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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Kalinda walked out in the dark only to collide with someone and the person falls

“Watch…..” The person thrilled off immediately she saw her face

“Are you hurts?” Kalinda asked and the person shook her head negatively

She swallowed nothing

“You’re beautiful,” she said and Kalinda started walking away

She ran after her

“Am Camila,” she shouted and Kalinda stopped and looked at her

She stares at Camille for so long, should I ask her?? No! What If they find out that am destined to die? But how will I find this woman if I don’t ask questions?

“Do you know this woman?” Kalinda brought out the drawing and position it on her face

Camille gasped

“The crazy woman that leaves at the end of the community, she also has a son called Hunter but Rumors have it that she’s not his mother, but I doubt that cos he act stupid just like her, the other day a son of the Nobleman Draco beat him up and he cried like a baby, he also……” Kalinda pinched her mouth and she kept quiet

“I only ask if you know this woman I didn’t say that you should tell me the history of this community,” Kalinda said and she pouted

“Sorry, I thought you would like to hear, do you know that there was a time Draco tied Hunter to his horse and rode around the community all thanks to Xavier who came for his recuse, and also… Hey am still talking,” Camille shouted when Kalinda started walking away

“You talk too much,” Kalinda said and she laughed

“I love to talk and tell stories, there was once a time a witch….”

“Camille!!!!” Kalinda shouted and she quickly held her mouth

“Sorry, the words are coming out by themselves, like one time in summer when Draco bid on a woman and got intimate with her in front of a crowd,” Camille said and Kalinda stare at her


“Yes, he’s too rude and arrogant, just because his father is a noble man, he and Xavier are the best definition of enemies, they h@ťě each other’s guts,” Camille added

“Who is Xavier?” Kalinda knowingly asked, she wanted to be sure if it was the same guy that helped her today

“He’s the son of Minerva McGonagall, brother to Robin, and a soldier of King Tyrone, he has won many battles and is so strong but his brother Robin loves women a lot together with Draco his best friend, they always pick on Hunter the weak one and he wouldn’t do anything, and his mother is crazy too, there is their house,” Camille said pointing at the old wooden house

Kalinda walked over to the door and Camila stood staring at her

“Hey beauty, will you come back?” Camille shouted but Kalinda ignore her and knocked gently on the door

“I like you, will you be my friend?” Camille shouted and Kalinda stare at her

“You don’t even know me,” Kalinda said and she nodded

“You’re pretty and I like it,” Camille said and she rolled her eyes

The door opened and a woman came to view, she was looking unkept and she didn’t even comb her hair

Her clothes were old and ruffle

“What can I do you for?” The woman asked staring strangely at her

“My name is Kalinda, daughter of the last priestess Habita, my mother sent me to you,” Kalinda said, she stretches out a letter and the woman took it

She read through the paper and turn to Kalinda

“Wrong house,” she made to close the door but Kalinda pushed it open

“At least let me see him, my mother said I will find him once I find you,” Kalinda added and the woman shifted away from the door

Kalinda went in and Camila made to follow but someone pulled her back from behind

“Hunter!!” She shouted but he went in and slammed the door in her face

“Freak, creepy!!” Camille shouted and stormed off

“I will come back Miss beauty,” Camille shouted on her way out


Kalinda sat on the wooden chair staring at Hunter, isn’t he the one with that guy… What that his name again? Xavier! How come I didn’t notice?

Hunter on the other hand was staring at her, his mother was busy staring at the letter in her head, she suddenly stood and Kalinda and Hunter exchanged glances

“Mother who is she?” Hunter asked, his mother ignored him and went to her inner room closing the door behind

“Hey, am Hunter….”

