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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? BY ?





CHAPTER N!nE: Th£ DATE 2 ( I h@ťě YOU)

Elia rema!n still as Lucian withdraw b@¢k with confusion !n h*s eyes, l¡ps part to say someth!ng but I b**t h*m to it ” am sorry, is not like I don’t like you but I barely know you, I only know your name and wh-_-re you work ” mumbl!ng I watch h*m m©v£ b@¢k to h*s seat and run h*s h@nds through that brown wavy hair of h*s and th£n it hit me, we both have same colour of hair which means noth!ng.

” I understand Elia, I was tak!ng th!ngs too f*st for you, th*s is our first date, I shouldn’t be th!nk!ng that ” h£ smile ” go on ask me wh@ťěver you wish to know ”

” are you sure?”

” yea why not, th£y is noth!ng I wish to hide ”

” who is aqua ” mumbl!ng I relax b@¢k on th£ chair ” I remember you call!ng me that name which means, $h£ is someone close to you and I look like h*r?” h£ nod and I purred ” tell me ab©vt h*r ”

” $h£ is beautiful, th£ most beautiful !n our village b@¢k th£n, men flocks @r0vnd h*r, ask!ng h*r h@nd for marriage, throw!ng gifts and different oth*r th!ngs to get h*r attention ” Lucian look so sad as h£ narrate th£ story of th*s woman ” we were suppose to get married but someone murdered h*r ”

” am sorry ” mov!ng my h@nds over to h*s I hold h*s h@nd ” did you f!nd th£ ki||er??”

” no Elia, I don’t even know h*s name ” Lucian exhale ” that is !n th£ past now Elia, though I can’t denied th£ fact that you look exactly like h*r but your characters aren’t same ”

” alright “th£ atmosph*re @r0vnd h*m already turn dark and sad, chang!ng th£ topic I mumble ” tell me ab©vt your family, mum, dad, sibl!ngs ”

” am an orphan ” h£ mumble ” I was an only child, my parents died wh£n I was a baby, ki||ed by lycans ”

” lycans??”

” yes” h£ nod ” it was a long time ago, I can’t remember th£ details tho ” I had noth!ng to say because lycans means werewolves and werewolves are human that can transform to wolfs at night, th£y don’t exist so how did that happen? Maybe h£ h£ard wrong ” tell me ab©vt your fath*r, I didn’t see h*m today wh£n I arrive at your house ”

” h£ is !n h£aven ” shov!ng a piece of meat !n my m©vth I exhale ” h£ had a car accident wh£n I was young, don’t really remember h*m but my moth*r does, $h£ feels h£artbroken anytime we talk ab©vt h*m ”

” I know how $h£ feels” Lucian mumble and I know h£ is talk!ng ab©vt aqua, th£ suppose wife to be ” okay, th*s room has turn to small sad h£aven, let’s h£ad ©vt…I have someth!ng else to show you ”

” now?”

” yes now ” h£ hold my h@nd and we m©v£ ©vt of th£ restaurant !nto th£ limous!ne ” I want to take you somewh*re else, a place you will love ”

” what is it ”

” ice cream shop ”

” how did you know I love ice creams!” I practically yell th£ ice cream wh£n we arrive, th£ shop look h*g£, gett!ng !n we sit d©wΠ and wait for th£m to serve us.

” all girls love it so I guess you would ”

” oh I love it ” wh£n th£ waiter arrive with it I dig !n almost immediately ” I j√$t hope I don’t get fat from it one day ” th£ moment I f!nish talk!ng Lucian chuckle, hold!ng h*s stomach laugh!ng ” what’s funny?”

” th£ ice cream…” h£ talk while laugh!ng ” is like a mustach£ on your upper l¡p, mov!ng my h@nds th*re I couldn’t h£lp but to laugh with h*m.


” how was your first date ” Lucian mumble wh£n h£ walk to th£ door ” hope you liked it ”

” I loved it ” smil!ng I m©v£ !nto h*s arms and hug h*m ” thanks, it was fun” klzz!ng h*s ch£ek I wave h*m before mov!ng !nto th£ house and shutt!ng th£ door, th£ lights off which means everyone is asleep.

Mov!ng to my room I stare at th£ time and its three AM, I know fvlly well if I sleep now I will be late for work so I didn’t sleep, I stayed awake, change cloth£s and wh£n its time, i walk to mansion.

My eyes must be really red.

After th£ @zzembly I m©v£ to th£ pets, feed th£m, water th£ flowers ” you’re quite” rose ask and I nod ” did th£ master hurt you really bad yesterday, I mean your eyes are red ”

” oh no, h£ didn’t do anyth!ng to me ” smil!ng I mumble ” I j√$t couldn’t get some rest last night, I went ©vt on a date ”

” a date?”

” yep ” smil!ng I keep water!ng th£ plant ” and trust me, it was awesome, amaz!ng and dreamy ” tell!ng h*r some !nterest!ng part and wh-_-re h£ took me, we chuckle and with!n no time am mov!ng upstairs with materials to clean th£ masters b£droom.

Today is th£ last day of th£ week, which means i won’t be clean!ng th£ maters b£droom next week but today I have to ask some money from h*m j√$t like I promise moth*r.

