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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin




I heard a voice that sounded like Zelda’s outside the door, just that this voice was yelling and Zelda barely yells at anyone.

I rushed out to have a peek but I was caught before I could even properly take a peek.

It was like the guard had his eyes on every hole in the door because how did he catch my eyes immediately?

Seeing that I was already caught, I had to open the door and step out.

He was a bit stiff but he answered all my questions about Zelda and even told me where she went to.

I quickly knocked twice on Oliver’s door before rushing out, the guard would tell him the same thing he told me because it seems he’s quite good at telling stories in details.

Rushing off I kept bowing to each guard that bowed at me, faked smiles with the flirty maids.

This passage Is one hell of a journey, when are we getting there?

I just hope Zelda hasn’t gone to bully everyone here into knowing what 21st century is like.

I hope she hasn’t gone to scream at the King in front of his subjects because that would be disastrous.

I started to hear heavy footstep behind me, it has to be Oliver.

I wish August was closer, it seems August might be the fastest way to please Her Royal Highness right now.

Oh my phone…. I can’t even make a call here.

Where did you say he went to?

Where did he f-__-king go?! I heard her voice yelling, I couldn’t see her yet because it was getting dark so I just followed the lit up candles and her voice.

No one knows where he went, My Queen, one of the guards standing in front of a huge door responded.

You really don’t know or you are just covering up for him? she questioned.

I’m not covering for anyone, My Queen, he responded and Zelda groaned.
Arnold sighed in relief when he saw her walking away but he still followed behind them.

When was the last time you saw your King? she asked Queen as they strolled out with two guards and the maids joining them without her notice.

He was here earlier but I was told Chief Evenuis took the cat with him.

Who is Chief Evenuis and what right does he have to carry the King? She blasted again.

No, he didn’t carry the King, His Majesty went out on his own before your return, Your Majesty, Queen replied innocently.

He went out on his own? You mean as a cat?

A cat? No, the King is not a cat, He’s a werewolf, Queen whispered and Zelda halted instantly and the maids almost collided into her.

I know he’s a wolf, but He’s not a cat too?! Zelda whispered back.

Yes, my Queen, Queen whispered as the maids stared at them in confusion but they minded their business anyway.

Then what about the cat? I thought he transformed into a cat and came to me, but you are saying he was here before I came? I’ve freaking been with him for the past one month! She whispered so loud, frustrated that she can’t speak out loud enough because she’s in a place where everyone is scared of some mean people in authority.

Queen stared at her.

You didn’t know? Zelda whispered again.

Know what?

That the King has been missing from the palace for the past month? Zelda whispered.

The King has not been missing, he has been here with us, we serve him food everyday and he has been holding meetings and riding out on his white horse, the King is not Missing My Queen, Queen replied and Zelda almost fainted.

If he’s been here, how come they said the cat is him?

Who has she been talking to?

A ghost stuck in a cat?

My Queen, A maid bowed before her pulling her out of her thoughts.

The head maid wants me, I will be going now my queen, Queen announced with a bow.

Zelda didn’t say a word so she started going.

Wait! Zelda called and they both halted.

What’s the old hags name? she yelled a little since they weren’t close to her.

Queens eyes widened while the other maids looked confused.

Who is the old hag? they wondered.

Queen who was bowing ran back and whispered her name to Zelda.

Sarah? Zelda muttered and Queen nodded.

What an evil name for an evil woman, she mutteted through gritted teeth, the name reminded her so much of Saraphina.

Tell Sarah that I’ve chosen my personal maid, she (Queen) will be my personal maid from now, Zelda ordered with a raised voice.

Yes, My Queen, the girl responded glaring at Queen who was visibly excited.

And tell Saraphina that I won’t have her order me or my maid around, we aren’t peasants! She capitalized on the last word then scoffed like someone who just did something huge.

Ye.. yes my Queen, the girl responded.

Let’s go, Zelda said dragging Queen who looking at the maid.

Everyone knows how spiteful Esther can be, she might go twist the words then drag Queen into trouble.

Esther glared at Queen who was pleading with her eyes, then she turned around and left.

Sighing in relief, seeing that Zelda has not brought chaos to the kingdom just yet, both Oliver and Arnold walked towards her.

My Queen, Zelda heard their voices behind her. she turned to see them bowing.

Hey, Stop that, she whispered loudly, pulling their both heads up with her two hands.

Don’t do that again, its awkward.

