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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SNAKE GIRL – Episode 18

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{The one 4 the prince}


?BY Anita obi ?


I couldn’t believe my eyes,I couldn’t believe it when I saw my men stabbing ARIS….

What have you done….did I asked you to do this” I asked aloud”

My lady we did that to protect you ” they said as I watched Sharia crying with ARIS in her arms”

You shouldn’t have done it, that’s the man I love…why do you have to do so…ARIS please don’t leave me.. ARIS ” I called going closer to sharia when Medro grabbed my neck with just his hand saying”

You are evil…. I’ll ki|| you” Medro said angrily as I began to choke”

I didn’t mean to do it,I didn’t command them to ki|| ARIS,why should I do that to the man I love ” I said in tears as Sharia kept crying”

” Suddenly she turned to us and casted a spell on all my secrets soldiers as we saw them moving to the way of the palace”

Oh no Sharia..what are you doing….” I asked”

I’m sending them to the palace,the king should deal with them while I should deal with you ” she said coming to me with her sword”

SHARIA please don’t ki|| me,you know I’ll not try to harm ARIS… believe me.. sharia I’ve been hearing every single thing that has been happening in the palace,I know that you are the snake girl not Maria,I know that your real parent are not the ones you grew up with,I know that Aris confessed his love to you …. I’ve been too jealous Sharia..I couldn’t control my anger watching things go the way you want ” I said as she landed me a slap”

How will any of this bring back ARIS to life….why saying everything was going the way I wanted…do you know how hard life has treated me? I survived through stealing….the gods heard my cry and allowed me to go steal from prince ARIS ,I never knew I was a snake girl, fanny…you see that boy lying dead there, he’s my only joy .. he’s the only happiness I have ” she said in tears”

SHARIA, let’s take her with us…she needs to answer questions from my father before her dead” Medro said grabbing my hands and tieing them with a rope”

I don’t know if the king will look at you twice before ki||ing you fanny ” Lydia said”


I took my parent far away to another kingdom.

Father, mother…this is the hut I got for you… please stay here and be careful of how you go about ” I said to them about leaving as mother held me back”

And what about you.. where will you be going to Maria?”mother asked”

Mother,I won’t be happy if I don’t marry prince ARIS… I’m going back to take what’s rightfully mine….” I said angrily”

What are you talking about Maria,we all know that Sharia is the snake girl, maria now that Sharia knows who she is ..she will use her powers to fight whoever messes with her,stop this madness and think about your sister Lydia,she should be the one you should be thinking of” father said”

I know how much sharia loves Lydia.. she will never think of hurting her…and Lydia on the other hands will never think of coming with me , father.. mother…all I’m waiting for is the day Sharia is going to marry any of the princes, that’s the day I’ll strike her” I said angrily leaving as they kept calling”

MARIA…Maria…stop this already ” I heard them calling”


It was a sad moment in the palace….

Aris has just passed away….

How do we bear this…how do the queen and I survive this.

Father, father please we can’t lose ARIS… father please do something” Shantel said in tears as Sharia was still sitting on the ground with ARIS in her arms crying and begging the gods for help ”

My son can not leave me like that, Sharia please do something…if you really love him.. please don’t let him go…I can’t lose my son” my queen said in tears ”

Gods of our land….you have to hear my cry… it’s been hours now but wh@ťěver I do is not waking him up…gods of our land..ARIS is the man I love,I can not live without him…I don’t want to lose him” sharia said in tears but there wasn’t a sign of ARIS waking up”

Guards, make sure those ki||ers do not get even a drop of water from you” I said angrily”

…………………….2 WEEKS LATER……………….

? KING ?

It’s been weeks already….our son has not woken up and sharia does not want him to be buried.

We saw the seer coming in angrily saying to me..

My king,I greet you…my know it’s a taboo to keep a dead body in the kingdom for this long…we are not respecting the orders of the gods,the prince should be buried according to our law, keeping his dead body till this time is a taboo my king ” he said bowing as everyone were in tears”

” I walked sadly closer to Sharia who was still with Arises body in her arms,I don’t know what she did to preserve the body because it isn’t smelling at all”

SHARIA, dear… please let’s burry him , he’s gone” I said in tears as she looked at me angrily saying ”

I didn’t ask you not to burry him but if you’re to burry ARIS then burry me with him… there’s no use in this life without him can’t you get it” sharia asked angrily as the seer said ”

We cannot bury you my lady,if we do so then the gods will destroy us all, please we understand you two love each other so much but it’s been two good weeks.. nothing has changed,we have to burry the prince,it doesn’t show any respect” the seer said as Sharia shouted at him saying ”

Shut your mouth and leave us alone… the gods must bring him back to life ,he must hear my cry” Sharia said in tears when suddenly we saw Arises hands shaking ?”

Suddenly he began to cough…….we couldn’t believe our ears when we heard him requesting for water….

I..I.. need.. water” he managed to say as we rushed to him immediately, Sharia quickly created a cup of water with her powers without wasting time and poured into his mouth ”

Omg…gods of our land…you did it ” my queen said in tears as Shantel hugged ARIS tightly ”

I stood beside them shading tears of joy,I can’t believe this is happening right now.

SHARIA” ARIS managed to call as Sharia was speechless just crying seriously ”

SHARIA, please hug me tight” ARIS said as Sharia grabbed him into her arms immediately ”

Aris…. ARIS..?” she kept calling in tears ”

Sharia… I’m so sorry” ARIS said in tears as Sharia nodded her head saying ”

Please say sorry again ARIS…I want to hear that voice” she said in tears looking straight into his eyes ”

I’m sorry my love, I’m sorry” he kept saying as Medro walked closer to ARIS in tears,they both looked at each other and suddenly Medro hugged him immediately in tears saying ”

Aris you scared us… it’s been two weeks” Medro said in tears as Sharia began to thank the gods by bowing ”

SHARIA…” Aris called as sharia looked up to him”

Sharia I love you so much”ARIS said ”

I love you too ARIS” Sharia said when suddenly she ran to the corner and began to vomit ”

Sharia..are you okay” ARIS asked as Lydia rushed to her”

Sis..are you okay” she asked but Sharia kept vomiting ”



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