Open!ng h*s door, I step !n and shut it ” you have no manners of knock!ng Elia ” h£ar!ng h*s voice I m©v£ my gaze to h*s direction, putt!ng on a black long sleeves, black trouser with a cigarette !n h*s h@nd.

” forgive me master, I thought you will be !n your army today ” wh£n I remember what happened b£tweeΠ us yesterday my face turn flush, h£ spanked me and it did hurt so why am I blush!ng?

” your eyes are red” h£ furrow h*s brows ” did you cry?”

” oh no” dropp!ng th£ equipment d©wΠ I look at h*m ” I couldn’t sleep last night ”

” and why was that?” h£ stand to h*s feet and m©v£ towards my direction, why is h£ so tall?? I had to lift my gaze up for me to look at h*s face, h£ said h£ h@ťě lies but what do I tell h*m, th£ truth? So what if I went on a date, is not like we are dat!ng? ” I asked you a question Elia ”

” I went on a date” th£ moment th£ words left my m©vth I step b@¢k and cover my arse with my h@nds, mov!ng b@¢kwards.

” what are you do!ng?” h£ title h*s h£ad to h*s right, study!ng me.

” I don’t want m©r£ spank!ng ”

” why did you th!nk I will spank you Elia ” h£ !nch h*s right brows high ” so you do know you did wrong by go!ng on a date with someone else ” stepp!ng closer I could feel my b©dy touch th£ wall but h£ only took two steps th£n stop ” come ” wh£n th£ words left h*s m©vth I open my eyes shocked, h£ is really go!ng to spank me ” Elia!”

Mov!ng quickly to h*s side I stop an !nch away from h*m ” if you knew go!ng will make me spank you, why did you go” h£ asked, h*s voice gett!ng rough ” you love h*m?”

” oh no ” shak!ng my h£ad I swallow ” is j√$t that, h£ has been pester!ng me ab©vt it so I said one date won’t hurt” I watch Alexander h@nd m©v£ to my neck, trace a particular spot before mov!ng to my ch£ek, my l¡ps, robb!ng th£m.

” did you two klzz?”

Why can’t I lie to h*m, I j√$t don’t know why I feel th*s way, am sure if Lucian is to touch me th*s way I will slap h*m or ₱vsh h*m away but with Alexander it feels like I am meant to be close to h*m, with h*m, to stay with h*m.

To be committed to h*m even if I don’t want to.

” No” I f!nally answer, h£ didn’t smile and those eyes didn’t m©v£ from me as h£ lean close and wh*sper to my ears ” good girl Elia, you have been a good girl” withdraw!ng h£ mumble ” but go!ng to th*s date still annoys me, what part of you belong!ng to me, don’t you get?”

” am sorry ” th£ words came ©vt before I realize it, why am I apologiz!ng? Oh yes, I need to calm h*m d©wΠ before I ask for th£ money.

” apology accepted ” h£ shrug th£n withdraw” do your job Elia, we are done for today ” I watch h*m m©v£ towards h*s table, sit d©wΠ, turn on h*s laptop th£n put on h*s ear pod.

h£ lacks romance.

h£ is annoy!ng.

h£ is too proud.

h£ needs scold!ng.

I h@ťě h*m.

And with all th£se th!ngs !n my h£ad I had no idea wh£n I mumble ” I h@ťě you ” loud and clear, no b©dy needs to tell me what will happen next, th£ question that should be asked.

Is your arse ready for round two?

” what did you say?” h£ furrow h*s brows and turn h*s fvll attention to me, right now h£ look dangerous but that didn’t both*r me today.

” I h@ťě you, I don’t like your attitude, I don’t like your proud self, your need for accuracy and submission, I don’t like you and th*s relationship you are build!ng !n your h£ad is never work!ng ” yell!ng h£ didn’t m©v£ from h*s seat, j√$t kept star!ng at me ” and you know what, if not that I need th*s job, I will slap you at th£ face and quit ”

” are you done?” h£ yawn before putt!ng h*s cigarette b@¢k !nto h*s m©vth but h*s gaze didn’t m©v£ from m!ne.

” no am not done ” mov!ng close to h*m I ₱v|| ©vt th£ cigarette, drop it on th£ floor and step on it ” I need you to give me my salary early, I need it and am not j√$t tak!ng it, am borrow!ng it…will pay you later”

A smile form !n th£ corner of h*s l¡ps ” are you done?”

Confuse with h*s character I frown ” yes, am done ” and with that h£ turn @r0vnd, b@¢k to th£ laptop and that’s wh£n I realize h£ was on a conference call.

All th£ board members m©vth open wide ” did $h£ j√$t yell at th£ boss”

” th£ boss did noth!ng but smile at h*r ”

” th£ boss has a woman?”

Th£y keep mumbl!ng but all my focus was on Alexander, h£ didn’t rise h*s h@nd or sh©vt at me, j√$t smile and get b@¢k to work ” Elia, go b@¢k to work, we will talk later ” h*s tone like always, you won’t know if h£ is happy or sad.

Th*s man confuses me.


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