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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON’S BRIDE – Episode 43

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( I Fell Into Your Charms… )


By; Succie Brown.




Cheng kept smiling as he went back to the room given to him in the palace. His stabbed tommy was slowly healing, thanks to the medicine herb soup he always drinks.

“Someone looks so happy today” Waylon said, approaching him with a smile, while Cheng looked at Waylon and smiled lightly.

“What is making you smile?” Waylon asked.

“I just made Tiana mad the more” Cheng answers Waylon question with a smile on his face.

“You mean Tatiana? But I thought you don’t remember her?” Waylon asked.

“I lied about not knowing who she was, but I couldn’t do it” Cheng said.

“Wow you really know how to fake a pretence, I can’t believe I was worried for nothing” Waylon said, and Cheng smiles.

“How did she take it?”

“She was really mad at me, and is unwilling to forgive me, but with wh@ťěver I did, she is going to come around” Cheng said with that charming smile of his.

“What did you do?” Waylon asked.

“Something funny and annoying at the same time. But don’t worry, I already release her” Cheng said.

“You are something else Cheng” Waylon said.

“Where are you going?” Cheng asked.

“My mother invited me over to her chamber to have tea with her. Do you want to come with me?” Waylon asked, and Cheng looked at him.



Queen Vanya had a happy smile on her face as she poured oolong tea for both Cheng and Waylon.

“I’m so happy to be doing this for you after so many years Cheng” Queen Vanya said, and Cheng gave out a light smile.

“How is your wound?” She asked.

“I’m recovering really fast mother” Cheng said.

“I am so happy you are still considering me as your mother” Queen Vanya said smiling.

“You were the only one who disapprove of I being banned from the palace, I can never forget your generosity, of not supporting that I was indeed a cursed child” Cheng said.

“Here he goes again, making feel guilty for neglecting him” Waylon said.

“I said that on purpose so you will feel guilty the more. You were the last person I expected to turn his back on me”

“Fine. I’m going to forever be guilty for neglecting you”

“Yes you should” Cheng said.

“But I promise to make it up to you” Waylon said, caressing his hair, but Cheng jerked his hand off.

“Stop doing that, I am not the 13 years old Cheng anymore”

Waylon sn_gg@ed and said. “Just because you grew up to be tall with a broad chest, doesn’t mean you are no longer a kid. Come to think of it, I’m five years older than you” Waylon said.

“Should I turn you into a cup, so you won’t have to run your mouth anymore?” Cheng asked. Waylon said nothing, and gulped his oolong tea, and Cheng smiled. He literally didn’t mean what he said.

“I am so happy that you both are getting along like how you both were ten years ago” Queen Vanya said smiling, while Waylon and Cheng looked at each other.

“So have you made your decision to finally stay here in the palace?” Queen Vanya asked.

Cheng takes in his lips, while Waylon was eagerly waiting for his reply.

“I have come to a final decision that I will stay here in the palace” Cheng said.

“Really Cheng? You will stay here in the palace?” Waylon asked smiling.

“Yes I will, that way we can both work together, to find the witch that possessed me with the power of a demon, it’s time to live like a normal human being again” Cheng said.

“You have made a very good decision Cheng, and don’t worry, I will also help out too” Queen Vanya said.

“Thanks a lot mother” Cheng said with a bright smile on his face.



As the Banhu and Qin was being played in a special room inside the brothel, Thiago is seen sitted with Five courtesans. Two courtesans were pouring liquor on his cup, while the rest of the three, were busy massaging his shoulders.

He has a satisfactory smile on his face, as he looked at three courtesans who were busy dancing to the soft beating of the Banhu and Qin, with their hand-fans doing justice to the dance they were performing.

Thiago was still enjoying the pleasure he was receiving from the courtesans, while Supriya barged inside the room, and Thiago sprang up on seeing Supriya.

“Supriya” He called her name, but Supriya landed a slap on his face, and the courtesans gasps, shocked to see what has happened.

“Did you just slap me?” He asked in rage if ire.

“Yes I did. I thought you said you were never come to the brothel again, so why are you here!!” Supriya shouts at Thiago.

