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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Kinh Tyrone was resting in his tent when Kalinda came in, he quickly sat up and smirked

“Have you come for me to finish what I started ?” King Tyrone asked, picking up his sword

Kalinda charged towards him without saying a word, knocking down his sword, she twisted her hand before shoving her sword direction into his tummy

King Tyrone looked down at his stomach before looking at her

“How come I don’t feel a thing?” He asked and she pulled out her sword shocked

“Am a god,” he laughed at the look on her face

“Guards!!!!” King Tyrone yelled as the clashing sound of their sword covered the whole place

“Guards!!!!” He yelled

“Sleeping, you might went to sleep now,” Kalinda said and King Tyrone kicked her down but almost immediately


his head went rolling down, Hunter cut off his head from behind

Turns out Kalinda was to distract him then Hunter will strike

?It’s an ambush!!!!

? Protect the King!!?

They heard screams from outside, Hunter pick up the head going outside

Getting outside Only a few of the guards were awake and those still sleeping under her spell couldn’t fight cos their king was dead

It was all easy and sudden but just like Viola said earlier, fight smart, not hard



“f-__-k, go fast, yes, yes Right there,”

“Oh mine, f-__-k me, oh yeah, harder,”

“Danm, you’re too good, f-__-k me,”

“I love you, and I still love Cyprus more,”

“I will give you all the information you need my lady,” Larry said, holding her waist

Ivy held the wall as he th-ru_st deep and fast into her from behind

“All of it, I love Cyprus a lot,” Ivy Mõ@ɲed loudly, her eyes closed tightly


“Did you hear that? Isn’t she disgusting?” Lissa shouted at Ariana

“I never thought she will,” Roger replied shamefully

“I know she will cos I have seen her countless times, just tell her you will give her information about Lord Cyprus and she’s all yours,” Lincoln said h@ťěfully

“So you guys the money now?” Sharron asked

“We wait for Larry,” Arianna replied and they nodded

“Am still shocked,” Arianna added and Roger nodded in agreement

“Me too”

“After she will Clam to be my boss, toilet Ɓîtçh,” Lissa said, she hissed and rolled her eyes



Kalinda decided to go see Camilla first to know how she was doing before going over to see Chad, she really miss him so much and can’t wait anymore

“Hunter, are you alright? You have been quiet since,” Kalinda asked softly

“Yeah, I’m fine,” He replied sharply, walking away

“Weird,” Jefferson mumbled walking away also

“Maybe cos of the Wizard guy, Viola’s boyfriend,” Draco said sticking out his tongue in a funny way

“Stop it,” Viola said agitated

They conquered King Tyrone and will be going over to his kingdom tomorrow

Kalinda pushed the door open only to see Camilla stabbing someone repeatedly, blood splashing all over the place as she move her hand back and forth

The whole room was covered with blood

“Camilla!!!!!” Kalinda shouted and dragged her up from behind, she looked at Camilla who was covered with blood

Thinking that it was a soldier or someone that came to harm her, but then it hit her

Kalinda froze when she saw who it was, lying down lifelessly on the ground in the pool of blood with thousands of knife stabbing was her baby

“No, no, no, no, no,” She falls to her knees instantly, carrying him in her arms with blood gushing out

“Baby, no, it can’t be, no,” Kalinda said, tears finding their way out of her eyes

she tapped his cheeks trying to wake him up but he was already Cold

“Nooo!!! No… No… Baby, please wake up,” Kalinda screamed agonizing, tears rolling down her eyes

Other’s heard her voice and Rush in, Camilla just stood there like a status and immediately Viola came in, dark smoke started coming out from Camilla’s ears

It flew towards the door and Viola rushed after it, she already knows that it was a human being, but she stopped by the door and looked at Kalinda

She went back inside

“What happened?” Xavier rushes in, his eyes widened immediately he saw Camilla covered in blood

“What did you do?” Xavier asked staring at her

He was dumbfounded, how could she ki|| somebody??

“You promise me, I trusted you. if you h@ťěd me that much why not just tell me or stay away from me, of all the things you could do to me Cam why him? I love you very much and you choose to betray me. You’ve broken my heart,” Kalinda said, all in one word, tears rolling down her eyes

She was holding Chad close to her body

“I’m sorry Kalinda but he is gone,” Viola said gently

Camilla looked at herself, she could see the blood all over her body and she couldn’t even tell how it happened, she was here when the lady came in and then next she was stabbing Chad

Kalinda gave herself a cut with her combat knife, letting her blood pour on the already Dead Chad, seeing that nothing happened

She started giving herself a cut, letting her blood wet Chad’s body but nothing happened

Hunter rushed in

“What happened…..” He stopped when he saw the scene

Kalinda continue giving herself a cut even though nothing was happening, she couldn’t believe that she was on the battlefield fighting for the people while her child was being ki||ed by someone she considered her best friend

“Kalinda, he’s gone,” Viola said and held her hand, stopping her from giving herself another cut, she was losing a lot of blood already

“He’s not…….” Viola didn’t let her finish before cutting in

“He is gone, it’s already late,” Viola said and Kalinda lost it

“Baby… Baby no… NOOOOO!!!!”

