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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia watch th£ wolves eat th£ last f|£$h ” you love it don’t you ” mumbl!ng I m©v£ b@¢kward and lean on th£ wall exhal!ng, I j√$t vomited th£ little breakf*st I ate th*s morn!ng and now am hungry as h£ll, so hungry, who would have thought I will use five hours to feed some stupid wild animals that given a chance can ki|| me and eat me too.

” h£y ” that blond maid I met earlier wave h*r h@nds ” if you’re done with your work, lunch is be!ng serve !n th£ servants d!n!ng hall ”

” I will be right th*re ” mov!ng I quickly make up my m!nd that after I eat I will quickly clean th£ masters room, I don’t th!nk h£ will come any time soon ” am Elia ”

” call me rose ” $h£ h£ld my h@nd and ₱v|| me to th£ hall, many servants already eat!ng and th£y look so hungry ” why do h£ employ so many people?” Ask!ng I sit d©wΠ after we pick our share of food ” isn’t five maids enough, it will save money too ”

” that’s true Elia but if h£ was only employ!ng five people, you won’t be h*re right now so….we should be grateful, h£ doesn’t th!nk like that ”

” you’re right ” nodd!ng I stare at th£ meal, even servants h*re eat such good food? Fried rice and chicken with juice, shov!ng a spoonful of it I m0@n ” th*s is good ”

” I know right ” rose chuckle ” lady mor!n knows h*r way @r0vnd th£ kitch£n, $h£ is best at what $h£ does ”

” I never knew mor!n works, I thought $h£ j√$t supervise everyth!ng ”

” no b©dy really knows what $h£ does h*re, sometimes $h£ cook, clean, wash th£ masters cloth£s even take ¢ar£ of h*s pets ”

” that’s weird ”

” everyb©dy h*re calls h*r a weird old lady ”

” I don’t th!nk that’s nice though” I shake my h£ad ” maybe $h£ j√$t feel like stretch!ng h*r b©dy, you can’t j√$t sit @r0vnd all th£ time…I found lady mor!n sweet and amaz!ng to be with ”

Rose shrug ” everyb©dy has th£ir different thought” nodd!ng silence f@|| !n th£ hall and all you can h£ar is th£ sound of our spoon th£n m0@ns of delight ” how do you f!nd th£ master Elia ” rose ask look!ng eagerly to h£ar wh@ťěver th£ answer should be.

” I don’t get”

” h@ndsome, ugly, h°t, Scarry and manly ” $h£ smile ” which one ”

” Scarry ” I mumble ” I s!ncerely don’t want to be @r0vnd h*m, h£ freaks me ©vt ” lean!ng close I wh*sper ” h£ feed h*s pets human f|£$h ”

Rose chuckle ” everyb©dy knows that but that still doesn’t make h*m look less appeal!ng, h@ndsome and breathtak!ng…personally I love guys with blue eyes but master is rock!ng those dark eyes. For onces I can say its amaz!ng ”

” I will take it you like h*m?”

$h£ smile th£n nod ” everyb©dy like h*m @r0vnd h*re”

” I see ” eat!ng th£ last piece of chicken th£ sound of th£ master car alert me, I haven’t arranged h*s room, stand!ng to my feet I rush ©vt of th£ servants d!n!ng hall to th£ ma!n mansion th£n elevator, c|¡¢k on th£ fifth floor which took me to h*s room, I swiftly open th£ door th£n step !n lock!ng th£ door which will buy me time to clean th*s room.


to th£ b£d I quickly arrange th£ blanket, open!ng th£ closet and putt!ng new set of blanket but th£n I didn’t take a broom with me so how will I sweep th*s d@mn room!
Th!nk!ng for a second, h*s footsteps approach!ng alert me so !nstead of sweep!ng I unlock th£ door s1©wly and run !nto th£ bathroom shutt!ng th£ door, why did I eat lunch wh£n am not done with work!

Anoth*r scold!ng is com!ng up ” Elia” h*s voice calm, h£ said h£ h@ťě repeat!ng h*s self so th£ moment I h£ard my name from h*s l¡ps I rush ©vt of th£ bathroom and thanks to th£ h£at am sweat!ng which made it look like I was work!ng ” master?” Breath!ng I swallow try!ng to th!nk of an excuse.

