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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“All done, does it hurt again?” Miguel asked Yolanda who was lost staring at him, she didn’t even hear what he said.

“Landa??” He called but she didn’t reply.

“Landa??” He shook her, jolting her back from her thought.

“I’m handsome right??” He smirked.

“Don’t be full of yourself.” She rolled her eyes before inwardly scolding herself for drooling so foolishly… It was very obvious.

She looked at her hand, it was hurting that much but she wasn’t sure she could with it again.

“Thanks.” She said anyway.

“Always welcome.” He smiled out a dimple, fluttering her.

It made her heart began racing abnormally.

“How’re we gonna do?? Should we just back out??” He asked and Yolanda quickly shook her head.

She has loved cooking, more reason why she decided to participate in this contest.

She learnt how to cook from her nanny Clara, then she was still young.

“No. I’ll manage to cook.” She stood up immediately. She grabbed the pot with her right hand and she winced.

She proceeded to picking it with her left hand but Miguel took it for her.

“Your hand still hurt, lemme do the cooking, just tell me what to do.” He told her.


“Please Landa.” He said and she shrugged.

A while later, Miguel has already cleared the mess and has began cooking again.

“What else should I add??” He asked.

“Nothing just keep on stirring.” She instructed.

He did just that. He sniffed in the sweet aroma already emitting from the dish he was preparing and smiled widely.

?️5 minutes left to round up.

The MC spoke.

“Time to bring it down Miguel.” Landa said and he nodded.

“How are we gonna serve in just 5 minutes??” She asked.

“Trust me on that.” He smirked.

He brought out the already baked tortillas and placed it on a plate. He poured the shredded beef on a separate plate.

“We haven’t even tasted it.” He reminded and Yolanda took a bit from the tortilla.

Her eyes widened.

“What happened??” She curled up her index and thumb fingers, giving him a ‘it’s amazing’ sign.

He smiled.

“How come you can cook more than me??” She asked when she was done chewing on the food.

“Coz I’m always the best.” He said and she laughed.

They served the food for the judges and waited their results.

It took turns for the food to go across the judges, only nine contestant did something, the remaining three were disqualified.

The results came out and seven contestants had the highest vote, the remaining two left.

Among the seven contestants were Miguel and Yolanda, they were able to scale through the first round, they even got Chef Lilly’s vote.


“I knew you guys could do it.” Bella said proudly as they walked out of the hall.

“Because of you she burnt her hand.” Miguel complained.

“And you tended to it.” She smiled.

“Yunno SpongeBob, I already have it in mind to tease the hell outta you today, so you can’t cook??” She asked bewilderment.

“I was the one who cooked the dish dummy.” He defended.

“Oh please, we all know Yolanda helped you, right Yolanda?” Bella asked.

“Sure.” Landa nodded with a smile.



“Miguel!” Romina called from behind, stopping Miguel on his track.

He slowly turned back to see her. He frowned slightly.

“Miguel…” She called, hugging him tightly.

Miguel pushed her off him, immediately.


“What are you doing in Hawaii Romina??” He asked, calling her name in full, for the very first time in years.

“Miguel?? You called my full name?? Are you still angry with me??” She asked, faking tears.

“Come off the pretence Romina, what are you doing in Hawaii??” He asked again.

“I’m already said I’m sorry, haven’t I? I’m sorry for abducting you on your wedding day I was driven by my obsession for you.” She pouted.

“I didn’t ask that, I asked what you’re doing in Hawaii?”

“I… I came for tour, I didn’t know you’re having your honeymoon here.” She said.

He rolled his eyes.

“Good,,, tour in peace… Stay far from me.” He warned sternly and began walking away but she grabbed his wrist.

“Miguel…” She gulped down nothing as he sent her a glare. He yanked his hands off hers.

“Stay away!” With that final warning, he left.

She kept staring at his retreating figure, sadly.

“Tch! Tch! Tch!… Looks like lovergirl got rejected again.” She heard the familiar voice said behind her.

The voice she loathed so much, she disdained the person with the person with the voice with everything in her.

She slowly turned back to see her. She guessed right. She’s the only with such croaky voice.


“Good to see you again Romina, I always knew we would meet again. I must confess, I did miss you alot.” She said the last sentence, sarcastically.

Romina glared.

“What do you want Bella??” She asked, trying to control the h@ťě burning up in her.

Ironically how the two are Miguel’s friend but they don’t get along.

“Calm down with the glare, we just met after four years, we shouldn’t start with the h@ťě, what do you think??” Bella smiled widely.

“Ion have time to exchange words with you.”

“I also gat no time to spare with b!tches.” She retorted.

“You’re still on with your obsession knowing fully well that he’s married, he can never be yours, you’re still head over heels, how shamelessly.” She added.

Romina glared at her with gnashed teeth.

“I will warn you again, stay clear. Miguel is my friend and Yolanda is also my friend and I don’t joke with my friends… Don’t try anything shítty if you don’t want me to activate the bítch mode… Tour in peace as he suggested.” She warned sternly, not smiling at all.

“Have a good day.” She flashed her a smile before walking.

Romina clenched her fist in anger as she watched her retreating figure.

That bítch! Only God knows how much she h@ťěs her.


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