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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 90

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Spicy and kitten got into Sua’s class and they met her chatting with Darth and Lilah.

” Hey ” Spicy waved and they looked up.

” Spicy ” Darth went to her.

” It’s been a while… I didn’t even see you at your dad’s birthday party..” He hugged her and she reciprocated the hug.

Kitten stared at Sua and they nodded at each other. Sua smiled before facing Lilah.

” We need to be somewhere with Spicy, so see you later okay? Don’t stress yourself too, it wouldn’t be good for the baby” Sua pulled her cheeks softly.

” Alright Sua..” Lilah smiled and looked at Spicy.

” Hey love ”

” You’re becoming better everytime I see you” Spicy smiled at her before diverting her gaze to Kitten and Sua.

” So where are we heading too?” She asked as they left class together.

They kept walking till they got to a restricted area not far from the school.

Spicy immediately felt strange. She looked back to find Mia standing behind her with a dagger in her hand.

” What’s happening? Di.. did you both ”

” Yes, those you call your friends betrayed you, so trust no one” Mia laughed.

Spicy’s gaze moved to her friends and they shrugged, taking few steps back.

” Kitten? Sua? How… How could you? I’ve always been nice to you but this is what I get in return?” She asked unbelievably.

Mia rushed towards her but she kept dodging all her kicks and punches.

” You’re not only dumb Mia or is it Krokinos?? How could you allow someone as useless as Krokinos possess you?” She asked while Mia laughed.

” As long as I’m taking you with me, then it’s okay ”

” Sadly, you’re not gonna die by hands” Spicy smirked and Mia frowned, trying to figure out the reason for her smirk when she felt a sharp sting in her chest.

She looked back and saw Jayce smirking with his dagger right into her chest.

” Long time no see Krokinos.. Silvio appeared too.

” What’s happening?” Mia asked as “ Cutie ” kept burning her chest up. She glanced at Sua and kitten and they shrugged before laughing.

” You really think we were for you?? After you called us Chicks you still expected us to work for you?? Seriously? Are you kidding me?” kitten smirked.

” It was really hard playing with you knowing fully well you’re evil… Gosh I deserve an Oscar for my acting ski||s, don’t you agree?” Sua laughed.

” I know right?” Kitten laughed too and they did an high-five.

” I know you read minds, so everything we did was pretend.. Spicy knows about everything we did you know why? Cos we’ve always trusted her” Kitten held Spicy’s hands.

” At first I thought they were gonna betray me cos Jael here made me believe so.. not knowing he was actually planning for your death” Spicy said walking to Mia.

” Why don’t we finished this, Krokinos..” She smiled, charging at Mia who was in pain.

Krokinos made to disappear but Silvio wouldn’t let him.

Jayce chuckled.

” I promise I was gonna take care of the second eye if we meet again and I’m here to do so” He said and “ Cutie ” left Mia’s chest and went back to him.

Jayce applied his blood on it before shoving the dagger into Mia’s second eye. She cried painfully and she felt even more miserable because she couldn’t make use of her teleporting power.

” I would have loved to ki|| you the third time we meet but too bad, you’re dying today” Jayce whispered and left the place. It was now left Spicy and Mia.

” Can I borrow your dagger Jayce ” Spicy asked and Jayce nodded.

She pulled out the dagger from Mia’s eyes and smiled at it.

” This is making me miss Xanthe” She smirked evilly before th-ru_sting the dagger into Mia’s stomach. Mia groaned as she vomited blood. She couldn’t see or disappear.

” I’m gonna cut you into pieces so calm down.. I won’t ki|| you immediately” Spicy smiled again, removing the dagger from Mia’s stomach.

She started shoving the dagger into every part of Mia’s body, caring less about her cries. She remembered Winter died because of her, so ki||ing her was the only thing on her mind.

” Wow, that’s… brutal ” Jayce muttered as he watched Spicy shove the dagger into Mia’s skull, dividing it into two halves, letting her brain fall off her head.