” th£ floor is dirty, am feel!ng some dirt under my feet ” Alexander step closer, plac!ng h*s h@nd under my ch!n and mak!ng me to look at h*m ” expla!n and don’t lie, I h@ťě lies ”

” after feed!ng th£ pets I was hungry so I forgot ab©vt clean!ng your room th£n jo!n th£m for lunch and wh£n I h£ard th£ sound of your car I run up h*re but I was only able to dress th£ b£d….sorry ” bit!ng my lower l¡p I keep star!ng !nto that eyes of h*s, it feels like h£ is study!ng me.

” hmm” h£ m©v£ h*s h@nd to my neck, touch!ng th£ necklace h£ gave me earlier ” so you didn’t clean th£ bathroom th£n ”


” go d©wΠstairs and br!ng th£ materials you need to clean th£ room ”

you won’t punish me??”
” what have I told you ab©vt speak!ng wh£n I didn’t permit you to ” h£ frown and my b¡t£ my lower l¡p for th£ second time ” do you want me to punish you?” Shak!ng my h£ad a smile form !n th£ corner of h*s l¡ps ” silly girl, go on”

No one need to tell me twice before I hurry b@¢k to th£ elevator th£n th£ equipment room, take th£ bucket, broom and oth*r necessary th!ngs needed and with!n few m!nutes am b@¢k !n th£ room only to f!nd th£ master unbutton!ng h*s shirt.

h£ wasn’t star!ng at me, h*s gaze fixed at th£ w!ndow, h£ seem to be talk!ng to someone, th£ ear pod fixed !n h*s ear ” those bastards dare to touch what’s m!ne and what were you do!ng huh, sitt!ng @r0vnd dr!nk!ng coffee?” h£ sound pissed and I know its wrong to listen so I m©v£ !nto th£ bathroom and start my work.

S!nce it wasn’t that dirty I was done !n three m!nutes, it will really do me a big favour if h£ wasn’t h*re while am clean!ng, exhal!ng I step ©vt of th£ bathroom and th*s time our gaze meet, h£ didn’t avert h*s but I avert m!ne.

Am s¢ar£d I might do someth!ng wrong and th£n get fired for it, why won’t h£ j√$t go to th£ liv!ng room.

” f!nd th£m and elim!nate th£m, th£ir wives, children, even th£ir relatives should be done with ” h£ take off th£ ear pod th£n throw it away ” what nons£nse ” swallow!ng I pick up th£ broom and start sweep!ng, Alexander isn’t j√$t an ord!nary army, h£ ki||s people, h£ can ki|| me if angered.

” hurry up Elia, I need my room for myself!” h*s growl s¢ar£d th£ h£ll ©vt of my b©dy, my b©dy literally shake and wh£n ever that happens, tears start to f@||, look!ng at Alexander h£ notice it and become confuse ” why are you cry!ng?”

” am sorry, it happens wh£never am s¢ar£d, it won’t happen aga!n” clean!ng my tears it j√$t won’t stop because am still s¢ar£d, h£ walk closer to me th£n use h*s h@nds to clean th£ tears and surpris!ng it stop and that was th£ moment I notice h*s bare ch£st, broad shoulder and…is that eight abs, h£ has freak!ng eight abs.

Look!ng up at h*m I found h*m look!ng serious !n mak!ng me to stop cry!ng and am sure my face is bright shade of red from embarr@zzment ” it stopped, humans and th£ir silly tears ” h£ mumble th£n look d©wΠ at me, lift!ng my ch!n up to look at h*m ” don’t ever cry aga!n”

how am I suppose to do that wh£n th£ emotions j√$t happens with©vt !nform!ng me and you keep scar!ng th£ fv¢k ©vt of me Mr man!”that is what am suppose to say that but s!nce I love my job I j√$t nod and th£n h£ m©v£ to th£ balcony, leav!ng me alone !n h*s b£droom, with mixed emotions.
Confusion and fear.

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