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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Enchanted Hearts… )

By, Ricky Gold



Immediately Angelo slumped on the ground, Avery left the bed and start crying with tears all over her face.

She actually told the doctor to tell him that she lost her memories and she want to see his reaction.

“Please wake up Angelo. I’m sorry”she cried as then the doctor came in and rushed to him.””

“What happened”the doctor asked””

“He fainted because I refused to recognize him, I don’t anything bad to happen to him. “Avery cried as the doctor sighed and put a call across two male interns who took Angelo to another ward.

“You have to stop crying, I assure you that he will be alright”he said and walked out of the ward””

“I’m sorry Angelo, it was not really my mins doing this but I have no other choice that’s the only way you can be alive”Avery muttered as she remembered her first encounter wifh Mr Wilson”


Avery was at her office typing something in her laptop after which she stood up and made to walk to the other room to begin the preparation of the clothes for the award show coming up.

But a knock sounded at her door and she stopped on her tracks and sighed before glancing at the door.

“Who’s that”she asked”come in”

Her secretary came in with a man who looks strange to her.

“I’m sorry boss, I want to sent him out for not having appointment with you but he insisted on coming to see you. That’s why I took him here””the secretary replied”

“Okay, you can go”she said and her secretary walked out of the office as Mr Wilson smiled before sitting in the chair.””

“Who are you mister and what are you doing here””she asked as Mr Wilson smirked”

“I can see that you are finally getting closer to my son “Mr Wilson said as Avery raised her brows

“Who is your son””Avery asked confusedly”

“Angelo”Mr Wilson said as Avery stared at him.

“So and how does that relates with me”she asked crossing her hand over her Břě@šť.””

“I want you to stay away from him or else I will ki|| you”Mr Wilson thr_@tened””

“How can barge into my office and began to thr_@ten me, get out of my office before I call the cops on you”Avery fired as Mr Wilson glared at her before walking out of his office.””

“What the hell is that, could it be his father. Why would he wants me to stay awake from his son”many questions ran through her mind “”


“I did that to protect you, I’m sorry”she cried””

Brad was moving the wheelchair by himself as he was receiving the fresh air in the garden.

He sighted Vivian who was seem like talking to herself.

“Gosh,I can’t believe that it’s him. He looks so innocent”she muttered””

“Is she perhaps running mad, why is she talking to herself”he muttered and moved the wheelchair towards where she’s “”

“Hey”Brad shouted as Vivian flinched In fear and made to fall but Brad grabbed her from the waist as she fell on top of him.

Their face was few space from each other as Vivian swallowed her saliva the moment his breath was fanning on her

“Are you okay”he asked as Vivian continue staring at him””

“Why haven’t I noticed him all this while, gosh I must be stupid to be obsessed with Richmond”Vivian thought “”

“Come back to your sense”Brad screamed as Vivian realised herself and got out of his body.””

“You look so ugly, don’t think of falling for me because you are not my type”Brad scoffed””

“What do you mean, that I’m in love with you. Sorry to burst your brain, you look like one of these mad men on the road picking dirties”Vivian fired as he gasped.””

“What, how dare you”he yelled but the unexpected happen, Vivian crashed her lips on his as he was in shocked. Later he wrapped his hands around her waist kissing her back “”

Vivian bit on his lips as Brad pulled out.

“Gosh, how can you bit me when I’m enjoying the kiss”he said as Vivian laughed

“That’s for insulting me, bye”Vivian replied and rushed off.”

“The kiss looks cool, I think she’s changing. That’s nice”Brad muttered”

Everyone submitted their projects work as the professor took the books and left the class as then Vivian stood up and glared at Xavier secretly.

Hello guys, I’m having a party in my house and all of you are invited”Vivian said as everyone screamed.”

? Sure! I can’t wait

? The party will be a banger

Karina, Jocelyn and Vanessa packed up their books as that was the end of the lecture for them.

“Gosh, everywhere Is becoming boring without Marissa”Vanessa muttered””

“I miss her too”Karina replied””

“She’s sad about my brother breaking up with her, it hurts so much”Jocelyn said. They became close friends with Vanessa for not less than two days.

Vanessa saw Alec and hastened her steps as Alec ran after her.

“What’s going between two of them”Karina replied

“I don’t know, I have to see my babe”Jocelyn replied as they parted ways.”

Alec grabbed Vanessa hand as she turned and landed a slap on his face.

“Can you stop disturbing my peace”Vanessa yelled.”

“I can’t stop disturbing you when I’m crazily in love with you, I love you please. Can we just forget about the deal and give me a chance”Alec stated going on his knees.”

“”Please Vanessa, will you be my girlfriend”he said as Vanessa felt her heart beating. She loves him but didn’t want to admit it”

? Say yes!!!

The students chanted as tears rolled down her checks and she pulled Alec up slowly

“Yes, I will be your girlfriend. I love you too”Vanessa replied and without hesitation, she crashed her lips on his.””

“Richmond entered the house and saw Marissa who was watching the TV but the moment she saw him, she stood up and begin to walk towards her room.”

“Marissa wait please”he said and held her hand as Marissa turned with tears all over her face.

“Get off me, I can’t love you. You are the reason why he’s breaking up with me”Marissa yelled and snapped off her hand before walking into the room and shut the door loudly”

Richmond felt heartbroken as he sat on the couch and bursted into heavy round of tears.


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