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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE DEMON’S BRIDE – Episode 18

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“So is true, Cheng is actually a Demon” Supriya said.

She has fainted last night when Cheng transformed into a demon. Although she has heard Thiago and Queen Anjali saying Cheng is a demon with dark magic, but she didn’t believe it, until last night.

“Yes he is. You saw it yourself, right? Thiago asked.

“Yes I did. Where is he now?” She asked.

“He’s back in his cottage and is forever forbidden from entering the main palace” Thiago said.

“How I wish the king will just ki|| him” Queen Anjali said, entering the room.

“You want him dead?” Thiago asked.

“Yes I do. He does nothing but cause havoc here in the palace” Queen Anjali said.

“You’re not the one who possessed him with the power of a demon, right?” Thiago asked.

“And why will you think I did?” Queen Anjali asked in return.

“I just want to know. Cheng was normal when he came to the palace but all of a sudden he transformed into a demon, and somehow I am beginning to believe he’s possessed with the power of a demon”.

“Are you suspecting me to be responsible?” Queen Anjali asked.

“No I’m not. And I clearly don’t care about Cheng, but what I care about is you having a hand in what happened to him” Thiago said.

“I don’t have a hand in what happened to Cheng, Thiago” Queen Anjali said.

“If you say so” Thiago said and walks away.

“I’ll come with you” Supriya said going after him.

“How dare he suspect me?” Queen Anjali asked herself, clenching her fingers.


Jai sighs as he flipped through the pages of the book about Maelstrom, he was in his study room.

“It would have be more fun if I went outside the palace” He muttered.

“Are you bored?” Waylon asked entering the study room, Jai looks at him and smiles. Waylon ruffled his hair and sits beside him.

“I heard a scholar from succie kingdom will be your tutor, is he not here yet?” Waylon asked.

“I’m waiting for him. But brother is so bored here in the palace. I’m the only kid here, why can’t I go outside the palace and make friends that are of the same age with me? Jia asked.

“That because you’re a prince. And the Royal family can’t be friends with just anyone” Waylon said caressing his hair.

“That means Prince Cheng is alone. I heard from the maids that he was only 13 years old when he turned into a demon and father banned him from coming near the main palace” Jai said.

“Yeah that’s true”.

“He was so scary last night brother, but I kind of feel sorry for him. What was he like when he wasn’t yet a demon” Jia asked.

“He was the most handsome prince among us and still the most handsome one now. Before Cheng turned into a demon we were always together, he had this charming smile that one can’t resist. He was calm, friendly and had a heart of gold. The Cheng I knew back then won’t hurt anyone, but he’s no more the Cheng I knew”.

“Do you miss him?” Jai asked.

“Yes I do. I miss the old Cheng so much. If not that’s he’s a demon, he’ll have been the best brother to you” Waylon said and smiles sadly.



“How can you kick I and my servants out of this house when I already paid for it?” Marcellus asked

“Because is my house and I never received a dime from you. How dare a mad man like you take over my house just because I was away for some days?” The man asked.

“Mad man? Hey!! Do you know you’re talking to? I’m a scholar from succie kingdom and the son of a noble family. I’m famous for knowing how to read the stars, that’s why I’m here to be a tutor to the youngest prince of Maelstrom” Marcellus said.

“Well you’re all of that in your kingdom and not here. Vacate from this place before I report you to the cheif judge of Maelstrom”.

“But I paid 65 coins for this house, how can I possibly leave?” Marcellus asked.

“And who exactly did you pay to?” The Man asked.

“A maiden. She was very skinny. I approach her saying I’m new in Maelstrom and needed a place to stay. Then she said she knows a place I could rent. I gave her 65 coins for this house and extra 5 coins for her kindness” Marcellus said.

“What the poor breeds of Maelstrom knows how to do best is to scam foreigners. And I think whoever that maiden is, has scammed you. So vacate from my house now” The man said.

“Are you sure this house is yours?” Marcellus could remember asking Swati.

“Yes is mine. It’s belong to my late father. It’s one of his property” Swati replied him.

Marcellus crimps his fist angrily, and the worst part of it is that he don’t know her name.

“I’m going to ki|| you!!!” He yells with so much indignation.


In the busy side of Maelstrom, Swati is seen eating a full cooked chicken and using liquor to support it.

“Are you sure you didn’t steal from someone” The lady who owns the open eatery asked, dropping another bowl of full chicken for Swati, since she ordered for it.

“And why do you think I stole from someone?” Swati asked.

“Because before you just order for chicken feet and water and now you’re ordering for a full cooked chicken. Where did you get the money? From what I know, you’re just an orphan who gets transfer from one master to another” The Lady said.

“I didn’t steal from anyone. So mind your business or I’m going to pour this chicken soup on your face” Swati said with all seriousness.

The lady scoffs and leaves. Swati smiles and dragged the bowl of full chicken close to herself. “Sorry Mr. scholar for playing with your head, but I already used the money to pay up my debt and I’m using the rest of it, to eat. But since you’re rich you can easily afford a new place” Swati said and continues eating.

Then her eyes met with some people looking at something that was pasted on the wall.

? Can’t believe the king is harbouring a demon

? Of course he has to, he’s the third prince of Maelstrom

? Now I believe that demons and dark magic coexist

? What will happen to us?

Swati being curious to know what they were talking about, went to see what was pasted on the wall and her eyes widened when she read the content.

“Prince Cheng is a demon?” She muttered.


“I’m saying the truth, I have a friend who works inside the palace, I just want to see if she’s okay” Swati said trying to enter the palace, but she was pushed away by the bodyguards standing by the gate.

“Try to force your way in again and you will be charged for trespassing” One of them said.

“You all are so mean!!!” She shouted at him. She turns to leave and bumped into Marcellus who was about entering the palace.

Their eyes widened when they saw each other. “Is you!!” Marcellus shouted pointing a finger at her. Swati kicked his knee and quickly took to her heels.

“Hey! Hey!! Come back here! Hey!!!” Marcellus shouted going after her.



“Why’re you here?” Cheng asked Tatiana when she came to the cottage.

“I came to see you Cheng” She answers.

“You came to see me even after I almost ki||ed you?” Cheng asked.

“Is not your fault Cheng. Don’t nitpick yourself for it. The demon and the person controlling you are the ones to blame not you Cheng” Tatiana said.

“But still, I am the one who ends up doing the damage. I don’t want to hurt you Tiana. So don’t ever come here again” Cheng said.

“You’re joking, right?” Tatiana asked as tears falls down her eyes.

“No I’m not. You were only lucky that I was able to control myself from ki||ing you. But I doubt it’s going to work next time, so don’t ever come here again Tiana. Let’s forget about each other” Cheng said and enters the cottage locking it.

“Cheng, is not your fault that you almost ki||ed me, please open the door Cheng. No matter what you become, I won’t be afraid of you, open the door Cheng, please” Tatiana said with a crying voice knocking on the door.

And when no reply came from Cheng, with a broken heart she turns to leave, but Cheng hugs her from behind, wrapping his hands around her shoulders.

“Don’t go, please. I’ll be lonely without you” He said and painful tears falls down from his eyes.



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