” You’re even brainless.. see the small amount of brain leaving this big head of yours.. ” She shook her head as she watch Mia’s body dissipate.

Her face was stained with blood so Silvio helped her with it using his powers.

” Now it’s left just Zacus??” She asked and Jayce nodded.

” That’s great then ” She muttered and looked at her friends.

” You both h@ťě me for what I just did??” She asked but they hugged her instead.

” She deserves it anyway, she was staring to get on my nerves” Kitten replied and Spicy nodded.

” You did well Cutie..” Jayce said and the girls faced him with a frown.

” Sorry I wasn’t referring to you all, I was talking to the dagger, it’s name is Cutie ” He smiled and the girls laughed.

” What a weird name for a dagger” Sua laughed and Jayce laughed too.

” Can’t believe we’re the only humans here.. it’s good though cus I’m sure we’re safe” Kitten said as they left the place.

” Spicy and I needs to go somewhere together so you all can go on” Silvio said as they got to the hallway which led to their class. Kitten and Sua hugged Spicy again before leaving with Jayce.

” You’re ready?? ” Silvio asked and she nodded slowly. He went closer to her and hugged her and they both teleported from there to the Kang’s mansion.



” Let’s go in ” Silvio said as they found their way to the sitting room. Derrick and his wife were in the sitting room when they entered.

Silvio greeted and Lyra offered him a seat while Spicy hugged her parents.

After she was done, she sat next to Silvio.

” Mom, here’s my boyfriend” She started and Silvio looked at her.

” Really? He’s so cute” Lyra said and Silvio, left with no choice, smiled slightly.

” I’ll make you something to eat first” Lyra stood up and made to walk away but Spicy’s question made her stop on her tracks.

” Mom.. what happened 22years ago?” She asked and Lyra’s heart palpitated. She blinked continuously before looking at her daughter.

” What do you mean?” She asked.

” Mom…”

” Nothing happened 22years ago okay? You’re 20 so what possibly could have happened? Nothing right?” Lyra said.

” What did you hear?” Derrick asked.

” I just need to know the truth about my birth dad.. I want to know the type of child I am, the reason I don’t bleed, the reason I have powers, I want to know everything about myself.. so please do me the favor of telling me please” She beseeched.

Lyra held her tears as she stared at Derrick.

” I think she’s old enough to know how she was born right?” Derrick asked and Lyra sniffed, tears dropping down her cheeks.

Silvio kept mute, observing.

Spicy left her seat and went to hug her mom.

” I’ll take wh@ťěver explanation you give” She said in tears while Lyra stroke her hair gently.

Lyra sniffed again and made Spicy seat next to her.

” I don’t know if I’m the cause but I just couldn’t let you die 22years ago..” She began.

” But I’m twenty”

” Yeah, you’re twenty because I was told you died while in the womb… despite all that, I couldn’t flush you out, I still carried you in the womb for two years.. I thought there was hope and a miracle could happen since I didn’t experience any form of bleeding those two years” Lyra said.

” I….I died in the womb?? Then how did I get back to life?” Spicy asked, tears leaving her eyes.

” I don’t know.. I really don’t know”


” Mrs Kang, I’ll advise you sign this papers so we could bring out the child.. It’s been two years and you’re still moving around with the fake hope that the baby would live again?? It’s just too strange that you haven’t even experience labour pain yet” Doctor Min stated.

” I can’t, I’ve been married for five years without a child and you expect me to remove the one in my womb because you said the baby is dead? Of course not, I can’t! I don’t know if I’ll ever take in again, so I can’t risk it ”

” It’s been strangely two years already and if this continues, you’ll likely get a womb infection and….

” Thanks a lot for your time Doctor ” Lyra said and left. Derrick tried stopping her from leaving but he knows his wife to be strong headed.

He bowed to the doctor before walking out of the office.

He got to the car only to see his wife crying profusely. He hugged her and started stroking her hair.

