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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Tiara and Temisan walk out of the Director’s office with sad face

“I can’t believe that we are in different rooms”Tiara pouted as she entered the hostel building with Temisan.

“I know right and I wanted us to stay together” Temisan pouted her lips too.

“Hey, my room is not to far from yours. I’ll come visit you often” Tiara said.

“Same here girlfriend,be expecting me sooner in your room, room 20 right? ” Temisan asked and Tiara nodded.

They were still walking thou.

“Oh room 23,here’s my room” Temisan smiled.

“Awwn, I’m gonna miss you, enjoy your room, I’ll take over with this position to look for my own room” Tiara said and Temisan nodded.

Tiara left and Temisan sighed before knocking on the door.

The door forcefully opened and Jessica opened the door and screamed

“Oh my God Temisan” she shouted when she saw Temisan standing in front of her with a travelling box in her hands.

“How..did you know my name”Temisan asked confusingly

“Oh sorry,it’s on your ID card”Jessica smiled nervously

“You are?” Jessica asked slowly.

Temisan showed her the ID card and key she was holding.

“Temisan Ajao,your new roommate,she replied.

“For real?” Jessica asked again.

Temisan looked left and right before nodding.

“Temisan is my name but call me Temmy for short, if you want to” she replied.

“Ahhhh!!!” Jessica screamed happily and rushed to hug her.

“I’ve been waiting for you like forever, my name is Jessica James” she Introduced and pulled away from the hug.

“Come on in, let me help you carry your luggage in” she took the bag from her hands and began going inside.

Temisan followed confusedly.

“You know it’s so boring to be here alone” Jessica said as she put Temisan’s bag inside the wardrobe.

“You just got here?” Temisan asked.

“Yeah,not too long,”Jessica replied

“What department are you?”Temisan asked

” Chemistry” She replied and opened her wardrobe

“Wow, you’re in the same department as Tiara,I’m in the English department” Temisan smiled

“I think The real jessica is in my body”Jessica thought

“Tiara?”Jessica raised her brow

“Yes,my best friend,we came from Nigeria together”Temisan whispered. ” She’s Short termpered…even though she’s gentle but she changed overnight to a Savage queen? “Temisan laughed

“Savage Queen” She asked again

The door burst open and Rosalie walked in with her luggage

“Ɓîtçh I can’t believe we are roommates”Rosalie shouted and rush to hug her

“Come on you’re suffocating me”Jessica groaned

“Sorry,I’m just so happy”Rosalie pouted

“Meet out third roommates”Jessica said

” Hi I’m Rosalie” Rosaile walked up to her

“I’m Temisan,I’m from Nigeria”Temisan replied

“I love Nigerians,nice meeting you Temisan”Rosalie Said

“Where’s Anna”jessica asked

“They didn’t pair us together,Gosh this will be the first time we’ll be separated,how the hell are we gonna wear matching outfit”Rosalie pouted

“She’ll be so bored without us,what’s her room number”Jessica asked

“Room 20”Rosalie replied

“That’s my friend room,let go and check on them”Temisan suggested

“That’s good,but I have to go meet my boyfriend yumno”Rosalie smiled

“Just get out,Ruth”Jessica smirked

“Oh come on,it’s not my fault that you’re single “Rosalie said and ran out

Temisan was just laughing at their drama

“Can you imagine”Jessica frown

“Let just go together”Temisan said

” Yeah” Jessica nodded and they both left the room

~~~minutes later~~~

Temisan and jessica kept looking at the room from number to number until they saw room 20

They were was about to knock when the door went open, revealing Rosanna

“Jessica”I was just coming out to see you, come in hurry up!!” Rosanna held Jessica’s hands and pulled her inside the room while Temisan entered looking for Tiara

A girl was busy eating noddles on a table.

“This is my roommate Jewel,Jewel this is my best friend Jessica”Rosanna introduced with a smile.

“Nice meeting you,Jessica”Jewel said

“Same?” Jessica replied and sat down on an empty chair.

“Oh Temmy, come sit over here”Jessica smiled at her.

“I guess you’re Tiara’s friend”Jewel asked

“Yes” Temisan answered looking around.

“She’s in the bathroom”Jewel said And suddenly Tiara walked out of the bathroom cleaning her face with a towel Jessica eyes widened when she saw her


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