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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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•♥︎ •THIRD WORLD •♥︎•

Lucy was still pointing the abyss at the queen’s face, glaring hard at her with h@ťě.

” Say something before I make you vanish out of existence!” She yelled and the Queen quickly picked herself up.

She immediately turned to the guards.

” So I fell and the guards couldn’t come pick me up until I stood on my own!” She spat

The guards all felt speechless for a moment and then, she raised her arm, casting a spell on them quickly.

They all fell and passed out on the floor respectively.

” Stupid fellows!. Happy hibernation for ten years” She hissed and turned to Lucy.

” Now. back to you”

” We were discussing on how to return my powers back incase if you’ve forgotten” Lucy hissed.

” Of course not, I didn’t forget the foul speech you made and I don’t care if you are the mother of an immortal, I am the queen here and its my duty to give orders that must be carried out!”

” I’m counting from one to three, if you don’t give me my powers back…I’ll__”

” Ahhhh!!” Someone shouted at the end of the building and everyone realised it was Avianca, the queen’s daughter.

She suddenly passed out on the floor and everyone quickly went to her. They weren’t surprised cos they were used to that drama a lot.

The Queen knelt to her height.

” Avianca!” She wriggled her arm.

Avianca palmed her forehead, with her eyes still closed.

” I saw a vision, everybody. A very bitter vision” She said and tears began to pick at the lids in her eyes.

The Queen gulped in and sat her up. She still didn’t open her eyes.

” The demon has escaped. He’s ready to find the immortal and ki|| him” She said and Lucy blinked effortlessly.

” Demon?”

” Yes, the twin demon!, He’s back.” She said.

Lucy fell silent for a while and her feet twitched, the guards quickly went to stand behind her for support.

” No..NO!. H…he can’t!. Nooo!” Lucy screamed and her head lost oxygen for a while.

She lost balance and passed out, but the guards were quick to hold her.



Megan and Dove are standing outside her home.

” You are scared of meeting my parents?” Megan asked, chuckling inbetween.

” What if your parents are psychos like you?” He asked and she hit his head hardly. He winced.

” You are calling your girlfriend a psycho?” She poked him a face.

” I thought you wanted us to be real in this relationship?” He asked and she bit her lips hardly.

” Just come in anyways” She said, taking his hands.

” Is my hair good, geez my shoes, how do I look to you?” He quickly asked insecurely.

” A headless gorrilar!” She scoffed.

” What?”

” You wanted us to be real in our relationship so I’m telling you exactly what you look like.” She hissed and Dove chuckled.

” You saying I look like a gorilla means I look real good” He said, showing off his glistening teeth.

” Geez, let’s just go in jerk” She said and they both walked into the house.

The family was having a dinner so they joined in with them.

” Mom. This is him” Megan smiled, pulling his cheek.

” The guy you were talking about?” Her dad asked and she nodded.

” Wasn’t it this guy I saw the other day?” Her mom squinted her brows at him and Dove felt his heart skip a bit.

” Where?” Megan blurted.

” We bumped into eachother in the mall sometime ago. He’s a nice guy for helping me carry my goods to the car” She smiled and Dove blushed richly.

” Hey. Stop blushing at my mom!” Megan scolded him.

” Why?”

” It means you’re falling for her instead, and not me” She pouted and everyone.

The family had a nice dinner with them and after they were done, Dove followed her upstairs to her room.

Her room wasn’t that big, he knew she came from a middle class family.

” You sleep here alone right?” He asked, sitting on her bed.

” Yea.” She pressed her lip tight after replying.

” Um…Are you coming to college?” He quickly asked.

” Nah, I’m going to learn nude pole dancing” She laughed and Dove just stared at her.

” Not funny” He said and she pinched his cheeks playfully.

” You are cute when you’re upset. I think I should make you upset all the time” She chuckled and bit his nose.

He didn’t flinch but just looked at her lamely.

She tried bitting his nose again but he pulled her into a crazy, deep kiss that landed them on the bed, in top of eachother.


Ennis walked into the house and threw his jacket to the nearby sofa, ignoring the principal who was sipping a coffee by the Big screen TV.

” Ennis” She called but he didn’t reply. He kept walking the upstairs like he didn’t hear her speak.

” You are not supposed to move out recklessly like that, ennis. You mustn’t come in contact with elvis yet or the plan we all made will be furtile” She said.

He halted and looked at her and the cup with her broke, the coffee spilling on her dress.

” Ouch!!!” She screamed, getting up from the sofa.

He turned around and started to walk away, he came across many rooms in the corridor at the third floor and he opened the one next to him.

It was True’s room. He stopped to stare at True and Eden who was sitting on the bed for a while before walking in fully.

He walked up to the mirror and stood there, taking off his shirt, exposing his perfect masculinity.

True choked and looked at Eden.

” I think he’s drunk” She mumbled

” Um…Excuse me. Your room is the opposite next to ours” Eden quickly said.

He didn’t give them a reply. He started to stroll into the bathroom as well, taking up a towel.

” Geez, this guy is so strange. I almost froze when he walked in” True spat, sitting up.

” The weirdest thing is that he looks like elvis”

” Their hair, eyes and height are different. If I was to choose, I’d still go for elvis” True said.

