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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Axel was all ready to leave. His luggages was in his car with his driver waiting patiently for him. Today was the day Melanie will be graduating from college and he wouldn’t dare miss that.

“Are you ready?” Aiden asked. He was on video call with his friends.

“Hmm. I hope you haven’t told her yet?” Axel said.

“Her friends aren’t aware of this either,” Ace said.

“Just hurry up, you’ve been away for too long,” Aaron said.

Axel chuckled. After saying a few more things, the call ended.

Axel took a glance at the house and smiled briefly. Of course he was going to miss his house over here but d@mn, he was missing his baby more.

He checked his phone, hoping to see a message from Tiana but there was none. She had been avoiding him ever since she tried to seduce him.

He sighed before inserting his phone into his pocket. Just when he made to take a move, the door flung open and Tiana rushed in, breathing heavily.

“I thought you weren’t going to show up,” he smiled.

“Why won’t I? This is the last day I’d be seeing you anyway,” Tiana smiled and went closer to him.

“I’m sorry, for the other day. I guess I overreacted and I’m so ashamed of myself right now, the reason why I haven’t been showing myself lately” she chuckled.

Axel smiled before pulling her to a brief hug.

“Take care of yourself,” he muttered.

Tiana smiled sadly, trying to control her emotions.

“You too. Greet Melanie over there for me,” she whispered.

Axel smiled before pulling her cheeks. Then, he leaned closer and placed a short kiss on her cheek.

“You can take over the house, it’s of no use anymore” he said after pulling away.

Tiana nodded before hugging him again. Letting him go was really harder than she thought.

“I’ll miss you,” she whispered.

“Same here,” Axel said. They broke the hug and after wishing her a last goodbye, he left the house.

Immediately he was gone, Tiana’s tears fell and she started crying.

She had always respected and loved Axel right from the time she saw him. They had been friends close to a year now and he literally knew everything about her.

But him leaving left a big hole in her heart, a hole that wouldn’t seem to patch up soon.



The school was filled with students moving about in their graduation uniforms. Some were busy taking pictures while others were chatting happily. It was the day everyone had been wishing for, the day they’ll finally be vacating the school.

Melany sat in a corner, staring at her phone sadly. Strangely, Axel hadn’t called or sent a message which was unlike him.

“What are you doing here?” She heard a voice.

“Kylie!” She smiled when Kylie appeared with a girl beside him which she knows as his girlfriend.

“Why are you alone? What about your friends?” Kylie asked.

“Busy taking pictures,” Melanie sighed.

“Oh… Isn’t Axel coming today?” Kylie asked again.

“I don’t know. He isn’t saying anything,” Melanie sighed.

“Oh…” Kylie smiled.

“Okay then, see you around” he waved and left.

After he was gone, Melanie stood up and began taking a stroll around the school. Her friends were all taking pictures with their boyfriends but she…

“f-__-k you, Axel!” She screamed so loud.

She continued walking till she got to a quiet place. The ceremony will be starting soon and after that, a party will take place at a club.

But all this doesn’t sound fascinating to Melanie, her mind was so occupied that she failed to notice a shadow hovering behind her.

“What’s a pretty girl like you doing alone?” She heard a voice.

“And how’s that your business?!” She fired irritatedly.

What followed after was a chuckle and her eyes widened.

Wait…. Her heart was already palpitating seriously. Her mind went deeper into the voice she heard and she was literally sweating all over.

Like a slow motion, she stood up slowly and turned… Her eyes nearly bulged out of its socket when her eyes beheld the love of her life, looking hotter than the sun.

This was the first time she’d be seeing him in three years and her heart was thr_@tening to burst out of its ribcage. He was standing there, smiling dashingly at her with an aura exuding richness all over him.

“Ax… Axel?” She finally found her voice.

“Is it too late to congratulate you, Mine?” Axel chuckled.

Without holding it back, Melanie’s bottom lips quivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks.

With shaking legs, she ran towards him and he caught her in his arms, twirling her around with his hands resting on her a*s.

Melanie held his neck tightly and broke down into tears, her whole body shaking in his arms. She couldn’t believe what was happening at all, it was as though she was dreaming but that was the reality. Her love was back to her and she was right in his arms.

“Shh baby, that’s enough” Axel whispered.

“I miss you,” her voice came out weakly as she continued crying in his arms.

“I miss you, baby”


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