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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Eden waited at the school entrance, polishing her long nails and then, she met Megan walking in hurriedly.

” Hey…Hey!. What’s the rush?” She scoffed, stopping her wrist.

” Why did you stop Me!. Are you aware that the next paper is in twenty minutes?” Megan scoffed, glaring at her.

” Of course I know, who cares!. At least you should have time for a friend” She said.

” A Friend?. Gross!” She rolled her eyes.

” Oh, wh@ťěver!. Did you give the gift to heaven?”

” Oh, Yea, I did”

” Oh…Hippy!!” She leaped, clapping her hands happily like an excited kid.

” What’s the excitement for?” Megan scoffed, glaring at her.

” Did she…open the…jar?” She asked again, more carefully.

” Ummm…I think so”

” You think so!!!. Aren’t you supposed to tell her to open it and check what’s inside the jar!. For hell sake, it was a gift” She yelled.

” Hey, Don’t dare yell at me!. If you need answers, Go ask heaven if she opened it” Megan hissed and walked away.

Eden spelled her feet and she immediately fell. She tried standing up but it was impossible, it felt like her two legs had turned numb.

” Ou!…My legs!” She screamed, crawling and sitting back on the floor.

Dove was just walking in and he was lucky to meet her at the scene.

He held the strap of his bag as he walked towards her.

” What happened to you?”

” Ion know. My feet just stopped functioning all of a sudden” She said.

” Geez. Your feet stopped functioning?. Sorry girl. Next time, always walk with clear vision” He said and tried to walk away but she grabbed hold his pant quickly.

” Help me up or you won’t move anywhere as well!” She yelled and Dove sighed hotly.

” Fine. Just give me your filthy hands” He said and she stretched out one of her palm, holding tight to his pant with one of her hands.

He pulled her up and she roughly staggered on him, pinning him back to the locker.

? Wooh!!

Megan quickly pulled away from him and tried stepping back but her legs failed her.

He grabbed her waist before she could fall and then he pulled her up causing their lips to meet awkwardly.

? Awwwwn!!!

She hugged his neck to avoid tripping and Dove stared into her eyes closely.

” Um…” She cleared her throat and stared at him. ” This is quite awkward” She said pressing her lip tight.

” Very awkward. Yet, I can’t let go of you” He said.

” Can you lead me to class cos…exam is in twenty minutes from now and…”

Before she could finish, he pulled her into a bridal style and her brown hair flew down segzily.

” I’ll lead you to the waste bin” He said and her brows went up. ” Just kidding, let’s go to class” He said and he took her to class, ignoring the stares from student.

Eden was talking to True when she noticed the two new lover birds walking past them.

” Can you believe this!” She scoffed. ” Everyone is falling in love in highschool and yet, we’re still here gossiping about them”

” I’m tired of being nice. I’m finding a new boyfriend” True said and walked up to a random tall guy.

” Hey” She said.

” Hey, sup” He smiled, closing his locker.

” I’ll give pay ten dollars every day if you date me. Are you interested?” She asked.

” Sorry, you’re hot and tall but..I don’t date Ɓîtçhes” He snarled and walked away.

” I’ll pay you twenty dollars to date and f-__-k me everytime as well!” She yelled but he kept walking away.

Eden walked up to her and started laughing.

” He said he doesn’t date Ɓîtçhes, Ouch.. Click on cancel, try again later” She said laughing sarcastically.

” It wasn’t funny” True glared at her.

” Oh please. No guy would ever say that to me cos…I’m more prettier and influencing” She said, licking her lips.

” You see, I have no idea why I still talk to you and why we’re still friends” She said.

” I’m too hard to resist. That’s why babe” Eden scoffed.

Soon, heaven and Elvis walked into the corridor together. They were holding hands and talking friendily.

” Gosh. My Muffin is here” True gasped, looking at him dreamily.

” Snap out of your daydream jerk” Eden scoffed and True hissed walking away.

Lake walked into the corridor and he got large stares from the student around.

He walked to his locker and started taking out his books quickly.

instantly, a book fell from his locker to the floor.

” Gosh. I’m too tired of leaning to pick this $h|t” He scoffed and he felt himself grabbing something.

He raised his hands and saw the book that fell already with him.

” Ahhhh!” He screamed and threw the book away before leaning back in fear.

He stared at the book closely, watching to see if it would move but it didn’t.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

” d@mn!!, I’m hallucinating again” He said and picked the book, slamming the locker hardly before moving to class.



The Year 12 students were busy writing their exams when a junior entered.

