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HomeDREAMDREAM – Episode 46

DREAM – Episode 46

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“Get rid of her” She bursted out

The twins dropped their spoons and looked up at once.

“What?!” They both screamed at once

“In what way? What do you mean?” Xavier asked

“Sack her of course,let her go” Teresa scoffed and continue eating

Xavier and Oliver glanced at each other and then looked away

“So? What do you say? If you can’t do it then I will….”

“No” Xavier and Oliver cut in immediately and Teresa looked up

“What do you mean by no? I can’t allow any girl turn my brothers against each other,you think I’m ever going to want her for any of you? Hell no,if that happens,then you should forget me being your sister” Teresa said

“You are taking this too far sis….”

“No I’m not,I’m telling you what will happen if you keep on fighting. If this doesn’t work,I’m gonna inform dad…..”

“No!!!!!!!” Oliver and Xavier shouted at once

Teresa smiled

“So,what do we do now?” She asked

“She rejected me” Xavier muttered

“Meaning she doesn’t want you,forget about her kiddo. There are more than enough beautiful and segzy girls who are in love with you” Teresa said and touched his hair

“You’re making it all worse” Xavier muttered and snapped her hand off

“Oh come on” Teresa said and touched his hair again.

“Don’t worry sis,we are going to sort things out,can we just eat? I’m starving” Oliver muttered

“Really?” Teresa raised a brow

“Yeah” Oliver said

“You better do that” Teresa scoffed


The door bell rings and Tyler opened the door but a disappointment look became obvious on his face when he saw Nancy

“You look disappointed” Nancy said as she entered

“Well he’s expecting his girlfriend” Jocelyn came out and Nancy’s eyes widened

“Girlfriend?” She looked at Tyler

“Gosh barbie doll,I told you she’s not my girlfriend,she’s just a friend” Tyler groaned

“Let her come first,I can decide to believe you after that” Jocelyn scoffed

Nancy and Tyler’s eyes met,almost immediately the door bell sounded again. Tyler walked toward the door and Nancy’s eyes followed him. He opened the door and Ariana hugged him immediately

Tyler almost hugged her back but stopped immediately he saw Rowan

“What is he doing here?” He asked and Ariana broke the hug

“Oh,Rowan. I’m sorry I should have told you,he insisted….”

“Get out” Tyler said to Rowan

“If I leave,she’s coming with me so choose one” Rowan smirked

“What?” Tyler faced Ariana

“I’m sorry” She said

“Is he thr_@tening you or something?” Tyler asked,moving closer to Rowan

“No,not here” Ariana stepped in immediately

Nancy and Jocelyn were both watching the drama silently

“Wow,nice place” Ariana muttered,she suddenly gasped when she saw Jocelyn

“She’s your sister!” She screamed and immediately ran to hug her

“Oh” Jocelyn muttered as Ariana hugged her and then moved back

“I’m Ariana,gosh you’re so beautiful” she gushed

“Thank you,you’re also pretty” Jocelyn smiled

Rowan sat down and Tyler glared at him

“Who even gave you the permission to sit down?” He asked

“Hey bunny,leave him alone” Jocelyn said

“Bunny?” Ariana grinned

“Nope,you can’t call me that. Never” Tyler shook a finger

“Bunny” Ariana winked at him

“I will just come back later” Nancy said and walked out.

Tyler grabbed Ariana’s hand and left the living room with her,Rowan almost followed them but he didn’t

“I’m still wondering why you brought him here,it’s really annoying” he said

“I’m sorry” Ariana muttered

“Can’t you just send him away?” Tyler asked

“I can’t do that,just take it on me.” Ariana said and Tyler sighed

“Fine” He muttered and they returned to the living room.

Rowan immediately walked over to them

“Where are you two coming from?” Rowan asked

“My room,you can die if you want” Tyler said and Rowan glared at him


Oliver and Xavier walked in together

“Oh wow,they are here” Gustavo said but they ignored them totally and went upstairs

“Seriously?” Henry scoffed

“Did you really called Teresa?” Garry asked

“Yes I did,can’t keep on this way,it’s tiring” Gustavo replied

“Yes it is,not like you’re any different anyway” Henry muttered.


Xavier entered his suite and Oliver followed,Xavier turned and frowned when he saw Oliver

“Why the f-__-k are you following me around? It’s annoying,stay back” He said

Oliver ignored him and entered

“We should talk……”

“We have nothing to talk about,I don’t care wh@ťěver you do but can you please don’t try to talk to me and leave me alone?” Xavier snapped


“I f-__-king said she rejected me! Stop acting like the innocent one here and do wh@ťěver you want!,I don’t care anymore!” Xavier yelled at him and left the room

Oliver sighed and went out of the suite

He met Henry waiting for her outside

“So,are you ready to talk your problems now?” He asked

“No” Oliver muttered and left his sight.

“I’m giving up at this rate”Henry sighed out.


“I can’t believe I’m home” Jocelyn mumbled,munching on the cheese in her hand

“No worries babe,I even took a day off coz of you,so we are in this together” Nancy said and got up from the couch

“I think we’ve watched enough,let’s dance” Nancy said ,turning off the movie

“I’m not in the mood” Jocelyn muttered

“It’s not the end of the world baby,you’ve not even submitted the resignation letter yet and you’re like this,come on” Nancy grabbed her hand and pulled her up

She turn on the music and immediately the whole apartment was booming with the loud music

“I can actually talk to my dad if you want,the only price I’m gonna pay is….take over his company which I don’t want to do” Nancy groaned and started dancing

Jocelyn chuckled and joined her,they sang along with the song as they danced INTENTION BY JUSTINE BIEBER

?Picture perfect, you don’t need no filter

?Gorgeous, make ’em drop dead, you’re a ki||er

?Shower you with all my attention
Yeah, these are my only intentions

?Stay in the kitchen cookin’ up, got your own bread

?Heart full of equity or an asset
Make sure that you don’t need no mentions

?Yeah, these are my only intentions

“Nancy don’t ever try to become an artist please,your voice is making me go crazy” Jocelyn said and Nancy laughed

“I wouldn’t even try” She said and they continued


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