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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)


By,Ella N.







“I will wear protective lab coats,and goggles before going close to her,I can’t explain to people why I got acid burns” Dalton said funnily,and they laughed.

“But seriously,dude. How the hell did she find this place?” Derek asked.

“How should I know? It’s just so frustrating. You needed to see the way she was talking to me. A whole Dexter” He sighed heavily.

“And you can’t do anything to her.

“A fallen warrior,what a pity” Dalton jibed, and Derek laughed.

“Dude,enough please. I think he’s got enough of the mockery” Derek jibed too, and they both laughed loud.

“Can you two be serious for once? You should go back to your office, or I fire you both.

“Huh?” They said at the same time,looking at each other.

“You think I can’t fire you both? What makes you think I can’t fire you?” He asked, and they both chuckled.

“You can fire us but cannot fire Annika. What a shame”Derek mocked,and Dalton laughed.

“What’s the name she calls him again?”Derek asked.

“Disaster”Dalton replied,sharply.

“Perfect. What a Disaster”Derek said,and they both laughed.

Dexter got angry,and got off his sit,grabbing them on their pants like criminals.

“I think I’ve had enough of your nonsenses” He said,as held their pants tighter,dragging them both out of his office.

“Dude,this is friendship harassment”Dalton said,trying to remove Dexter’s hand off his pants,but it was impossible.

“Shut up,and follow me” Dexter shot.

Dalton and Derek kept laughing like two crazy people,until Dexter got to the entrance door.

He let go of Derek,and used that hand to open the door forcefully,pushing them out like cops pushing criminals into a prison cell.

“We love you”They laughed,and said.

But Dexter loudly shut the door at their faces,as they said,and tried to get in again.

“How the hell did I end up being friends with those two jerks?”He flared,and plonked down on his sit.

“d@mn! Haven’t called Ryan to know if the buyers are still coming,all because of those jerks called my friends” He hissed,as he ruffles his hair.

Ryan is actually the Company’s Marketing Information Manager.
And they are expecting new biggest buyers tomorrow.

The buyers have never been to his company,nor bought any wine from him before,it’s their first time and he’s kind of scared.

He picked up the telephone and dialed Ryan right away.

“Good afternoon,boss” Ryan answered from the other end.

“Have you confirmed if the buyers are still coming?” He rudely ignored Ryan’s greetings,and asked.

“Yes,boss. I just did that before your call came in” He answered,simply.

“Oh,Good” He mouthed,and hung up immediately.


“Migosh,this is more stressing than I thought” Annika sighed,tiredly.

She’s been working all day.

It’s her first day of work yet,the work is choking.

But being a hardworking girl,she’s doing perfectly well.

“I miss my baby” She said,and took her phone from her table.

She unlocked it,her wallpaper displayed immediately,and the wallpaper is Anni.

“I miss you”She smiled and kissed her phone’s screen.

“Silly dog,always being naughty” She later said,and chuckled.

“I need to round this up before closing” She said,as she began arranging the documents and files in the right order.

She then turned to the computer,typed in more words for a while before clicking submit.

“Done,phew!” She sighed. A thought suddenly ran through her mind,and of course it’s about Dexter.

“That jerk! I can’t believe he owns this company,and I’m actually working for him.

~ Do you realize I own this company ~

“Such a proud jerk.
I wonder where his two crazy friends are”She laughed shortly.

She woke the computer up,then clicked on shut down.

The computer shut down instantly.


Dexter just rounded up for the day too.

He took his personal phone from his desk and dialed Ian. He picked up within the first.

“Come pick me up now. I h@ťě waiting,so don’t keep me waiting”He said coldly.

“I’m already downstairs waiting for you,sir” Ian genially said.

“Great” He said, picked up his laptop, phones and his box,and heads out.

As he got out,Annika also just got out of her own office.

Due to how Dexter was rushing, he bumped into her,absentmindedly,and the things she held fell off her hands.

“Jerk, watch it! If you need glasses, I will buy loads of them for you.” She shouted immediately.

“No,you watch it,and mind the way you talk to me,I am your boss” Dexter shouted back,menacingly.

“Boss my foot! In case you don’t know, I am also a boss to my dog” Annika said,funnily and rolled eyes.

Workers around bursted out laughing at the being a boss to a dog,but they went mute immediately Dexter glared at them.

They began murmuring among themselves.

? Jeez! Who is she?

? Did you just hear what she said to our boss?

? I heard she’s the new Secretary, and she’s trouble in disguise.

? He’s so gonna fire her.

? You wish. He tried firing her this morning, but she refused to leave.

? Arrogance has finally met madness.

? Where do you all get this gists from?

? From the main plug,our information carrier.

The last guy said, and they bursted out laughing again.

“Get out, all of you! Or I fire you this instance” Dexter thundered aloud,and they all hurtled away.

He then faced Annika again.

“Watch your mouth,Annika Wrong. I deserve some respect as your boss” He said,agitatedly.

“Yes,sir. I’m very sorry” She said, and genuflected,shocking Dexter again,the second time.

But this time,she left without saying anything else.

Dexter’s eyes were fixed on her,like he’s been hypnotized. He looked at her until she went out of sight.

“Wait,did she…. Weirdo” He hissed, and left too.

“Take me to my father’s” He said,immediately he got to the car.

“Yes,sir” Ian bowed, as he closes the door.

While in the car,he kept thinking about Annika, her madness and disrespectful attitude.

She just disrespected him in the presence of his workers,then later apologized,just like that.

“Weird daughter of Jezebel” He mumbled and hissed.


The car halted right in front of the gate to his father’s house.

It was opened, immediately after he called one of the guards.

Ian then drove in,carefully, and parked at the garage.

Dexter handsomely and arrogantly got out of the car,after Ian had opened it for him.

?Good evening, sir.

? Been a while I saw him.

? He looks more handsome and even hotter now.

? My spec,gosh!

? Mr cleanliness.

Some of the workers and maids talked, but he ignored them and their greetings, and went in.

“Big brother, sweetest brother in the whole world” Verity excitedly said,going to hug him.

Verity is actually his younger sister.

“What do you want?” He asked coldly.

“Is it now a crime to be happy to see your brother?” Verity rolled eyes.

“You’re only this sweet when you want something” Dexter said.

“I only missed my sweet brother, and I’m happy to see you,that’s all” Verity smiled.

“Humph, okay. Then out of my way” Dexter said.

“Big brother,wait!” She said,sharply and Dexter stopped on his track instantly.

“Yes….?” He turned.

“Umm,it’s not like I love to….disturb,umm…just that.

“There’s this designers shoes I saw,and I love them madly” Verity smiled.

“I just knew it,I knew you wanted something” Dexter chuckled.

“Um,are you giving me the money or not” She raised her shoulders.

“Is that a question or a thr_@t” Dexter asked.

“All of the above” She smirked,and Dexter rolled eyes.

“You have money,so use it” He rasped.

“I don’t, Dexter. Dad ceased my credit card” She pouted.

“Because you spend the money unnecessarily” He replied.

“Like spending on girls is not unnecessary” Verity mumbled.

“What did you say” He asked.

“Nothing” She raised her hands in surrender.

“Please,give me some money” She begged.

“Of course I’m giving you the money,cos I’m not ready to die yet” He rolled eyes.

He brought out one of his credit cards and handed it over to her.

“Finish my money,and lose all your clothes and shoes” He thr_@tened, and she giggled.

“I won’t finish it,big brother.
You’re the best big brother in the…

“Stop faking it,or I collect my card back” He said, Verity vamoosed immediately,and he laughed.


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