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HomeMY EX, MY BOSSMY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 36

MY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 36

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Martin sigh immediately he saw the name and he picked up.

He was still inside the car.

“What the hell is going on with you and evelyn?” Haris yell immediately he pick up the call and martin just sigh and reuse to answer him.

“Seriously martin answer me. Evelyn came home crying and one thing I h@ťě most is seeing my best friend in tears so I would like to know what happen between you and evelyn,” Haris said but martin couldn’t answer him.

He didn’t even know how to explain it.

“It is kinda complicated,” Martin replied and Haris just scoff.

“Complicated? I don’t wanna know what happened between you guys anymore but find away to settle this dispute,” Haris said and ended the call.

“Sir we are here,” The driver said and one of the guard quickly open the door while he step out majestically.

He enter the compound and the maids bow down. They could tell he was d@mn angry Just by looking at him.

As he walk into the sitting room he huff immediately he saw cole and Charlotte who was watching T. V.

“Welcome martin,” They both greeted but he just ignore them and walk upstairs. They both stare at each other confuse wondering what was wrong.

“d@mn it,” He shouted as he enter his room, throwing his suit to the ground.

He didn’t mean to say those words at evelyn but he was really angry that he couldn’t even think straight.

“d@mn you alexander,” He yells and almost immediately cole walk in gently, immediately martin saw him, his eyes soften a little but he was still d@mn angry that he needed to be alone.

“Cole can you please leave, I wanna be alone,” He said giving his best friend a fake smile but cole just scoff.

He know his Best friend too well.

He rolled his eyes and handed a book over to him.

“What is this?” Martin ask as he took the book gently away from cole.

“That is a book to keep your relationship secure. You look like a dog with the way you are angry,” Cole said and martin glare at him.

“How do you even know that it was…….

“That is Because I know evelyn is the one making you go crazy.” Cole cut her off and martin glared at him and Cole chuckle before walking out of the room.

Martin sigh before sitting down on the bed.

“Quotes to a better relationship,” Was bodly written on the front of the book.

The first step to a better relationship is to understand your partner. In every relationship if there is no better understanding among the couple then be sure the relationship is not going to last long.

There should be love between both of you. Try to go on a date everytime so you both wouldn’t get bored of each other and there should be trust between both of you.

The three foundation to a better relationship is love, trust and understand. Without these three words a better relationship cannot stand…….




Evelyn sat on the couch watching a movie but she just didn’t understand the movie. She watch the movie so she could stop thinking about the incident but it just didn’t work.

She look at the time and she frown when she saw it was still 13:40.

After she woke up from sleep, where she had fall asleep on the couch, she took a shower and tried to fall asleep in the bedroom but couldn’t so she decided to watch a movie.

Her phone rang……

She scoff immediately she saw the caller “Heart’s dearest” and she silent the car immediately but he wouldn’t stop calling.

She switch off her phone and walk to her room probably to get some sleep.


The sun poured through the window and find it way to the beauty sleeping peacefully on the bed. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspiration. The first rays of sunlight lit up the room. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in.

She yawn softly and tap on the space beside her and she frown when she didn’t feel ava presence beside her.

“Ava,” She called softly opening her eyes and she flinch back when she saw martin leaning on the door, folding his hands while staring at her.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Evelyn ask standing up from the bed trying to sound angry but she couldn’t. She really miss martin so much. Just being apart from him almost made her crazy.

“What are you doing here and who allow you here in the first place?” Evelyn ask again walking closer to him and martin just sigh.

“I came to pick you up of course and Haris let me in. He went to drop Ava in school,” He replied and evelyn scoff.

‘he is not even going to apologize,’ Evelyn taught as they both stare at each other.

“Well you didn’t have to stand there and stare at me that way,” Evelyn hiss and martin sigh before walking towards her.

“Hey stay away from me martin,” She said and martin hug her from behind, tightly.

“I am sorry eve,” He whispered in her ear kissing her neck softly and evelyn sigh before pushing her away from him.

“I need to…to take a bath,” She said and walk into the bathroom. Martin sigh before sitting down on the bed. His eyes sighted her diary and he gently pick it up.

He wanted to read it but he drop it back.

He didn’t want her to get more angry by reading her diary.




“Eve are you going keep shunning me?” Martin said but evelyn just ignore him. They were currently inside the car. Driving to the company.

“What do you expect me to say evelyn. I just said I am sorry,” Martin said but Evelyn didn’t reply him. Instead she took out her ear pod and listen to music.

Martin just sigh focusing his gaze on her. He was really sorry now, at least he has admitted what he did to Alexander was wrong.

Evelyn could feel his gaze on her but she just decided to ignore it.

“Eve,” Martin called again but evelyn ignore her yet again making martin sigh and he stare out of the window.

Evelyn turn to look at him secretly and a smile creep out of her lips

“Sir we are here,” The driver said as he parked in front of the company and evelyn quickly rush out of the car while a guard open the door for Martin.

“Seriously eve, I am sorry,” He pleaded as he walk toward evelyn who just ignore him and an idea suddenly pump into his head.

He slowly kneel down.

“Eve, please forgive me,” He yells loudly making everyone turn their attention towards them and evelyn gasps as he saw martin kneeling down on the floor not minding the crowd around them.

?What the hell is going on?

?Why is boss kneeing down?

?Why is he asking evelyn for forgiveness?

? Something is going on between them.

As evelyn heard the comments from the crowd, she panicked and quickly move towards martin who was still kneeling down.

“What the hell are you doing martin, please stand up,” She said more like pleading and martin just smirk.

“No, I won’t stand up until you forgive me,” He pouted his lips.

Evelyn just glare at him.

“I and my fiance had a fight yesterday and she won’t even talk to me. So please help me ask for her forgiveness,” Martin yells through the crowd and evelyn eyes widened.

?Oh my gosh!

? Somebody pinch me already

? How can boss date such a trash?

?I knew all along they were dating

?Awwn ? boss is so cute.

?Look at the way evelyn is blushing,”

Evelyn couldn’t help but smile as she heard the positive comments.

“Please forgive me sweetheart ?,” He pleaded grabbing hold of her leg and evelyn smile.

“Okay fine,”

“I didn’t hear you,”

“I forgive you darling ?” she replied him and everyone gasps. She didn’t know where she get that boldness of calling him darling but she really liked it.

Elizabeth smile lightly as she stare at them while andy just scoffs angrily staring at them. He felt so much h@ťěred, jealousy and anger growing inside of him.

Martin stood up. They both stare at each other and Martin kiss her softly making everyone scream and by now people were taken pictures of them already.

“I am really sorry,” He whispered as he broke from the kiss and they both hug each other.




Alexander lay on the hospital bed staring into space when the door open and Mr tom walk in. His eyes held anger as he stare at alexander.

“Don’t look at me that way. I know this girl and I am not going to do that f-__-king job,”

“I paid you for the job,” Mr tom said slowly and alexander sigh.

“I love this girl right from college and I just want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

“The same girl who already belongs to someone else. I don’t wanna get on martin nerves. He is going to hunt me down and ki|| me so you better not get involve with him.” Mr Tom said and alexander scoffs.

“You ruined the whole plan in the first place,” Mr tom yell angrily.

“Calm down, I can get her……..

T. B. C.

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