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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( I Fell Into Your Charms… )


By; Succie Brown.



“What!!! Are you crazy?” Swati asked when Tatiana told her about going for the maid’s testing at the palace.

“No I’m not. I have made up my mind to work in the palace” Tatiana said determinedly.

“And what’s your reason for going to the palace Tatiana? You won’t be free to walk around Maelstrom the moment you step your feet in the palace. You will dedicate your entire life to the Royal family, Is that what you want Tatiana? Why not just get married to one of those rich men from Noble families and become a half breed instead of a poor breed. You’re so beautiful Tatiana and men won’t hesitate to get married to you at the sight of your beauty” Swati said.

“I’m not interested in getting married to any of those men” Tatiana said.

“And why not Tatiana? What’s stopping you from marrying a rich Noble man? If I had the opportunity like you do, I’d have stopped working as a servant for Noble families”.

“There’s someone I want to see again and inorder to see him, I must go to the palace” Tatiana said.

“Who exactly is this person you keep talking about for over ten years Tatiana?” Swati asked.

“Is someone special to me and this heart of mine won’t stop hurting still I see him again” Tatiana said.

“So he lives in the palace? As what? A bodyguard?” Swati asked.

“He’s the third prince of Maelstrom” Tatiana said and Swati screamed in a loud voice, Tatiana had to cover her mouth to prevent her from shouting further.

“Promise me you won’t shout once I take my hand from your mouth” Tatiana said and Swati nods rolling her sideways.

Tatiana release her hand from Swati and Swati had to take a deep breath in and out before speaking.

“You’re going to the palace just to see the third prince of Maelstrom”.

“This is the reason why I didn’t tell you about his identify for over ten years. Cheng and I met ten years ago when we were still kids, though our meeting was short, but it meant so much to me. I want to go to the palace because I have lots of questions to ask him, like why he didn’t show up like he promised he would and why he took our short friendship for granted” Tatiana said.

“And you think you’re going to get the answers to your questions if you go to the palace?”.

“That’s the only way for me to know what happened to him. For a decade now, news involving the palace has never circulated around Maelstrom and that’s why I have to go to the palace to find out what happened to him”.

“Have you told your Aunt about it?” Swati asked.

“After I run away from my fourth marriage, she doesn’t care about what I do with my life” Tatiana said.

“Are you sure about this?” Swati asked.

“Yes I am. I just need your support”.

“You’re my best friend Tatiana, so anything that makes you happy I’m always going to support you” Swati said and Tatiana smiles.

“Thank you Swati” She said.

“But is going to be difficult passing the tests for being a maid in the palace”.

“What should I do?” Tatiana asked.

“I know of someone who can help you, but he’s your worst enemy”.



“Huh!! Mali!!!” Tatiana exclaims with eyes wide opened.


Mali laughs so hard after Tatiana tells him she needed his help. Tatiana felt like kicking his balls, but she just maintained since she needed his help.

“I’m being serious here Mali” She said.

“Really? Who would have thought that you’d ask for my help. I haven’t forgotten what you and that little boy did to me years ago. He threw a heavy stone at me and you used a stick on me”.

“That’s in the past. We’re all grown up and matured now. We shouldn’t be thinking about what transpired between us when we were younger” Tatiana said.

“Why exactly do you want to go to the palace?” He asked caressing his dirty mustache. Is not surprising that he grew up to be every ugly. But he sure knows a lot about Maelstrom because he walks about since he’s jobless. But nevertheless, he doesn’t know anything about Cheng, since no one in the palace talks about him.

“Is something I don’t want to talk about” She said.

“Fine. I’m going to tell you how to pass the maid’s test at the palace, but in exchange for that, you’re going to give me 50 coins”.

“50 coins? That’s way too much, how about I give you 10 coins” Tatiana said.

“You’re not serious” Mali said and tries to leave but Tatiana held me.

“15 coins and also a bowl of cooked chicken wings” She said.

“Really?” Mali ask and Tatiana nods.

“Then we have a deal” Mali said showing off his brownish teeth that looks so irritating and makes you wanna puke at the slightest sight of it.



“How did you know about Cheng being a demon?” King Osvaldo asked the ministers of Maelstrom when they told him about Cheng being a demon.

“Have you forgotten your first queen happens to be my sister? She told me everything and she said you’re planning on making a boy who is possessed with dark magic become king of Maelstrom” Queen Anjali’s brother, Akim said.

“That’s not true Akim” King Osvaldo said.

“Then why did you hide the fact that he’s possessed with a demon for good 10 years. If not for Queen Anjali we won’t have find out that Cheng is a demon. He was responsible for the death of some maids and bodyguards years ago, but you covered up your son’s sin” Another said.

“I’m not trying to cover up for him” King Osvaldo said.

“Then why didn’t you exile from Maelstrom, instead of keeping him in a cottage in the faraway side of the palace?” Another minister asked.

“Maybe you have forgotten Cheng is still a prince. He might be a demon now, but he’s still my son. I can’t just tell him to leave Maelstrom. And he hasn’t try to harm anyone for the past ten years. He’s alone in the cottage isn’t that enough punishment for him?” King Osvaldo asked.

“Dark magic isn’t something to joke with your Majesty. He’s possessed and the more he grows, the more wild and dangerous he’ll become. If you don’t want the news about your son being a demon to spread around Maelstrom, exile him from the kingdom” Akim said.

“Exile him from Maelstrom, your majesty” The rest of the ministers chorus at the same time bowing their heads.

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