“What did I ever do wrong?”

“Camilla why? Why? Just why? My only hope is gone,”

“NOOOOOOO!!!!!” She screamed out her lungs


Cyprus who was lying down on his bed sat up, instantly, he heard her voice

Miguel on the other hand was getting treated by his mother when he heard Kalinda’s voice and his face curved into a smile

“One step closer,” he mumbled

Dark cloud covered the moon as Kalinda shattered shaking


“It wasn’t me, there was this lady..”

“Your ghost, just shut up,” Jefferson snapped and Camilla flinched

She was already in tears, she looked at Xavier but he looked away

“I didn’t know, I swear it. There was this lady…..”

“Get out,” Viola suddenly shouted, her gaze fixed on Kalinda

Hunter on the other hand suddenly felt an energy leaving him

“Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!” Kalinda yelled, her body shaking aggressively

To their shock, blood rolled down her eyes, her eyeballs darkened and the only thing they could see was red

“The blood rage, Run Camilla!!” Viola shouted instantly

“I want to apologize, it wasn’t me” Camilla panicked

“What the bloody h*ll,” Draco shouted, moving backward

“Run!!!” Viola yelled, shifting backward

Kalinda charged toward Camilla and Draco ran out, Jefferson was already outside

Hunter was fast to stand in the way and push her down, pinning her there

Camilla froze on her sport

“Run!! Kalinda is gone, Xavier take her out of here,” Viola shouted, she was already by the door

Xavier pulled her hand dragging her outside

Almost immediately Kalinda pushed Hunter away and he fly to the roof getting himself outside the building

Kalinda ran after Camilla and Xavier blocked her way but she gripped his neck, choking him

It was as if she was fighting with thousands of strength cos Xavier wasn’t able to break free

Viola kicked Kalinda from behind and she let go of Xavier, he fell heavily holding his neck

“Get her out of here now,” Viola shouted, shifting backward

Xavier was trying to catch his breath and at the same time looking out for Camilla

Kalinda was about punching Viola when she saw Xavier and Camila running away

She let go of Viola and went after them, Camilla stumbled against a stone and fell face down, she was so weak and tired to run

Xavier drew his sword

“No, she will ki|| you, stay back,” Viola shouted running towards them

Xavier didn’t listen, he charged toward Kalinda and with a Swift move, Kalinda knocked down his sword

Getting hold of his hair she started sending punches to his face, she didn’t give him any chance to fight back

Hunter groaned in pain as he tried to stand but Viola gripped his collar

“What did you do?” She demanded instantly

“I didn’t nothing…..” She didn’t let him finish his statement before slapping him hard across the face

“What did you do? She no longer has magic but it just came back, what the h*ll did you do?” Viola yelled and Hunter kept quiet

“What did you do so I will know where to start from, look at her… Look, do you want her to ki|| Camilla? What did you f-__-king do?” Viola shouted, her breathing quickened instantly as she started seeing double

“I did nothing wrong, I didn’t ki|| her child but Camilla did, you should go to her not me,” Hunter snapped, hitting her hand off him

“She was under a spell and trust me when I say I will find out who cast the spell and if you have anything to do with it, then I will show you why they call me the wicked witch of the north,” Viola said, she staggered and held her head

her head is spinning really bad

Camilla on the other hand was already running shut of breath

“Am….. Sor…sorry, it….it wasn’t…. Me… Please don’t ki|| me, am… Am…. Having, a baby,” Camilla stuttered, her voice fading away

Kalinda had beaten her black and blue, she couldn’t even stand straight anymore and Xavier is no exception, he tried to save her but it was as if Kalinda was fighting with a million strength

all she could see was blood, she was so testy for blood she wanted more blood to flow

With bloody eyes, Kalinda raised her sword ready to strike

“I… I sw…. Swear… I swear it… It… Was…. wasn’t …… wasn’t me…m…, I… I…. I d…di… Did….didn’t know, please I…. Don’t….. D….do….. don’t…… Don’t want….want…to …die”

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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