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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Voice of…


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Written by Rosy Johnson





Zach staggered back and dropped dead, Kalinda held the sword stuck in her belly and tried pulling it out but couldn’t

She tried four times but nothing happened, her eyes started getting blurry as a figure Walked into the place

“Who are you?” She asked with her last strength, she couldn’t see him cos everything was blurry in her eyes

her eyes are so heavy and sleep is hitting her hard, the person pulled out the sword and threw it down

“Argh!!” She screamed weakly and fell on the person’s shoulder

“Who are you.” She managed to ask again but the person ignored her and carried her out of the place



King Tyrone is in a white horse riding out from his kingdom and more than enough guards were behind him

They passed through the woods till they get to a small village in the North

“An army approaching,” A little boy who was playing at the entrance of their community shouted running inside

“What banner?” A middle-aged man asked immediately

“Red banners with the face of the king,” the boy replied and ran into their home

Almost immediately the king and his men entered the village, he has his armor on and he maintained a straight face

The man who asked the little boy what banner the armies came with stepped forward, getting close to the king he fell on his knees, and bowed

“Old hag, bring me all the gold in this village, not even a single one shall remain,” King Tyrone said

The villages started running around, sweat running down some people’s faces, the women were so afraid that they didn’t dare show their faces to the king

Young men were Afraid to come out just so they wouldn’t be taken away and forced to become an army of the king

After a few moments, elderly men came out each with a bag of all their gold, some came with jewelry, some coins

They line it up before the king who looked around, and turn to his left

“Search each and every building in here,” he ordered in his deep scary voice

The Royal guards went in immediately and started searching every house scattering things, they continued the search till they got to the last building

A pregnant woman’s house and her stomach is so big, looks like she will put to bed soon

They search her house and lift her mat, a soldier notices a sound coming from the ground and calls others

They started digging and it wasn’t long before they brought out a pot of gold

“Please, have given all I have I wanted to buy Baby food with that,” she pleaded

They ignored her pleading and dragged her outside where King Tyrone was still waiting

“Forgive me my Lord, I wanted to use the money I will make from it and buy baby food, my husband was once one of your soldiers but he died at war and since then I haven’t…..”

“Silence,” King Tyrone yelled and the woman quickly held her mouth

“Bring me her child,” came his deep voice after a moment of silence

The villagers covered their mouths, did he just say to bring him the child??

“No… Please, no…..” A sword Went straight into her tummy and the hand holding the sword was none other than Prince Tyrone the II

He pushed his sword deeper and dragged it down cutting her open, her womb together with her intestine fall out

“Burn down everything and send my message across other nations, tell them that King Tyrone is a God,” King Tyrone said Evily

Everyone started running around as they set the village ablaze, King Tyrone’s army drowned their sword cutting down every living thing they see

Old and small, women and children, men weren’t left out

Seeing that the whole village is on fire, King Tyrone left




Minerva McGonagall and two of her guards are walking around the hallway when they sighted a lifeless body laying down in front not far from them

She went over and examined the body, it was so cold

“This man was murdered last night, Search if you will see anything so that we can know who murdered him,” She said looking around

“you need to see this,” her servant boy calls unto her

“What’s this? She asked

Referring to the blade on the floor, only the high priest, priestess or a magician can have that type of blade

“There are four marks which means that the thing was stabbed four times, the thing or person is supposed to be here so search and see if you will find anything else,” she said staring at the blade

“Nothing,” her servant boy said

“I can’t remember the last time a person died under my watch, bring me the new girl, I have to question her and bring Xavier to me right now,” she ordered and walked out



“Drink this, it will help stop the bleeding,” Hunter’s mother said while giving her some liquor to drink

She woke up a few minutes ago and she’s feeling unbearable pain all over her body.

Taking the thing she made to drink it but it was way too bitter, Kalinda looked at her and frowned

“What the hack is this?” She asked with a squeezed face

“Just drink it, it will help and is good when it’s hurt; She replied

Kalinda managed to drink it all, she kept the cup beside the bed then cleaned her mouth with the back of her palm, and looked at the Matilda

“Here, you need to eat to regain some strength, she said coming towards her with a tray of food

“I don’t need food, why did you bring me back here?” She demanded with a cold expression

“You need to regain strength,” Matilda said calmly

“Where are my clothes I need to go see a friend before leaving,” Kalinda said expressionlessly

“You’re bleeding again, sit let me treat your wound then you can go, She replied with concern

“Give me, my clothes,” She said almost yelling

“Ok, wait here,” she said and went out

Minutes later she returns with her clothes and hands them over to her, Kalinda puts on her clothes and heads to the door but she stops me

“Whenever you’re ready……”

“Forget it, I quit,” She stormed off


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