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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adventures With Theresa ??

Episode 14

Written by: Frank The Writer

❌ Do Not Copy or Repost ❌

~ Theresa’s POV ~

“I didn’t…I didn’t forget about you during our time away.” He paused, biting his bottom lip. “As I told you, I wasn’t ready to face my emotions back then. I was going through a lot, and still, I am, but I’m ready to face those feelings, now.” He turned to a side. He looked really nervous.

“You were in my mind a lot, Terry. More than you think.”
“Fran… Frank.” I opened my mouth.” He was answering my questions, he was showing me that I’m not just another girl on his list.

“Here goes my stuttering girl again. How I missed her.” He smiled at me, running his thumb down my cheek. He moved my face and placed a kiss where his thumb was seconds ago.

He then moved back, looking at me and leaving me speechless.
“I care about you, okay? I hope it stays clear from now on.” He gave me a last smile before letting me go.

“This time it’s not going to be like the last time. It’s a promise to you.”
I still didn’t know what to say. I guess I was a bright red tomato by then because his words were just so overwhelming.

“Are you…Are you leaving?” I asked, trying so hard to not stutter and trying to act calm.
“Do you want me to stay?” He asked with an eyebrow up with a smirk on his lips. That’s the flirty Frank I know.

“No, I mean yes. Just a little longer.” I said walking a step closer to him without noticing.
“I feel like we didn’t see each other in the whole day. I want you to stay.”

“I would love to but I don’t want to cross a line with you, not again.” He placed his index finger on my chin locking his eyes with mine.

“And we need to rest. We have a long day tomorrow.”

I opened my mouth to say something but then I closed it. He was being such a gentleman. It was his way of showing me I wasn’t there only for pleasure. He was perfect.

“Okay.” It was the only thing I managed to say, smiling at him that he irresistibly returned.

“Sleep well, Terry.” He leaned closer, placing another kiss on my cheek.
“Goodnight, Frank,” I said right before he walked away to the door.

The wedding ceremony started around noon. I was up as early as possible to get ready. I took a long hot bath. The entire morning was all about pampering myself. Not every day you get the chance to stay in a place as beautiful as here. I took time to pimp myself.

It’s always nice to make an effort to look good once in a while. Well, at least for me. I wasn’t the type of girl who takes care of her appearance, I barely dress up and makeup. It was something foreign to me. I would be lying if I say I wasn’t excited that morning. It was incredible.
I love weddings and everything that comes with it. The food, the partying, the feeling of love all around, families reuniting to celebrate the lives of two courageous people that want to spend the rest of their lives together.

When I was finally ready, I looked at myself in the full-length bathroom. I smiled seeing the result of my effort. There was only one thing I was missing. I walked to my bag and got a pair of earrings that my grandma gave to me when I turned sixteen. I put them on, completing my look. I felt proud of my work. I looked gorgeous and set for the day.

While leaving the room to wait for Frank so we could go together, I tried to control my nerves. I have never seen him in a suit. Will he wear a suit? I couldn’t even picture him in one. He had a style that I couldn’t quite describe. Rockish-bad-boy that only wears vintage designer.

When the doors opened in the lobby, the whole building bubbled with excitement. Every nook and cranny smelt amazing.

“Terry?” I heard a deep voice just a few steps from me, taking all my attention. I looked to my right and found Frank standing by the stairs, instantly my mouth fell to the floor.

I opened my mouth to say something but instead, my face got consumed by a smile. He looked so cute, even more handsome. I knew he wasn’t going to pick a normal suit.

“Frank,” I mumbled, finally saying something. An instant smile appeared on my face. He didn’t move right away.

After a moment, he started walking closer to me. His smile turned into a slight smirk, one that instantly melted me. The moment he was in front of me, his smirk grew, showing his dimples and I loved it. The proximity got me drowned in that scenes of him.

“Hi.” He said, quietly.
“Hi,” I said, just as shy as I was.

We stared at each other for some seconds. I felt all kinds of butterflies going crazy inside of me just standing in front of Frank in a black suit and a hat. Frank couldn’t stop moving his eyes all over me.

“You look…you look beautiful and stunning,” he whispered.
I blushed and instantly moved my face down.

“No, don’t hide, babe. Look at me.”
“You are making me blush,” I smiled and touched the tips of my hair that fell to one side.

“You are blushing because I’m telling the truth.” He leaned forward, placing a kiss on my cheek. “You look mesmerizing,” he added.

“Thank you,” I said, smiling at him and still feeling my cheeks flush.
“You don’t look bad either. Look at you. Almost a tie and everything.” I moved my hands to the piece of fabric falling on his chest.

“Almost a tie?” he rolled his eyes, giving me a one-sided smile.
“It fits you. I like it.” I moved my hands a little higher, taking an instinctive step forward.

“Oh, really?” He said, tucking one arm around me and securing me close to him.

“Frank!” we heard someone shout from outside.
“Frank! Let’s go, the wedding service is about to start!”

We both turned our heads and found his mom waving at the car Park. I took a step back and accommodated my dress, feeling shy.

“May I escort you, her Majesty?” Frank said, offering me his arm.
“Sure,” I said, giving him a shy smile and accepting his arm.

He guided our steps toward the car park where a few family members were waiting. There were flower designs on each of the cars.

“Terry, you look incredible,” Frank’s mom said as soon as we got there.
“Absolutely beautiful.” She added.

“Thank you, ma,” I said with a polite smile. “You look stunning, ma. I love your hair.” She had curls on her hair that fell to one side, making her hat the center of attention.

We arrived at the church premises for the wedding. The Church hall was mapped out for the reception. It was well decorated.
The day was beautiful, the sun was up in the sky and there was not a single cloud trying to ruin this beautiful ceremony.

Everyone started finding their seats, I saw the groom, Frank’s uncle walking to the aisle with his best man on his side. There was a pastor placing everything for the ceremony on a small podium.

Then we all turned around to find two little girls throwing flowers and that got everyone’s attention. When the little girl finished walking the aisle, we saw the bride walking in, escorted by her chief bridesmaid. They both looked beautiful, but the bride was…. Wow! She looked so beautiful. She was almost at the altar when I felt a hand sliding to hold mine, our fingers tangling almost naturally. It took me by surprise, of course, making me snap my eyes from the bride to our locked hands and then to Frank’s face. A smile stung his lips.

He looked back at me for a second, telling me he wasn’t planning to move his hand away and I really didn’t mind.

During the whole ceremony, I felt butterflies in my stomach, not even for a moment did he let my hand slip away. When they were talking their vows, I felt his fingers caress the inside of my hand, sending chills throughout my whole body. The entire situation was playing with my feelings.

Soon enough, the new couple kissed as husband and wife for the first time and everyone in the church cheered for them, including us. They left the altar and walked down the aisle, staring at each other with loving eyes.

I smiled, weddings always make me smile.
“Let’s go find our table,” he said to my ear, leading our steps.

At the reception hall, we found our table and soon enough we hit the bar. I was so nervous to ease down a little bit.
The hall was completely decorated. Every single detail distracted me and I had to control my head from moving all around. Some coll music blasted from the speakers.

“Here you go.” He finally let go of my hand and grabbed some drinks, handing me one.
“Let’s make a toast.”
“To the newlyweds?” I asked but he shaked his head and said no.
“To us.” He said instead, making my cheeks once again turn pink.
“To find our way and happiness along the way.”

I smiled, moving my glass to clink his.

“Cheers,” I said, smiling at him.

We both took a drink at the same time, feeling a warm feeling around us.

“I think your mom is calling us,” I said, noticing she was wearing at us from the table.

To be continued…
©️ Frank The Writer

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