” But literally, No one would notice the difference between then. How come they look so much alike?” Eden asked.

” No one is revealing anything, even my mom” She sighed.

” I guess they are twins?” Eden asked.

” Twins?. Immortals and demon? Does that count?”

” I thought he said he was born in order to ki|| the immortal. And in the spell book, supernatural twins are born both the evil and the good, and one has to ki|| the other in order to live.”

” Where did you read that from?” True laughed.

” The Spell book!, Ugh, Just, wh@ťěver” Eden scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Soon, the door turned open and Ennis walked out. He wiped his face with the towel and walked up to them.

” Leave” He simply said, glaring nonsense at their faces.

” So he can talk” True spat in a whisper.

” Leave!” He thundered and they both sprang out of the bed, leaving the room at once.

He went to lock up the door before picking up a hoodie to wear and then, he vanished into thin air.



Heaven walked home tiredly. Her dad will have to stay at the hospital for tonight cos he had a panic attack.

” He’s getting old, said the nurse. He’ll be alright, I guess, said the nurse too. Same reply I get everytime” She pouted, holding her big bag.

She got to her veranda and pulled the door to her house open.

She stepped in and what she saw left her completely speechless.

Her living room had been badly disfigured into a place she couldn’t recognise anymore.

It was as if her house was mixed like a milkshake and everything in the roof were down on the floor, the furniture broken, everything upside down.

One would think a time bomb had been set in there and it had exploded before she could walk in.

” Oh my goodness!” She palmed her lips, her legs getting weak instantly.

She immediately walked in and rushed to the paper she saw on her table.

She picked it up and her eyes scanned it hastily as she read,

” If you don’t leave the country in the next two days, get ready to bury your poor father, and I’ll come for yours as well”

She gulped in bitterly and the paper fell off her hands.

” T..this Is elvis handwriting” She swallowed hardly and her lids came pouring down tears.

She broke down and started to sob like her entire life had been shattered into unrepairable pieces.

She refused to believe elvis would have done this too.

She took her phone and tried to text him, and just tell write down how hurt she felt but nothing was coming.

A lot was going on in her life and when she thought it was over, another problem comes up.

She thought she could contain it but not this one.

But then, she remembered her nanny.

” Holy cow! Nanny!” She ran into the kitchen and met her nanny laying completely numb, damped in her own blood, she was dead!.

The sight was so horrible and heaven finally lost it.

She took her phone and called elvis. He picked up the phone in next ring.

” HELLO ELVIS!!. I Hope you’re hearing me, if you can’t, then that’s your business cos I’m gonna speak my heart right now, very fast and I don’t need an interruption. Just listen to me!!.

Firstly, it was from destroying my dad’s shop and now you f-__-k’IN came to my house to cause a bunch of mess and….and You ki||ed the nanny I took as my own mother.

How could you elvis!…How could you think so unhuman, what’s all this for, why would you tell me to leave the country. What’s up with you!

What’s wrong with your f-__-king head, I’ve been taking all this, containing myself for too long, I’ve been treating you like my King, giving you everything you want. But this is what you’re doing as return, huh???.

If you h@ťě me, just tell me!. Stop causing me pains, I h@ťě it, Elvis. I h@ťě it and I can’t take it anymore. Why!!…..My nanny!!” She cried and cut the call.

She threw the phone into a bowl of water and sat on the dining table with her face down.

She kept crying and crying, of course nothing could console her.

” Heaven!” Elvis quickly appeared inside the same kitchen she was in.

She rushed to him with a knife and wanted to stab him right there but he quickly held her wrist.

” Heaven. I…I.. swear I Don’t understand what you were saying on the phone. What mess? what are you talking about?” He asked carefully, staring deep into her eyes.

” You are such a pretender!. How can you destroy my home, my dad’s restaurant and ki|| my nanny and still come to ask what mess I’m taking about!” She yelled.

Elvis gasped for a moment and tried reading her mind but her head was messed up, even her mind was on huge turmoil.

” You think I did all these?? How could you loose my trust so easily?” He asked.

” And he’s still denying it!. I saw you!, stop denying it, Elvis. I’m hurt don’t you see!” She cried.

” Heaven please…”

” Don’t touch me!!” She yelled.

” I’m so sorry heaven, why would you think I’ll do any of this. We’ve been friends for long, I wouldn’t wish any bad for you, I swear” He said.

Gladly, She saw that note on the floor and quickly picked it up.

” Isn’t this your handwriting. You think I don’t know the way you write. This is the unique exclamation you add when you write, you think I won’t know it!!” She cried.

” I..I..

” Just get lost!” She pushed him.

” Pleae heaven, believe me, I..i…” He throat ram dry.

” I said get lost! Get lost, stay away from me!. Just go away, I don’t need your apologies!!” She yelled and Elvis quickly vanished into thin all of a sudden.

She sniffed and fell back on the table, bowing her face as tears ran down her face effortlessly.

Soon, Ennis appeared at the corner of the room.

” I’ll get rid of you first so as to avoid any future distraction before I can have my way with him” He said and opened a blue jar.

Heaven immediately fell, and passed out and her soul got locked into the jar.


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