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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(If you ever ever say goodbye?…Never let you go??)

Nnenna’s romance series?

(* We’re friends afterall??…*)

*Even if it takes all night or a hundred years…Need a place to hide but I can’t find one near…Wanna feel alive, outside I can’t fight my fear…Isn’t it lovely? all alone… Heart made of glass, my mind of stone…Tear me to pieces, skin to bone*__Billie Eilish vs Khalid__Lovely.

She had been wrong about him all these while…No, she had been right.
He wasn’t a rude jerk…He is.
He wasn’t a bad guy, He is. He wasn’t full of himself…of course he is and moreso, he doesn’t love her neither can she tell what kind of game he’s playing with her.

She was wrong to think that, she always judged him wrongly when she never did. Why did she call him a saint all of a sudden when he’s no saint at all.

A handsome guy like that, and all he’s good at, is to confuse her. He is indeed the worst guy in the world. With him, she can’t be sure if, she will ever feel at ease.

As he walked in, she feigned ignorance and smiled at him.
“Where have you been?” he came over to her side and kissed her forehead.

Her whole body cringed and at same time, it felt good. She wanted her body to feel bad about that kiss but it tingled at his touch. She cursed herself.

He hugged her.
“I’m sorry I made you wait.” he kissed her hair,
“What happened? I waited all night.” she complained bitterly. She could barely hide the anger and sadness in her voice, “Where’s your car? What’s she doing here? Why did she drop you off?” she asked nervously.

He palmed her face,
“Something came up at the office, you know, we work together so…”
“That’s why you left your car and she drove you home?”
“She’s gone now, don’t let that bother you.”

She pushed him away, “Bother me? You couldn’t call, you couldn’t text and…” she was slowly breaking down. “…and I did…you didn’t care to say anything because you were with her.”

He wanted to touch her but she pulled back, he advanced closer shaking his head. It’s not what she thinks.

He can’t still explain what happened last night and how he ended up in De_ra’s place but he didn’t mean to hurt her feeling. He knows that he’s lying to her. There was no work at the office. Veronica do take care of everything for him without him even noticing.

But how can he explain the fact that he woke up under De_ra’s blanket? And naked too! What happened? He can’t tell. Was he drunk? How bad did he drink?

His heart thumped faster. How can he convince her? How does he make her believe what he is finding it so hard to believe himself?

It is so confusing. How did he get himself into a $h|t like this?
“Did you sleep with her?” Her voice and eyes came straight at his eyes that he was confused for a second about what to answer.

“No, I can’t do that.” He shook his head nervously. He tried to touch her but she shifted back again.

She doesn’t believe him. She knows the story behind the two of them pretty well. There’s an existing chemistry between the two of them which she knows that, they can’t ignore it.

Their jumpy love story didn’t start today or yesterday. There’s something about De_ra, a tiny charm which Dee can’t always resist.

She knows it! And that’s why it hurts her so much because she can’t believe him. It hurts more because De_ra is always better than her. She got it all and she got nothing. Except being beautiful and having rich parents but does that even count?

Worst part, De_ra’s young while she’s an old wrinkled fella who have lost its charm. Yeah, that’s why it hurts.

“I need you to believe me.”

“I wish I could, Dee.” She swallowed her anger and headed upstairs to go get her things.
yHer midsummer night dream is already over. At least, she’d been dreaming for the past five days and it’s time to wake up and pick her way home.

He followed her. In a hurry, he matched after her. He needs to explain things out. He needs to make her understand that what they have between them and what they shared is real. They can’t run away from it.

She felt his presence in the room as she finished packing her things into her bag and she flinched,

“Do you know what’s more hurting? I feel like you’re lying to me. Each time I try to settle and trust you, you make me not want to gamble my heart on you. I feel like I’m just a game to you. Like you pity me. And like a lost puppy that I am, I keep running back to you.” she gulped down her tears. She can’t cry, not infront of him.
Never! She can’t let him see her tears.

He advanced nearer to her while she motioned him not to come any closer. He stood where he was trying to gather his mind and prevent his heart from falling off his chest.

“I don’t know how I’m going to make you believe me or trust me.”

“Then don’t. I don’t want to be convinced by your lies. I know, I’m old and she’s young!”

“Diane stop.”

“Oh yes! I’m turning thirty soon and she’s barely in her mid twenties!!!”

He came close to her, “Diane stop saying that.”

“Why should I? That’s the truth and that’s why it hurts so much. In all my life, I never achieved anything apart from running after men who do love me and I can bring home for my mother. ”

He held her hand while she struggled,” Diane stop this.”

“Get your hands off me.” she shook him off. Why is she so mad? Why can’t she control this anger? And why does she still feel like she wanna kiss him?

Crazy. She’s gone crazy for him and it hurts!!

“You know Dee, I thought about it and I think we’re better of friends and not lovers.”

“No, Diane you can’t say that. We can’t be friends.”


He wished there were words to explain everything and make this work between them. He can’t let her go.

“I’m sorry. I…” his phone vibrated and a photo popped into his phone screen. Her eyes was so fast to catch a glimpse of the image.

A picture of De_ra and Dee together. Probably naked but they covered themselves with the blanket.

Wow! He was lying after all, she shot him a very deadly glare;

“You said that, you will make sure I never regret dating my best friend?” she asked. “Well, I don’t think so Dee.”

“I can explain.”

“You don’t have to. We’re friends after all.”


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