be in my room “candy said and walk away ..


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