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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SNAKE GIRL – Episode 9

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Goodness Sharia can you keep your mouth shut, don’t you know someone might hear you??” I asked whispering”

Common young man,you have to leave..go and take your bride,do not run away from your responsibility ” she said said”

What the heck is your problem,why are you so happy for me and Maria to be together, don’t you feel anything for me? Do you have a stone heart?” I asked uncontrollably ,as I didn’t know when it came out of my mouth”

” She stared at me surprisingly”

What did you say? You mean to ask if I have no romantic feelings for you?” She asked”

Hahaha, romantic feelings? For who? I’m just asking if you don’t have the feelings to let me hide here,you don’t have a good heart to let me be here, there you are talking about romantic feelings, listen carefully you better know who you are in this palace and don’t ever forget that I am the prince ” I said as she began to look at me angrily”

” Suddenly I saw tears rolling down her eyes,her lips were shaking as I didn’t understand why she was crying”

SHARIA, what’s the problem..why are you crying ” I asked surprisingly as she ran out immediately with tears in her eyes”

” What did I say wrong,why is she in tears, oh no someone is coming,I need to hide back inside the drum”


My Mum took me to the prince’s ceremony…

It was a big party of which the prince is about to ruin, everyone has been waiting for him to arrive,I heard his missing and no where to be found…

His bride is already waiting….

I wonder why he should be doing this,in this kingdom once you’re chosen to be with someone by the gods,you must be… love does not exist in that.

I was still in thoughts when I saw from afar Sharia rushing out of the palace looking very sad…

Mother, I’ll be back” I said to my mum ”

Okay son, don’t stay long” she said as I left after sharia immediately ”


I was sitting sadly waiting for the prince to be found…how could he do this to me…

Suddenly I saw some persons coming to me,A man and a woman..they rushed to me and hugged me in tears saying.

Oh my child, you’re finally back..we found you ” they said happily in tears as I was confused ”

“Who could they be and why are they referring to me as their child”

My dear daughter, don’t worry after your marriage with the prince… we’ll take you home for some hours” the man said ”

” Everything is getting me confused,I think after my marriage with the prince I should ask father and mother questions”

Suddenly we saw the king rising up from his throne saying…

My apologies everyone, please bear with son will soon be here…but since we are still in search of him.. let’s beging with some other things because we don’t have much time, let’s call on the eyes of the gods to come forward and begging” the king said as we saw him coming ”

The eyes of the gods came straight to me and stretch his hands to me saying..

The snake shell” he said as I gave it to him immediately ”

” He collected it while I kept watching at him”

We all know that this young lady here is the snake girl..but to those who want to know why and how we got to know who she is,we are going to perform some rituals…. which is to place the snake shell on a burning fire ,if she screams and her body changes then she’s the snake girl and if she turns to a snake then she’s really the one for the prince and the one to defeat the demon king,we shall beging ” he said”

” even though the prince is not around,if I pass all this test then I’ll be made his wife,yessss… Sharia and fanny get ready to lose ?”


“After seeing the shocks of my life in the congregation,I rushed into the prince’s kitchen to get back my self”

I stood there and looked everywhere but they wasn’t even maid in the kitchen so I decided to split out my thoughts with my hands on my head.

This is unbelievable,that woman is here…she came for the marriage….oh no..this shouldn’t be what I’m thinking that the boy I saw with her is the prince…

No this can’t be… they’re not supposed to be here,why didn’t she leave very far away with the child when she took him,how could she stay in this land till date,I can’t believe they could come to the palace some day,this is not destiny because his destiny was to be sacrificed to the gods…

If everyone finds out that the dead prince is still alive then it’ll be war in the kingdom” I said scratching my head when suddenly I saw a drum opening..with the prince coming out from it saying ”

Do you brother is still alive??” He asked surprisingly as I was shocked ?”


I rushed home to cry out ,if you ask me why I’m crying I don’t even know..

But it’s so hurting whenever the prince make me feel he likes me and later say things that makes me look useless.

I’m so sad,I need some meat to calm myself down.

