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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Voice of…


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Written by Rosy Johnson


EPISODES 36 & 37



A magnificent building could be seen in the sky high above, the gigantic building was built with nothing but gold, from the flowers outside to the door of the building was made of gold, even the pillars were no exception, outside the building were numerous numbers of soldiers lined up as if waiting to be commanded

Cyprus is seen staring at the big drawing of a woman who was none other than Kalinda, she was dressed in golden armor and had a sword in her hand, he went closer and stroked her face gently as memories came rushing into his head

Memories of the past


Kalinda stood beside Cyprus at the gate of his mansion, he looked at her and she smiles lightly

“How do you want it?” she asked calmly

“Bring me his head,” he ordered and she nodded

“As you wish my Lord,” she replied and he looked at her

She stick out her tongue and he chuckled


Cyprus shook his head and took in a deep breath, he walked over to another of her portrait, she was wearing golden armor also but this time she has a set of arrows behind her


Kalinda strode down the hallway and the guards lowered their heads in greetings, she maintain a straight face till she get to the door and the guards by the door opened it for her with their heads down

“My lady, you did it?” Cyprus who sat gallantly on his throne said immediately after she came in

“Don’t you trust me again?” she asked, she stop before him and he stood

“I trust you more than anyone,” he replied and she emptied the sack in her hand

A head rolled down and she gently picked it up, holding it by its hair, Cyprus’s face beamed with smiles as he carried her up instantly

“I can’t love you less,” he said and calmed her lips into a kiss


Cyprus took in a deep breath before walking over to another of her portrait, this time she was lying on a bed stank n*ked, his head resting on her stomach as he cupped her Břě@šťs, she has a huge smile on her face and he was laughing too

“We were just perfect, just perfect that everyone envied us,” Cyprus muttered, he touched her face on the wall as the memories started coming back


Kalinda laughed so hard as he tickled her on the bed

“Cyprus stop,” she shouted still laughing, she tried to get out of bed but he held her tightly

“We will stay together forever, nothing will break us apart,” Cyprus said and she looked at him

“If my mother couldn’t break up apart do you think anything in this world will?” she asked, he made to talk but she placed her index finger on his lips shutting him up

“I will love you always,” she added and he smiled

“How about we get another drawing, just like this, you don’t have to wear anything,” he suggested and she looked at him

“Yes my lord,” she replied and he pinched her cheeks

“I like it when you call me Cyprus,” he said

“It’s my mouth, you don’t own me so I will call you wh@ťěver that pleases me,” she replied and he tickled her

“Cyprus stop,” she shouted midst laughter


Cyprus left that drawing and went to another one, this time she has a big belly, she was looking all beautiful even with her big belly

Her painting was all over the place, only a few of his were there

“I was just mad, I didn’t mean to chase you all over the world, I was only mad,” Cyprus mumbled and roughed his hair

“It’s been so lonely since you left, everything is not going my way anymore,” he added

“If I could turn back the hand of time then I will do it, I can stop time but many things have gone wrong and I can’t change it anymore, I was just mad,” he added, talking to the pictures on the wall as if he could see her


Kalinda could be seen on top of a horse, she has a blood stain all over her robe, seems like she’s trying to get away from someone. She was still riding away when the horse made a loud sound and threw her off

She fell and something rolled out from her hand, Kalinda held her waist that hurts like h*ll as the crying voice of a newborn baby covered the whole place, she quickly hurried to the child, picking it up she started running again. She has bruises all over her face and body but she didn’t stop running

Cyprus, on the other hand, came down from his white horse at that place but she was already gone, he has a long golden sword in his hand, the face of his sword reflected with the sun in the sky, he walked over to the clothes Kalinda use to cover the baby which ripped off and picked it up

He took it to his nose and ran off instantly, he just got a clue of where she is

“That child must not live,” his deep angry voice echoes all over the place

Kalinda continue running, she fells countless times and the child rolled out from her but she Carried it and continues running, her breathing was fading away

Her eyes were blurry, her strength was leaving her but she didn’t stop running, she would look back each time as if she could see Cyprus, she continues running till she get to the entrance of a Cave and fell, blood gushing out her from in between her leg as she ran, one could trace her blood and find her, her eyes were so heavy and her body hurts, the child in her hand was still crying as Kalinda dragged herself into the dark cave

She suddenly looked back and she could see the Cyprus sword reflecting in the sky, even the blind could sense the danger and run away from his wrath, she started crawling into the cave since her legs can’t carry her anymore, blood pouring out from under her leg, she bit tight unto the child clothes dragging it in with her teeth

It fell from her and she looked into the dark cave

“Mother… Mother help me,” she said with her last strength, almost immediately a heavy wind find its way into the cave but it suddenly went back outside

A woman in all black appears beside Kalinda

“Mother…. help me,” was the last thing Kalinda said and everything went black

Habita stared at Kalinda for a while before looking at the child she was still holding tightly

“Even at the point of death, she still kept you safe,” Habita muttered, suddenly a lightening find its way into the cave but Habita was fast to block it with her hand, using her other hand to control Kalinda she pushed back the lightening, it went back outside

She stared at Kalinda for a while before taking her gaze to the little kid that has stopped crying, she made her way outside going after whoever came into her home to attack her

Getting outside she saw Cyprus who was looking all dangerous, his swords alone can split a person into two, she stood at the entrance staring at him

“Provide your daughter Habita,” Cyprus roared, his eyes burning with rage

“You want to ki|| her just because the child was blessed with the power to ki|| gods, are you afraid the child might ki|| you? You’re afraid of death.You chased her all over the world until she ran back into my womb and you stand before me and ask me to provide my daughter that ran back into my womb,” Habita said, her hands crossed and resting on her stomach

“You don’t want the wrath of the gods to befall you,” Cyprus said enraged, rage dripping like a running tap

Habita laughed sarcastically

“If you’re so powerful come into my temple and take her,” Habita replied after a moment of silence, turning around she walked back into her temple

Cyprus stood not making any attempt to go in, he was so terrified of her that he didn’t dare enter her house, everywhere was covered with darkness and no one knows what was hidden in the dark


Cyprus went back to his throne and sat on it, his hand holding his chin

“I went to the land of death and still I wasn’t able to find him, you said he died than why can’t I summon his soul, what will I do to get you back?” he thought silently and stood up

“I need to see mother death, I will find that child,” Cyprus said out loud going over to the door


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