“Even if I broke my promise to you, you have no right to slap me, have you forgotten who I am!!” Thiago yells back at her.

Supriya sn_gg@ and said.

“Really? Who you are? Does this courtesans know that you are the first Prince of Maelstrom!!” Supriya shouted at him with so much anger boiling inside of her.

“Shut up Supriya” Thiago said, feeling so embarrassed and already more courtesans were entering the room, due to their loud voices.

“I won’t shut up Thiago. Listen everyone, this shameless man here is the first prince of Maelstrom, who is betrothed to me, and yet he comes to the brothel”

? Really? He’s a prince?

? A prince in a brothel, and also a regular

? Why will a prince come to the brothel?

? Is so shameful for a prince to cheat on his betrothed

The courtesans murmurs to one another, looking at Thiago.

“All of you just shut up!!!” Thiago shouted at them, feeling so embarrassed. He looked at Supriya and she smirked at him, which meant she disclosed his identity on purpose.



Cheng walked around his room, that he left ten years ago. Everything was still the same, not even a single pin left the room, but there were dust everywhere.

Cheng looked at the dust in his hand and sighs.

“Don’t worry Cheng, it’s going to be cleaned up in no time” Waylon said entering the room.

“You all must have been happy living well without me” He said.

“Sorry about that Cheng” Waylon said feeling guilty.

“What should I have expect from a family who abandoned me years ago”.

“I’m sorry Cheng. I am really sorry about everything that has happened, I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive us, most especially I who promised to always be there for you, but failed in that aspect.. I am so sorry” Waylon apologize sincerely.

Cheng looks at him and smiled. “Enough with the apologies, I won’t be here talking to you, if I still hold a grudge against you”.

Waylon smiled.

“And I am sorry too Waylon” Cheng apologize, making Waylon furrowed his brows.

“Sorry for what Cheng?” He asked.

“For how I treated you the first day we met after ten years. I shouldn’t have disrespected you like that, I was just so angry that Tatiana was almost ki||ed and you did nothing” Cheng said.

“Believe me when I say this Cheng, I tried to help her, but I failed to, because I didn’t have the powers of a demon like you do” Waylon said, and Cheng smiles.

“Have you told her you love her?” Waylon asked.

“Is that necessary?” Cheng asked in return.

“Wait, you haven’t for once told Tatiana that you love her?” Waylon asked looking surprised.

“No I haven’t. But it doesn’t matter right, she already knows I love her so much, more than life itself” Cheng said.

“Yes she knows, but she might have been waiting for you to tell her those three magical words”

“But she hasn’t complained yet about me not confessing my love for her” Cheng said.

“Of course she won’t let it known to you, because it’s not allowed in Maelstrom. How can you love a beautiful maiden like Tatiana, and don’t tell her how you feel?”

“I thought it wasn’t necessary, since we can feel each other’s heartbeats”.

“I understand that you grew up away from people, but let me tell you this Cheng, what makes a relationship stronger, is when feelings are being confessed” Waylon said.

“Really?” Cheng asked.

“Yes. If you don’t confess your feelings for her, I might just make her mine” Waylon said, and Cheng glared at him.

“Do you want to go numb?” He asked with a serious look on his face, and Waylon laughs.

“Relax Cheng, I was just joking. Can you see the expression on your face, it’s good to ki||. I have no plans on taking Tatiana from you, because I know she won’t agree to be with me, even I make her the queen of the universe. She is all yours” Waylon said, and what he said made Cheng smile.

“How do you confess your feelings to the woman you love so much?” Cheng asked.

“Do you want me to help you?” Waylon asked, and Cheng nodded his head.

“Okay, your big brother is here to lecture you on how you can confess to a lady”

“Must you add the big in the brother?” Cheng asked with a frown.

“Wow, you have really grow a lot of wings, back then you used to be happy calling me big brother”.

“I rather than a rat big brother than call you that” Cheng said.

“Do you still want lessons on how to confess to a lady?”

“Yes big brother” Cheng said sharply and Waylon laughs.


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