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HomeMY EX, MY BOSSMY EX, MY BOSS - Episode 21

MY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 21

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Martin frown when she didn’t pick up the call.

They are having a board meeting soon and he wanted her to prepare a document. He dial the telephone against but she was not picking up and he rush toward the glass trying to see if evelyn was there and his eyes widened when he saw her laying on the floor and without thinking twice he rush out of the office.

“Eve,” He open the door only to see evelyn crying.

“Eve,” He called worriedly moving towards her and evelyn hug him immediately.

She needed someone to hug, she needed comfort at this time, she needed someone to share her pains with.

“Hey sweetie, what is the matter?” He ask concern and evelyn just stare at him.

“Martin,” She called and hug him tightly and he reciprocated immediately.

He didn’t know what was wrong with her but seeing her brings pain to him, he h@ťěs it when she is hurt, he h@ťě it when she cries.

She is his weakness, she is his pain, she is his happiness. That is what he has come to realize while being with her.

“You wanna tell me who hurt you and let me deal with the f-__-king bastard,” He said grifting his teeth, trying to control his anger and evelyn just chuckle.

“No one hurt me martin,” She said softly and martin sigh.

He really wanted to hurt whoever that hurt her but seeing her reply she couldn’t help but wonder what made her cry.

“What happen eve, I h@ťě to see you cry,” He said sincerely and evelyn just scoff.

“Martin,” She called drrinkily laughing like an idiot and martin frown.

He look at the table and his eyes widened when he saw 3 bottles of drink on the floor and he scoffs disbelief turning to look back at evelyn.

She was drunk. He was kinda of angry seeing his secretary drunk but he was never going to get angry at evelyn for such things. If people get to find out that his secretary got drunk in work, it sure will ruin his company name.

“Hmmm martin your lips look so f-__-king segzy, can I kiss it?” Evelyn said and martin eyes widened in shock.

He wanted to kiss her so badly but he didn’t want to take advantage of her drunken state.

“Come on evelyn stop, you are f-__-king drunk,” He said trying to make her stand up but she kiss his lips making martin gulp down.

“I am not drunk martin, I have always wanted to give you a kiss but I was kinda shy,” she said and martin raise his eyebrows in surprise and then smirk.

“Aren’t you just a f-__-king prentending beauty,” He muttered staring at the drunken evelyn.

He couldn’t help but wonder what make her drunk but seriously he really like the drunken evelyn. She is so cute.

“Kiss me martin, I want your lips on mine,” She said seductively biting her lips and martin gulp down.

It was really affecting him now.

“Hmm or do you want to see my body?” She ask drunkily trying to pull her shirt off and martin eyes widened when he saw her cleavages.

“Stop Evelyn,” He quickly drag her cloth down.

“d@mn you evelyn,” He yells and evelyn giggles.

He was already feeling hot right now. He was d@mn hard.

Evelyn gently lay on her chest while martin just sigh.

“Just great. Now she is asleep,”

Almost immediately evelyn punk all over his body while he groan in disgust.

“I am so f-__-king going to deal with you eve,” He said

“f-__-k, what do I do now? I have a meeting with the board members,” He groan in frustration.

“Sir,” Someone called loudly.

His phone peep and he quickly check the message sent to him.

“Sir the board members are waiting for you, I can’t find you or your secretary,” He read and he sigh. It was from the receptionist.

He dial a number and immediately he pick up.

“I want you to get someone……

No…no. he can’t allow his guard take her home. He is never going to concentrate at the meeting.

“Hmmmm forget it,” He said and ended the call.

He dial Oliver number who pick it up immediately.

“Tell them I cancel the meeting, u have something important to do,” He said.

“But… sir,” Before she could say anything, he ended the call already

He pull off his jacket and throw it to the ground before carrying evelyn.



“Why the f-__-k is sir carrying her,”

“Geez I am really jealous of her,”

“I h@ťě her so much,”

“Why does boss even see in her,” This were the comments heard from the staffs and for some reason martin was angry but he ignore them anyway.

“Take me home,” he said to the driver as he enter the car with evelyn.

*. *. *. *

She open her eyes slowly meeting with the ray of sunshine and she groan holding her head.

“d@mn, my head is banging,” She groan holding her head.

She look around the environment and she frown.

“Where the f-__-k am I,” She shuttered looking around panickly. She suddenly remember how she got drunk and she gasps.

“f-__-k, what the hell was I thinking?” I can’t believe I kiss martin,” She said blushing and suddenly frown.

“Stop Evelyn, stop blushing,” She covers her face.

She look around the room and her eyes widened when she saw her picture all over the room.

She look at herself and her eyes widened when she saw her clothes change.

“Am I kidnapped?” She ask fearfully.

The door open and martin walk in with a drink in his hand.

“Oh my f-__-king goodness. Thank God,” She sigh in relief but she suddenly frown.

“Is this your room?” He ask but he just kept staring at her while he take a slip from his drink.

“Okay forget the question, did you change my clothes?” She ask and martin just smirk taking a slip from his drink.

Evelyn gulp down staring at his exposed chest.

He was dressed in a white singlet exposing his chest and a black trouser.

“No I didn’t the maid did,” He said and evelyn sigh in relief.

A smirk suddenly form on martin face. He wanted to tease her a little.

“Don’t tell me you don’t remember what happen between us?” He raise his eyebrows in a questioning manner and evelyn frown not understanding what he meant.

“You got drunk at your office so I brought you home and then we had segz,” He blurted out and evelyn eyes widened in horror.

“What the f-__-k are you saying?” She yells angrily and martin just chuckle.

She stood up from the bed immediately waking around the room and martin stare at her confused.

“But I am not feeling pain In between my legs,” She said and martin crack.

“Because you don’t feel pain doesn’t mean we didn’t do it,” Martin wink at her and she gulp down.

“Martin please if this is a joke just stop it. Am pleading,” Evelyn said panickly and he rolled his eyes.

“Fine but you did kiss me,” Martin said and she quickly turn her face away from him making him chuckle .her cheek were turning red already due to embarrassment.

She was just so embarrassed

“Seriously evelyn Don’t get drunk in the office again, you are going to my company reputation in danger,” He said and evelyn sigh feeling guilt.

“Am sorry,” She said and martin huff.

“You did look cute while drunk. I mean you kissed me,” He said smirking and evelyn couldn’t but blush.

“f-__-k you,” Evelyn yells

“What did you say eve, that I should f-__-k you,” He said moving toward her and she move back fearfully.

“That is not what I men martin…..I mean …..mean thank you, you are a generous man,” Evelyn shuttered fearfully and Martin just scoffs

“Dress up and come downstairs,” He said and walk out of the room and she sigh in relief.

T. B. C.

Good night lovers ❤️?

One word for martin ?

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