Mother, father I’m here” I said going in as Lydia rushed to me and hugged me”

SHARIA,I missed you so have you been” she asked in my arms as mother drew her away from me”

Lydia,stay away from this witch,and you dare you go to the palace to steal your sister’s husband” mother asked ”

What! Mother,is that what she told you” I asked as father landed me a slap ”

You ungrateful child” father said angrily getting me obsessed ”

You call me ungrateful?? What have you ever done for me as your child , have I not been the one acting like a father to this family? Everyday I receive insults from you two,you don’t care about me.. sometimes I feel like you’re not my parent because you don’t treat me like a child,I don’t know why you two h@ťě me this much despite the fact that I became a thief just to keep this family going,I was taken to the palace by the prince just because his money was the one I stole to bring a doctor to treat you father, I’m working there to clear the debt but Maria came and told you nonsense and you believed her, listen to me ,you two are the ungrateful ones ” I said angrily as mother landed me a slap”

You bastard, don’t lecture us like that” mother said angrily ”

Mother that’s okay…you can’t keep bullying Sharia, maria deserves everything you’re doing to sharia because she doesn’t have a heart” Lydia said ”

Shut your mouth Lydia,and you Sharia..come with me” father said dragging me with him”

Where are you taking me to??” I asked ”

” Father took me into a room and landed me into a drum full of water…he locked me inside there with a part Lock ”

” I couldn’t scream because the water was covering my nose,they was no way for me to come out…oh no…why I’m I being treated like this, even after everything I’ve done for this family, gods of our land..if you love what I’ve been doing for my family, please don’t let me die”


I arrived at the compound I saw her entering…

Good day.. please I’m looking for Sharia” I said to them as the man looked at me angrily ”

Who are you” the woman asked as my eyes captured Lydia who was standing behind ”

” I was surprised to see her as I rushed to her immediately ”

Lydia.. Lydia how are you” I asked ”

I’m fine master Medro” she said to me with a sign on her finger pointing at a particular room ”

” I quickly understood what she meant as I rushed into the room opening it with my leg”

Hey..come out now” I heard them saying ”

“I got in and heard someone trying to scream inside a big drum of water that was locked,I turned to them angrily saying”

Let me have the keys..I mean now” I said angrily ”

I won’t give it to you” the man said as I grabbed his neck and landed him on the ground with my leg on his mouth saying”

Did you know why I’m not going to ki|| you? It’s because you’re Lydia’s father” I said and grabbed the key from him”

” I quickly opened the drum and saw Sharia almost giving up..I carried her out immediately in my arms and began to leave with her”

Sharia.. I’ll take you to a doctor” I said rushing out with her”


They placed the snake shell on the burning fire…

Everyone was waiting to see my reactions,I myself was waiting too but no sign was coming….

The snake shell began to burn but I wasn’t hot,my skin was still the way it was… everyone began whispering to each other as I couldn’t stand it anymore..

What’s happening,I don’t understand… father and mother said I’m the snake girl,why isn’t there any sign….

” I saw the king coming to me angrily saying ”

Maria, what is going on..are you the snake girl or not” he asked angrily while I was confused ”


I was riding with Sharia on my horse taking her back to the palace after the medicine man attended to her.

Sharia,are those people really your parent” I asked when suddenly her whole skin began to change colour”

She fell off the horse screaming and scratching her body….

Help meeeee…helppppppp..ahhhhhh” she screamed in pains as I grabbed her in my arms calling ”

Sharia, Sharia dear.. what’s happening.. Sharia” I called almost in tears as her skin was burning ”

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?” she screamed in pains ”

” Suddenly I heard a voice saying ”

?Move away from herrrrrrrr,move away from herrrrrr…move away from herrrr?” the gods said aloud”

gods of our land.. please what’s happening to her.. please save her” I said”

?For the very last time,move away from her?” the gods said Again”

No I won’t,I won’t move an inch… she’s dying.. can’t you see it??” I asked aloud when suddenly I saw Sharia transforming into a mighty python in my arms ?”


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