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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Gush!! I ,, vesaint Mõ@ɲed in pain as the clan doctor treated his wounded arm and leg..

“Did you say it was a kid that did this to you”? The doctor questioned not wanting to believe his eyes..

“Yes ” and the worst part is I didn’t even give him a single scare just like he did to me ,,, I h@ťě myself for allowing him do this to me ”

“ you were the one that allowed him treat you like trash? Never knew you were that kind ” the doctor said shaking his head ,,

One could tell he was trying mock him ..

The doctor sighed when he saw the fracture on the scan ..

“This boy is truly a bast*rd for doing making you loose a leg ” you fought mighty men ,,but look ,,a small boy did this to you ,,life is indeed unpredictable..”

“Quiet!! Are you mocking me on you are adding salt to my injury?? Instead of you to tell me something nice to cool off my nerves,you are here making mockery of me”

“No boss how can I make mockery of you? Am just trying to state a fact ‘ karma is real indeed ,,

The annoying doctor jibbed foolishly,,he kept behaving like he was comforting him but deep down he was making jest of him ..

“How dare you?are you seriously trying to get on my nerves??

Vesaint yelled pointing his gun at the doctor..

“No sir I dare not ,,am just being concerned,how I wished I know that bast*rd that made you like this I would have ..

He pursed slowly scratching his hair ..

And it seems like what he was saying caught vesaint attention cos he was already starimg at him with his brow wiggling..

“You would have what “? Vesaint asked thinking that he was gonna support him by saying something meaningful,, little did he knew that the doctor was gonna Mock him yet again..

“What i mean is …if he can do this to someone like you ,,then who am I ?? If I knew him I would have gladly packed my stuffs and joined his mob ” the doctor jibbed f**lishly not minding the glare vesaint was throwing at him..

“Now get out you this incompetent f**l ,,each time you open your mouth I thought you were gonna say something good but as usual you spot out trash,,,what nonsense.. vesaint yelled with a scoff…

“Am Sorry boss , you know i always say the truth no matter how hard it might seem ,,but I as far as can remember I never said anything wrong ” he jibbed adjusting his glasses..

“Austin!!! vesaint called in a warning tone “mind your tongue and don’t take my sincerity for st*pidity else you will regret it ”

“Forgive me boss ,,I thought I was chearing you up by saying those things,, Austin said bending his head to the floor..

“That’s okay,what does the x-rays says..

“Am so sorry to say this but boss I don’t think you can use your legs again” ..

“What are you trying to say? Vesaint asked Confusedly raising a brow..

“Due to how long you stayed before treating the injury it became infected,, making the bone to develop some diets which attracted bacteria,,now the bone is very weak and for that, the only solution is to cut of the leg ” Austin finally dropped the bombshell..

“What!! cut off my leg ???

“Yes boss , that’s the only way to stop the bacteria from finding it way to your heart ,,cos then it is going to cause an untimely d**th for you ,and I know you wouldn’t want that ” Austin advised ..

“No !!!!!! It all of that boys fault,,he should pray I don’t set my eyes on him again,,cos the next time I do ,,I will make sure I strengle him to death ” vesaint thr_@tened furiously,,due to how he was struggling his leg mistakingly hit the stretcher besides the bed ”

Heck !! He groned whimpering in pain … “For doing this to me he will pay ” he yelled as a couldn’t hold in the pain anymore..

“Boss do you know I always say the truth no matter how hard it may be?? Austin asked making vesaint to raise his brows .

“What do you mean ”

“You keep saying you were gonna ki|| him when you see him again,,are you serious ??

“hummm?? Vesaint asked not understanding what he was saying..

“you couldn’t ki|| him when you had two legs ,,so what made you think you can do that now that you only have one ?? He jibbed ,,

That alone annoyed vesaint the more..

“get out ,,….! !!!

vesaint yelled throwing his gun at him ….

Melody came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

She **applied her lotion then slipped into a simple wear.she just came back from the dinning room,,after the incident with Craig,,she haven’t been able to get him off her mind .

Her cheeks turned red again when she remembered how his abbs felt on her hands .

“hoe is he doing,I didn’t even see him in the dinning Is he ok ”she thought looking worried ..guess I should go check up on him ” her subconscious mind told her ..

“Won’t it seem like am having feelings for him ? What will the family members say when they see me ?..

“Helping him this once isn’t bad right? She thought inwardly.

“I should go ,she concluded before leaving the room ..


Melody slowly knocked on the door but got no response,,this was the fifth time she was knocking and still no response..

“i should just go in ,who knows he might have fallen sick again,she thought with a grine..

Slowly she opened the door and stepped in before closing it back gently..

She looked around but couldn’t find him ,, “where has he gone to! She asked no one in particular,soon she had the shower running,, “he is taking a back maybe I should just go back ,,she thought turning to leave but then she heard him call her name …

“Hey! Do you mind helping me with the towel ? He asked from the bathroom.

“what ! Me help you with the towel ?

“yes ,,don’t you want to help your boss ?

“Oh my God,, why did I even come in the first place,,..

Slowly she picked the towel from the bathroom door ,, opened it slowly then stretched out her hand with her head outside.

But then the unexpected happened..

“Take it ,,my hand hurt in this position,,she complained,,

Then she felt his cold hands on her warm skin sending shivers down her spine.

”What are you doing”

“Just Wait and watch!!he said dragging her into the bathroom before closing the door..

To Be Continued

I dey come first make I go message ?????

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