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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Kalinda looked at the giant gate and let out a deep breath, she walked over to it, and it opened by itself, she scanned the whole place, and nothing seem different, thousands of soldiers lined up from the gate to the entrance of the building

“I just wish he’s not home,” she mumbled, she strode past the guard, and they all lowered their heads in greetings, she maintained a straight face

She gets to the doorstep and the hefty guards by the door opened it before she could get there, with their heads down

“It’s boss lady,” the first maid that saw her shouted

“Oh, not now,” Kalinda mumbled and took a corner by her left

The whole place was so big and wide


?️It’s time to party!!!

?️Am rich in advance, woohoo!!

?️I will no longer work till I die

?️ Coming from a lazy mouth

?️Oh please, we’re to celebrate not fight

?️Is she really back??

?️ Can’t say cos I haven’t seen her but am going to wear my finest dress

?️Me too, there will be no more toilet Ɓîtçhes, in this house

?️She never said she came to say

? Wh@ťěver, it’s time to party

“And why is everyone shouting? Since when did this house become a party house?” Lincoln yelled by the door

All the maids kept quiet, their heads down

“I demand an explanation, right now!!!” he snarled, and Lissa stepped forward

“Boss lady just came around,” she said gently

They were so scared cos Cyprus don’t like a dirty house

“What, where is she? When?” Lincoln asked, more like yelling

A smile lingered on his face instantly and the guards with him weren’t left out

“I think she’s in Lord Cyprus’s chamber….” Lincoln didn’t wait for her to finish; he ran off instantly

Kalinda on the other hand was still looking around, staring at her portrait on the wall, everything there was hers, only a few of Cyprus’s own and he don’t have a single portrait alone, it was all with her

She was still staring at it when someone carried her up from behind

“My boss lady, am so excited,” Lincoln said turning around

“Put me down,” she hit his hand and he quickly dropped her

“Ouch, was only celebrating,” he mumbled sadly a

Kalinda stared at his face, he looks just like a sad new puppy

“You haven’t changed one bit, Lin-love or love-Lin,” she said, in a funny way, smiling at him and he giggled showing his dimples

“Come gimme a hug,” she added spreading her arms wide

Lincoln shook his head negatively and shifted backward

“I don’t want to die young,” he replied, and she smiled

“Where is he by the way?” Kalinda asked, walking over to his bedroom since she didn’t find what she was looking for in the Livingroom

“Meeting, Miguel is back,” Lincoln replied, and her eyes widened

“What? Since when” She asked

Lincoln stopped by the door without making any attempt to go in

He knows best not to

“Come on, in,” Kainda said calmly, and he shook his head negatively

“I’m gonna be dead if Lord Cyprus sees….” she didn’t let him finish his statement before pulling him in

“I will take the blame,” she replied, dragging him in

“You always do,” Lincoln mumbled under his breath

Kalinda stared at the secret door in Cyprus’s bedroom then she brought out her combat knife, she opened her palm and gave herself a cut with it

Taking her hand to the code, her blood dropped on it and a golden light appears, it turned around in a cycle and the door opened



Cyprus sat on his throne with that dark look on his face, Miguel was sending deadly glares at him, but he seems not to care

Kalinda’s scent suddenly hit his nostrils, Cyprus shook his head and tried to focus but it was just too much

“Meeting adjourned,” he said cutting the last person who was still talking off

“My Lord, but this meeting is important,” a high-rank member (Munch) said

Others nodded in agreement

“This meeting will continue tomorrow at 10 am, if I come here before you then you will be sorry,” he said in his deep cold voice, already on his feet

“But my…..” another high-rank member made to talk but an invisible hand started choking him

Just like flash, Cyprus was already in front of him

“How dare you?” he roared, his eyes producing lightening as if he could ki||

Others moved back, falling to their kneels instantly

“Have mercy, great Cyprus son of….” he didn’t let them finish as he instantly raised his hand, and everywhere become silent

Cyprus looked around

“Anyone else have a problem?” he asked, the man he was choking earlier fall to the ground breathing heavily

Everyone was silent

He started walking away and Migue ran after him, getting to the door Migue stared at his face and laughed

“Soon, just soon you will have only one choice, which is to serve me,” he replied and stormed off



“What exactly are you looking for?” Lincoln asked Kalinda who was walking over to another secret room

“The quillian,” she replied, she did the same thing she did before, and the door opened

“I will be right back,” Lincoln said walking out

Kalinda nodded and made to enter but Cyprus appeared in front of her blocking her way

“Oh, no,” Kalinda mumbled and shifted back

“What are you doing here?” He asked, his face was expressionless

Kalinda swallowed nothing, it was so hard for her

“I need the quillian,” She replied and he scoffed

“It’s important,” She added and Cyprus went closer

Kalinda stood her ground

“Why should I give it to you? You clearly told me to get over you and am doing just that, you should leave, am expecting a guest,” Cyprus replied gesturing for her to leave

“Who?” Kalinda didn’t know when it left her mouth, she instantly regret asking.

Cyprus smirked and leaned closer.

“You don’t wanna see her, trust me,” he replied smirking at the look on her face

“Oh please, just asking cos you don’t like Visitors, that’s if am correct,” Kalinda replied and rolled her eyes

Cyprus chuckled softly

“Well, you’re wrong, people change. You don’t expect me to remain the same after you left,” he replied with a cunny smile

” I left with my life,” she replied instantly

Cyprus was busy staring at her lips,

“That’s old story, it’s 7 years already so try something new. My girlfriend is coming over and she won’t want to see my long runaway ex, right? lingering around,” Cyprus winked at her

Kalinda scoffed

“You know what forget about the quillian? Nevermind,” Kalinda rolled eyes and scoffed

“Coming here was a very bad idea,” she mumbled walking out, she hasn’t gotten to the door when he suddenly held her hand

pulling her roughly to himself, her hand landed on his hard chest as he wrapped his hand around her waist before slamming his lips on hers


TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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