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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin



The guys all stared in shock.

Saraphina who had her eyes shut because of the energy she used, opened them as her eyes landed on Blue who was on the floor……


What? She screamed in her head stretching the staff again screaming… Burn!!!

But nothing happened.

Blue sat on the floor laughing her @zz out as Saraphina who was shocked kept trying but she couldn’t feel her energy anymore

Show is over now, Blue said standing up.

As she stood her white hair got longer.

You got fooled so easily, Saraphina… I mean Aria, Blue intentiinally called clicking her tongue. (Saraphina’s name before she was reincarnated)

Saraphina took a step back, her legs wobbled.

She felt so weak amd useless.

All her years living as Kathy, she hasn’t felt this weak.

She tugged at the staff as he began whispering words to it.

Unfortunately I don’t have much time to watch you perform tonight, Blue said.

She stretched her hands and the staff left Saraphina and was right on her own hands.

Her hands shook at the power it possessed as she struggled with it.

Saraphina burst into laughter.

My staff will always recognize a traitor,don’t you think? she asked with a snare of victory.

Not so fast, Blue said whispering to the staff as she struggled with it.

Just then, the staff vanished from her hands.

Saraphina burst into laughter as she opened her hands to receive it but it never came.

She looked around.

Searching the whole bush with her eyes.

Where did it go? She asked still looking around.

I commamded it to go back to its rightful place, Blue replied with a smirk.

If I can’t handle it just yet,then you also shouldn’t have it.

You fool! Saraphina growled as she started walking about frantically, muttering strange words.

Calling back the staff the same way she called it out of its rightful place.

You need to save your little energy for jail Aria, you have always been weak anyways, Blue mocked but Saraphina said nothing.

She continued summoning the staff.

You think i would be a fool to let you gain access to it a second time?

Saraphina stopped talking and looked up at her.

Now I have your attention.

Incase you haven’t noticed, you are getting older by the minute, and here, look…. my hair got longer…. I’m sure you know what that means, Blue spoke with a smirk.

Let me remind you, in case you have forgotten because you know… you are getting old….

It means you have lost all your powers and you have handed over to the next mother supreme which is me and that you are more like an old human now ready for jail for ki||ing your human husband, Blue said tapping her cheeks that was getting saggy.

Saraphina stood in a daze.

She couldn’t come to terms with what just happemed.

She was fooled.

But how did Blue know she only had to use her powers twice to completely loose it?

It dawned on her that Blue intentionally provoked her till she ended up using her powers twice until she finally lost it.

She had stayed so long in the human world that her powers went away with years.

That was what she wanted for Blue.

She wanted her to become human and loose her powers that was the essence of bringing her to the human world.

But why?

Why didn’t Blue who had no power yet not loose it but she… a powerful witch lost hers in twenty five years?

I see you have done the math Mother… I shall be going now.

You are human now, the grasses will start to reject you, leave before you loose the last of your 1% powers, don’t say I wasn’t kind enough to warn you.

So long Aria, say me hello to your fellow inmates in jail, Blue mocked then turned away from her.

Not wanting to let Blue win, Saraphina grabbed the wood next to her and chased after Blue who didnt look back.

Before she could get herself to hit Bkue, Blue turned around and gave her a kick with a command.

Go turn yourself in, Murderer, Blue commanded and Saraphina flew and landed in a far distance.

The trees and the grasses, including the fruits that looked perfectly normal started to develop eyes, mouths and hands.

They kept wiping Saraphina with their bodies, chasing and laughing at her as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, screaming.

She heard the bushes aren’t friendly with humans but she has never set her foot in there as a human before.

Their voices echoed in her ears, laughing and speaking incoherent words as they chased her and flagged her mercilessly.

She kept running like a mad woman straight to the police station without knowing.

Everyone at the stadium were shocked to see her running and screaming as she ran into the station.

She had marks and bruises on her body but they couldn’t see what was chasing her.

She kept screaming, begging and touching her body like she was still being wiped, leaving the whole station in shock.



Handcuff me..

I’m turing myself in.

Handcuff me now!

She asked you to handcuff me now! she kept screaming as she positioned her hands to be handcuffed.

The moment the handcuff were on her hands and she was left to her cell, she stopped screaming.

The trees and grasses chasing her were all gone.

The noises in her head, gone as well.

She was left with a deafening silence and the stinging pain from the bruises on her body.

She looked down at her handcuffed hands in shock, how did Blue’s command work on her?

When did she get so powerful?

Asides from Grandma,who else did Blue meet?

I can’t stay here,I need to get out of here, she thought trying to use her powers but nothing happened.

Her powers were gone, she was feeling like a human with just a little energy that wouldn’t even hurt a fly in her.

How did things get so bad?

When did things stop working in my way? She wondered as tears of anguish filled her eyes.

I failed… Yet again..

But this isn’t the end…. Zelda, she whispered hitting her hand on the wall


Zelda just made me proud ?

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