“Am not interested in wh@ťěver this is,” Kalinda cut in and he gulped

A moment of silence passed

“I can show you around, everyone calls me crazy because am an introvert but am not bothered anyway, can we be friends? I already have one but we just get along recently,” Hunter said and she didn’t say anything

“You’re pretty…”

“Why is it that everyone in this community can’t keep their mouth shut? Can’t you keep quiet?” Kalinda asked, she was already frustrated

First, it was Xavier then Camille and now Hunter, guess she can’t believe she will be spending a night with him, under the same roof

He’s gonna ki|| her with talks and she h@ťěs talking much

“Hey, do you have a name?” Hunter asked, he has a smile on his face

Kalinda ignores him

His mother is wasting a lot of time so Kalinda just rests her head on the wall behind her, it wasn’t long before she slept off

Hunter on the other hand who won’t stop talking and talking looked at her face to see her eyes closed

Hunter stood and went over to her, he made to carry her but immediately he touched her a red line around her neck shine brightly, he didn’t see it cos his body heat up Instantly

He started feeling uneasy and sudden segzual arousal, Hunter looked down to see his Ďïčk bulging in his trousers

“What’s happening?” He asked no one in particular

He still carried her going over to a small bed, her body suddenly heat up and he could feel his Ďïčk tearing out from his trouser as unbearable pain gripped him down there

“What do you think you’re doing? Do you want to die?” His mother’s voice came from the door

Kalinda didn’t wake up, Kalinda that is always vigilant even In her sleep, surprisingly she didn’t wake up

“Drop her!!” His mother yelled and Hunters quickly put her down on the bed

His mother went over and touched her neck, the tiny red line has become bigger and it left just a little for it to Wrap her neck like a necklace

Hunter’s mother let out a breath of relief before looking at the hunter

“Don’t ever touch her again, is that understood?” She scolded and Hunter who was already at the door of his room nodded and went in

His Ďïčk hurts like h*ll, what just happened?? Why was her body hot? Why am I feeling this unnecessary arousal?? What is she??

He fell on his bed staring into space



Kalinda is busy eating and drinking with her face down when she heard a male voice

“C’mon everyone, it’s time for the bidding ceremony, ladies take her to the bed and take off her clothes she won’t be needing them,” a guy said

Kalinda looked up and her eyes nearly popped out immediately she saw Camilla, the guy held her tightly on her arm and she has tears in her eyes

“C’mon everyone, let’s make it quick,” the guy added

“There will be no bidding ceremony,” Kalinda suddenly said to the surprise of everyone

Everyone gasped

?️ Did she just speak to Lord Draco??

?️ Who is she?

?️ I was about to ask the same, have never seen her face around her??

?️ Such guts, No one has ever spoken to Lord Draco in that manner

?️ She even said there will be nothing of such

?️ Is she a witch, who doesn’t know Lord Draco?

Kalinda could hear many people murmuring but she didn’t care

Draco also heard the side talks and got furious

“Excuse me lady, who are you?” Draco asked

“Have you no honor?” Kalinda who is still eating looked up and asked

Draco scoffed and looked around

“Women!! this is why they were created, they are given to us for this purpose,” Draco replied rudely

“Including your mother?” Kalinda asked and his eyes darkened

“How dare you?” Draco raged and she scoffed

“Isn’t she a woman?” Kalinda added and Draco went closer to her

“I will do to you what I do to people like you,” he said more in a whisper and turn to the crowd

“Ladies, strip her and take her to the bed, let the ceremony begin,” Draco shouted

A small room built with a white net is at the corner and that is the place the bidding will take place, and everyone will watch from the outing

“There will be no bidding ceremony,” Kalinda said again, she is resting her head on her chair so she sat up

“There will be if I command it,” Draco said meaning every word

Kalinda picked up her combat knife that is lying on the table beside her drink, picking it up she stabbed it against the table and the noise from it echos in the hall

All eyes turn to her, this act is forbidden in this community cos is a sign of war

“Then you will be f-__-king your own bride with a wounded Ďïčk,” Kalinda snarled, she fixed her gaze at Draco

Draco could feel his veins popping out as rage took over him, how dare she??

He clenched his fist tightly, the sound of his teeth clapping together could be heard as he took steady steps toward her with dark angry eyes……

TBC ???

As e dey hot ??

Kalinda na Comrade with full Vawulence ?

Kalinda be like ” I don’t want peace, I want problem always” ?

Should I just you about what will happen in the next episode ??

This one Hunter is feeling a weird sensation ? lemme not talk first ?

Xavier, Hunter, or Draco??

Camille is like Gabby ?

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