Despite the fact people insulted her for carrying her pregnancy for years, she never felt shy in anyway.

Some called it Witchery while some called the baby in her womb badluck still, she didn’t care.

” I can’t do it Derrick” she sobbed on his chest.

” It’s fine ” He stroke her hair for a while. She disengaged from the hug and cleaned her eyes.

” Let’s go somewhere please, I don’t want to be around here” She said and he kissed her hair. He ignited the car aftwards and drove out of the place.

” What happened after that??” Spicy asked and Lyra resumed crying slowly.

” You dad and I went to the beach after that and I found this thing in the sand. It was shining brightly and strangely, it seem it was calling out to me”……

Lyra sat at the shore, observing the weather and the beautiful blue Sea.

” It’s beautiful right?” She asked.

” Yeah it is ” Derrick agreed. ” Do you need anything” he asked and she thought for a while.

” Yeah ice cream, banana ice cream” She replied and he smiled. He left the place to get Lyra the ice cream.

Lyra smile sadly, trying to forget what Doctor Min told her. She rubbed her protruded stomach and started crying lowly.

” You can’t just die like this, You must be pulling a prank right? Can you just do me the favor of coming back to life huh?” Lyra sniffled, looking around the area.

She cleaned her tears when she sighted something strange in the sand.

” A sea Pearl? ” She wondered, staring at it.

” It looks like a medium size stone but why’s it glittering gold?” She muttered and strangely, she felt it was calling out to her.

She stood up and went to where it was.

” It’s just a stone right?? A precious stone” She squatted infront of it. She picked it up and it shone even brightly.

” You must cost a fortune but I’ll rather keep you cos you look so attractive..” She smiled and raise her head. She saw Derrick Walking to her direction and her smile expanded.

She kept smiling untill he got to her and kissed her hair.

” Your ice cream” He stretched it forward and she collected it.

” Oh.. here is what I.. ” She looked at her hands but couldn’t find the stone.

” Huh? Where did it go?” She wondered.

” Looking for something?”

” Yes… I mean, no… I don’t know ” She shrugged and stood up.

” Thanks for the Ice cream” She said and he hugged her. They stayed in the beach for a while before leaving.


” It disappeared? Then what happened after that??” Spicy asked curiously.

” Well… nothing special. I came back home and all I craved for that day was kimchi, so I decided to go make one for myself. Your dad got a business call too, he didn’t want to go cos he never wanted me to be sad and lonely but I urge him to after telling him I’ll be fine”.

” So? That’s how you got into labor??” Spicy asked and Lyra nodded gently.

” Is that all?” She asked again and Lyra shook her head in denial.

” Ready? ” Lyra asked Derrick who was fully dressed.

” Are you sure I need to go on this trip??” He asked.

” Yes of course. I promise I’ll be fine” She replied and he nodded slowly. She helped him with his briefcase until they got to his car.

” Bye love..” She waved and Derrick kissed her stomach. He kissed her forehead before entering his car and drove out of the compound.

Lyra went back to the kitchen to continue with her dish. She was about adding Spices into it when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen..

She winced and rubbed her stomach slightly and it stopped. She smiled before opening the Chilli powder can and started sprinkling it into the kimchi. Another pain, even more painful than the previous one gripped and all the spices poured into the food.

” ARGHH!!” She screamed.

The pain was unbearable but Derrick wasn’t home.

She was still screaming when she heard footsteps. Her neighbors, they came to check up on her but they were shocked to see her that way.

” My baby… the baby ” She gasped while the women quickly rushed her to the hospital.

” After that, what happened?”

” I was taken to Taemin hospital but Doctor Min wasn’t around so the nurse there attended to me. Though something shocking happened in the labour room”

” What’s that?”

” The nurse-midwife who beheld you, died as soon as you were born” Lyra said and Spicy’s eyes widened in shock.

” What??” She exclaimed.

” That’s right, A soul must be sacrifice because of the Guardian’s Grail inside you..” Silvio said in his head and her eyes widened the more.





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