” Elvis. The principal needs your attention” She said before leaving quickly.

Elvis dropped his pen and left his seat.

He walked into her office with his hands in his pocket, and he halted the moment he saw who was looking for him.

” Elvis!” Lyra yelled and stood up on her feet. She walked up to him and gave him a hot slap on his face.

Elvis pinched his eyes close but he didn’t move or fidgeted a finger.

” So you left home!. You told no one, you didn’t drop a note. You made me run to the emergency office. I had sleepless night!. Who the f-__-k does that to his mother!” She yelled, breathing heavily.

Elvis slowly opened his eyes and stared at her, his eyes was calm tho it was emitting something painful.

” Now. That’s not the problem. The problem is I CAN’T FIND JEAN!. I can’t find my daughter and she’s not picking her phone calls either!!!!” She hiccupped, holding her tears.

” I came home from work last night, tired and when I couldn’t find her, I looked so helpless. You guys made me turn into a maniac!. I was running insane!!. Where’s my daughter, Elvis. Answer me!!” She yelled, tugging his collar hardly.

The principal left her seat and walked up to them quickly.

” Mrs lyra. Please.” She said, calming her off and lyra left hold of his shirt, holding her throbbing head.

” Elvis. Where is Jean?” The principal turned to him and he sighed, curling his tongue in his mouth.

” I kept her” He said, without glancing at their faces.

” So You f-__-king kept her!. You were behind my misery last night. Where?. Where is my daughter!” Lyra yelled at his face.

He turned his backs and started leaving the office quietly.

” You’re leaving!. Hey, Hey!!” She walked behind him in a haste and an invisible force tied her to a place.

” He’s leaving, principal. Tell him he…” Her words got cut the moment Jean appeared in the floor next to them.

Jean sat up on the floor and covered her eyes by the imense brightness of the day.

” Where am I?” She gasped, her untidy dark hair strand hovering over her face.

” Jean!” Lyra rushed to her and held her face. ” Look at me darling. Are you okay?. Can you see me?”

” Yes I can. How come everything is now so bright?” She asked, rubbing her wet eyes.

” Where were you all this while?. Tell me…”

” I think I was stuck in darkness. I couldn’t move left or right. It was so horrible to be caged in there.” She explained and lyra hugged her warmly.

” I didn’t know what I would’ve done if I loose you, I might get into a big trouble.” She said and hugged her again.

She noticed the principal’s presence behind her and she quickly stood on her feet.

” Your son…” The principal stated

” Yes. I know. Truth is, He’s not human, he could teleport anything to anywhere.”

” As his principal, i know that too. Does that mean you’re not human?” She asked.

Jean looked up, trying to hear her mom’s response.

” Yes, I’m not human” Lyra quickly said and Jean eyes got wide immediately.

” Mom!!!” Jean yelled and lyra pinched her eyes close for a moment.



Elvis took out his lunch tray and searched around the hall for heaven.

She was always the one to arrive at the cafeteria before him but today, she wasn’t anywhere around.

He sighed and went to their favourite table spot and to his surprise, her phone and purse was laying there.

” So she was actually here before me. Where did she go to?” He asked himself silently before leaving the table.

He tried to leave but he collided with Lake.

” Hey. Watch your steps” Lake hissed.

” Have you seen heaven?” Elvis quickly asked, stopping him from moving.

” She’s right here under my nostril. Haha…unserious kid” He laughed and patted his shoulder, before walking away.

Soon, megan came running into cafeteria in an alarming speed.

She was crying inbetween, pushing down almost everybody that stayed in her path.

She saw Elvis and her pace increased.

” Elvis!” She screamed and without saying anything to him, she pulled him away quickly.

They got to the lab and heaven was there, laying in a huge pool of blood on the floor.

Her shirt was stained with her own blood and there were traces of the footsteps.

Elvis heart jumped for a second. She wasn’t supposed to be bleeding, she was immune.

He ran to meet her and he found a knife laying next to her.

” She was stabbed here. She was f-__-king stabbed elvis and no one is saying anything about it!!” Megan sobbed loudly on his shoulder.

Elvis heart clenched for a moment and he felt numb and empty on all areas.

He pinched his eyes, telling himself not to believe this was true. No!. It can’t be heaven!.

‘ She can’t be dead. I must be hallucinating. Who could have done this!. No…not my amour’ His subconscious thought bitterly.

His lids got wet and he held the knife, tightening his fist, causing blood to slip out it.

” I’m not sparing any single one of them this time. Whoever it is….”

He paused and his eyes changed color instantly.


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