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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin



Where is the king? Evenuis asked the guards as he stepped out of the Kings chamber.

They looked at him like he was asking a question that only him should have an answer to.

They were the King’s guards but they never follow him around.

They just guard the palace then run errands, the White Horse is like the Kings guard.

Eyeing them, Evenuis walked passed them then stopped.

What about Peyton? (Remember Peyton? King Wrights late twin brothers wife) Don’t tell me you don’t know, he said with pleading eyes.

She left very early without her maids, the chief guard (Hadrian) answered.

Have you reported to the king? he asked.

She’s being followed, Hadrian whispered.

Who is?

Duke, Hadrian replied.

Since when? Evenuis asked pulling him to a corner.

He’s been following her for few days.

What’s the report?


Where does she go to? He asked again, spreading his arms.

The first day he followed her, he said he lost her in the heart of the forest…. But since then, he’s been telling me the same thing, he said she visits someone in the neighboring village.

Through the heart of the forest? Evenuis asked in disbelief.

There are other routes to the neighboring village, the heart of the forest isn’t one of them, he thought.

Clearing his throat, he asked.

Who’s watching the border?

I had four guards assigned there, no report from them yet.

How powerful are they? Evenuis asked to be sure.

They are trained guards, Hadrian replied confidently.

Assemble the guards, now! Evenius commanded and Hadrian rushed out blowing his whistle.

They all assembled outside and Evenuis went to address them.

He started by reassigning all the guards.

Changing their positions then he selected three guards, A werewolf, A vampire and an elf.

I will be assigning one witch to join you, you four will guard the border.

Once you feel the barrier being tampered with you have to stay on guard.

We have three men coming with our Luna, you will recognize them when you see them.

ki|| any additional human or creature on the spot, he ordered and they turned to leave.

Wait… he called and they halted.

Don’t touch the cat, he added and they looked at each other.

Cat? Hadrain asked in a whisper.

Go ahead, Evenuis ordered ignoring him.

No one except him knows about the cat and he world prefer it stays that way.

He mind linked Maya and asked her to send one of her most powerful witches to the border.

They needed guards in the border incase any harmful creature or vicious human come in when the border is open.

And he needed powerful guards because of the wave that comes with opening the border.

Not everybody can withstand the energy.

He didn’t want guards who will faint at the spot.

Rubbing his palms together, he took a look around him, watching the guards take their positions.

He was anxious.

She would be here soon, he didn’t know how to feel.

Hadrian? He called and the chief guard ran towards him.

Assign a different guard to go find Duke, a trusted guard Hadrian, he warned seriously, the last part a bit loud.

Yes sire, Hadrian replied and ran off
You are late, that figure with a confusing voice spoke from the inner room.

Lancelot who was kneeling didn’t speak.

She’s is almost here, do you know that? The voice asked and Lancelot shook his head.

Who is almost here? he asked.

That special blood… the Kings mate… the last blood you need to take, The voice spoke and Lancelot bowed his head in fear.

I can’t… I can’t do it, he spoke but his voice quivered.

There was silence for a while the the voice burst into laughter.

I’m not asking if you can do it, you will do it.


This is where your daughter comes in, the voice spoke.

No… no.. please leave my daughter out of it, Lancelot begged.

You know that vicious daughter of yours will be very glad to follow my orders, the voice spoke and Lancelot could feel his body shake.

He wasn’t just terrified of this figure and voice he’s been serving for years, he was more terrified of the King.

There is no way the King would let me live if he finds out I am even thinking of ki||ing his mate, I would be dead meat, he begged.

Do you want the throne or not! The voice bark.

I.. I want the throne… I want the throne My Lord, he replied quickly.

Then do your job, the voice replied.

Hand it over, the voice commanded and Lancelot pulled the bag he was carrying over his shoulders then he threw the bag it.

The figure looked into the bag.

A wolf! … the voice said picking up the arm which had the claws on it.

Their victim had transformed before he/she was ki||ed and the hand was cut off.

Despite wanting to ask the figure what she needed some parts of the body of all the different creatures they have ki||ed for, he still kept his mouth shut.

Curiosity they say, ki||s the cat.

He wasn’t going ask, all he wanted was the throne, and if all these is what he has to do first, then he would do them without questions.

Prepare your daughter and take her to the palace when the girl arrives, she has to befriend her, the voice instructed.

Yes my lord, Lancelot replied with a bow then stood up and left.

He walked through the forest, cautiously, making sure nobody was watching.

He kept walking, he was way past the heart of the forest, anyone seen anywhere after the heart of the forest would definitely seem suspicious.

He walked faster so he can get to the heart of the forest before anyone sees him.

Unknown to him, there were two men, hiding in two different spots. Watching.

He got home successfully, he didn’t see anyone on his way home.

Getting close to the hut he left his wife, he couldn’t help but notice the weird line on the ground.

The Snake! He almost screamed.

The mark and lines showed the snake was a very huge one, he followed the trace and it led him to the hut his wife was tied.

With so many thoughts in his head, he ran into the room to be sure his wife Is still safe.

Surprisedly, she was in there, sleeping soundly.

Heaving a sigh of relief, he tip toed out of the room and shut the door.

Getting outside, he looked for the tracks he saw, but it wasn’t there anymore.

It was gone.

What’s going on? he asked himself.

He could swear the prints on the ground looked like it was the same snake 25 years ago.

The snake that dragged his wife into the heart of the forest.

He was so sure it was the snake, but why was it here.

Why was it in the hut?

How did a snake do big get in unnoticed and why is the print gone all of a sudden?

His wife whose eyes was shut opened her eyes, smirking.


Where does Peyton go?

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? ?

Who were the men watching Lancelot?

The snake?

Why did the snake visit Lancelot’s wife?

Jade will be befriending Zelda, I smell crisis

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