I’m so happy to see you both, i feel like I’m going to have s nervous break down, do you know I’ve gone through a whole lot of disgrace and shame just these past few hours, these people made me do lots of weird things, you won’t believe it.

That’s why I’m going to take it out on all of them, I won’t be the only one feeling this way, I shouldn’t feel like this alone right? They should also feel nervous. Oh my God, I feel like my bladder is going to burst open.

I want to pee so bad but what if they make me go naked again in front of them, eww.. I can’t do that.

What do I do?

Should we just makr a run for it?

I want to go home, should we?

We can leave August here to find his mate, let’s just go, she blabbered away.

You plan dumping me in the middle of lions and tigers? August asked walking up to her.

Oh August, you are fine, she squealed in excitement hugging him.

I thought they were going to drain blood out of you, I was so worried.

But you were about going without me, August replied with a smirk.

I didn’t say that… Right Arnold? We were going to come pick you up so we can go together, she lied with a cute smile on her face.

Both Arnold and Oliver couldn’t help the laughter, they laughed so loud forgetting they were in a place filled with tigers and lions.

Shes so cute and funny, why wouldn’t any man fall head over heels with her like I have fallen, Arnold thought staring only at her face, he couldn’t help himself

See… I wasn’t going to leave you, Zelda told August

Let’s all leave together okay, they are all cruel, I’m so pissed right now, i can’t believe he lied to us, was it a mere cat he sent to us while he cruised on his horse everyday?

Oh God, how did i get paired with someone so cruel, she spoke staring at the sky.

I wish i was paired with you instead, I really don’t want anything else, August thought, he had the same expression as Arnold.

They were both love struck, its happening again but this time,its with Arnold and they both know who her mate is.

I’m going to miss you so much Queen, but I have to go,I can’t go naked one more time, do you wanna come with us? Zelda asked but she was looking elsewhere.

They all were.

She turned away from Queen to see.

The King was standing there with Evenuis beside him, carrying Beiber.

He heard every single word that was said including what was in their hearts, their thoughts.

Speechless, Zelda stared at the two men, she recognized her mate from the paintings, she couldn’t tear her eyes off him.

God! He’s so beautiful, she thought licking her dry lips.

King Wright stared blankly st her, no emotion detected in his face.

He didn’t look happy to see her like she expected, Beiber had a gloomy expression too.

Before any of them could say a word, he spoke.

Make sure you take enough candles before you start your journey, he said and like the wind, he blew past them

Evenuis almost cried.

This isn’t the welcome he has planned for twenty five years.

How can their first actual meeting be like this?

What the hell was that? Zelda asked, her hands in the hair.

She was stunned.

The King must have heard you, My Queen, Queen whispered feeling sorry for her..

So what?

He is actually cruel and I was thinking he could be different, Zelda spat angrily.

I’m sure he will come around, you should try talking to him later, August told her..


Evenuis cleared his throat and they looked at him

You are highly welcome my Queen, the whole kingdom has been bubbly since your return, the flowers in the garden are blooming too.

Good to have you back where you belong, My Queen, he spoke with so much elegance that Zelda loved him instantly.

Thank you so much, Sir, I really appreciate your sweet words, she replied with a wide smile.

Aren’t you the kindest male i have seen so far, others are bloody @$$h0les, she joked and August tapped her.

What?! I can say @$$h0le in front of my dad too, she whispered.

Oh wow.. I’m truly flattered to hear that but I’m afraid you might be wrong, Evenius replied with a warm smile.

I dont think so sir, I just met the biggest @$$h0le… I mean the… uhum.. the most unentertaining snobbish guy ever, she whispered with a snare and Evenius smiled.

Her mind was a dagger, it already poked his heart in her imagination.

He’s the kindest person you will ever come across, My Queen, books aren’t judged by their covers alone, get to know him, you would know what I mean then, he replied sweetly.

Before Zelda could disagree, he handed Beiber to her, he asked to give him back, he said then smiled before walking away.

He might not be cruel after all, Oliver whispered.

In your dreams, Zelda replied.

She didn’t feel like taking a walk anymore.

The one person she wanted to fight just broke her bones with just his stare.

He didn’t even beg her not to leave, instead he asked her to take candles with her.

He’s cruel.

He’s so cruel, she kept thinking to herself as she followed Queen back to her room..

The King in his room could hear her thoughts as she got closer..

He’s cruel.

He’s so cruel, kept ringing in his head because she kept singing it in her head even as she prepared to sleep.


What a first impression ?
Is he really cruel though?

Why do you think the king took Beiber and why did he return him?

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