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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?By: Authoress Succy ?

Episode 28

Catania pov

“Pass me the salt please,” I said to jax who stood beside me staring at me and he rolled his eyes before he gave me the salt.

“You know you look so segzy, that I am trying hard not to eat you up,” he said and I blush.

“Aren’t you tired of sec, I can remember vividly few hours ago you almost damage my legs,” I said and he just rolled his eyes.

“You are being unfair,” he pouted his lips and I could not help but laugh.

“How am I being unfair?” I asks and he huff before wrapping my hand around my waist and he drag me closer to him.

“You know I get hard easily just by staring at you, yet you decided to wear something that bring out your shape, wearing a sweater and a short is making me go nut, see I am already hard,” he whispered in my ear pointing to his pant, and I could not help but laugh.

“Don’t blame me them, you are the one who would keep your Ďïčk in check,” I said and he smile before kissing my chest.

“Aren’t you just adorable,” he said pinching my cheek and I smile.

“I love you so much tania, More than I can explain,” he said and I smile and slowly I felt his lips on my kissing me gently and passionately. He carried me up and place me on the kitchen counter still kissing me, he lick my tongue slowly before exploring every corner of my lips.

Suddenly I felt something burning and I quickly push him away only to see the fish was burning and I quickly turn off the gas.

“See what you caused,” I said and slap him slightly on the chest while he just stratch his hair and I sigh.

“I am trying to cook for you but you just won’t let me be,” I said and he rolled his eyes.

“What was that for,” he groan as I slap him slightly on the chest.

“You don’t feel sorry,”

“Why would I feel sorry when I was busy kissing that segzy lips of yours,” he muttered but I heard him clearly and I just smile staring at his pretty face.

“I heard you,” I said and he stratch his head smiling.

“But there is no need for cooking when you can give me something else,” he whispered in my ear huskily and I frown pushing him away.

“For your information, no segz till I approved of it myself,” I said and he scoffs.

“What? I don’t get you,” he said his eyes wide open.

“Am sure you heard me,” I said pushing him away before bringing down another pot, and he just stood there staring at me with mouth open.

“Tania are you trying to ki|| me?” He asks more like he was angry and I turn to look at me, and he quickly fake a smile.

“Are you angry?” I ask teasingly.

“Wh…what, no of course,” he replied still faking a smile and I just chuckle.

“Obviously I am d@mn angry,” I heard him say and I could not help but smile.




“Waw! The food is delicious, kudos to you tania,” he said giving me a thumb up and i blush

“Thank you,” I said and he laughs before taking another spoon into his mouth.

“It might be delicious but not as sweet down there,” he said staring down at me and I sigh.

“Hmmm, tania are you really serious?”

“Serious about what?” I asks prentending not to know what he was heading to and he sigh.

“About me not having segz with you,”he replied and I chuckle.

“Yes I am d@mn serious, you have had enough already,” i said

“But will said th….”

“Stop trying to use will words as an advantage,” I said and he rolled his eyes.


“Eat your food already and stop whining like a baby,” I said and he scoffs staring at me before eating the food.

Annabella pov

I sat on the chair inside my bakery shop going through internet and I sign when I saw nothing funny.

I tap the camera button placing it on the table and play a music at the same time.

Am a tiktoker with 500k followers.

I bend down slowly moving my waist according to the beat of the music.

After dancing I took my phone back and posted it on tiktok.

Just wait, within minutes I will have alot of like.

I felt a presense behind me making me turn around and I gasps when I saw him sitting on a chair staring at me with a smile on his face.

“How the hell did you get in here,” I asks panickly and he rolled his eyes.

“You were busy moving your waist to hear me knocking so I decided to walk in and I am glad I did,” he wink at me and I gulp down nervously.

“Nice move though,” he strugged his shoulder before bringing out his phone pressing it making me frown.

I taught he was here to collect his cake.

“Hmmm aren’t you here to collect your cake” i said and he scoffs.

“Nope, I am here to spend the day with you,” he replied without looking at me and I just stare at him in confusion.

“I don’t get you, why the hell do you want to spend the day with me?” I asks and he sigh, but then he didn’t reply me.

“Hey am talking to you,” I said and he scoffs before looking at me, his sea blue eyes staring into mine.

“Because I want to be close to you, I want to see that beautiful smile that calm me down,” he said and I just stare at him not knowing what to say.

“Hmmm, wh@ťěver,” I said before sitting back on my sit staring at him but he just continue pressing his phone.

“Are you single?” He suddenly asks still staring at me and I frown.

“Why the hell are you asking such question?”

“I mean why would you be whining your waist to the world when you are dating,” he said and I scoffs.

“Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to judge you,” he said and I huff.

“Well I am not,” I replied angrily and a smirk creep out of his lips.

“Good to know but I will advise you to stop doing that, not while I am part of your life now,” he said smirking while I just stare at him confused.

“What the heck did you have, I am hungry…….

Kingsley pov

I sat on the chair smoking as I taught about catania and I smirk.

You must be confused right? Well let me do a little introduction.

‘I am kingsley or should I say I am elijah. When I met catania at the mall she was so segzy that day and I promise myself to get in her pant. My real name is kingsley but I made up the name elijah, why? Because I didn’t want anyone to know my identity that I am a drug dealer.’

I can’t stop thinking about catania recently and I want her to be close to me but too bad she is with jax.

I know jax must be looking for elijah now, ready to ki|| me but I am d@mn ready for him.

‘ Like they say if someone don’t leave you, you won’t know how important he or she is to you and that is the case now,’

‘I don’t f-__-king care if she is pregnant For him, I will get rid of the baby and make her mine,’ I taught smirking evilly…….

Catania pov

I sat in the couch watching TV when I felt a present behind and I turn around only to see jax friend will staring at me and I jolted back in surprise and he just smile.

I taught it was jax, well he went to answer a car.

“Hey,” he wave with a smile and I did the same.

“Sorry for scaring you,” he said and I just scoffs.

“Is okay. Jax went to answer a call, am sure he will be here soon,” I said and he rolled his eyes.

“Oh come on, am not here for him entirely, I just came to ask you few questions,” he smile and I look at him surprise.

“Me?” I asks and he nodded smiling


“Actually it about your friend annabella,” he said and I turn sharply to look at him.

“Did something happen to her?” I asks and he chuckle.

“I never said anything about that,” he said and I sign in relief.

“Hmmm…. Can I have her number?” He asks and I widened my eyes staring at him.

“Why the hell do you need her number?” I asks and he sigh, rolling his eyes at the same time.

“Well….I am falling for her,” he replied almost immediately and I prentended to choke but he didn’t even make a move a he continue staring at me. I look at his face to see if he was joking, but with the expression in his face one could tell he was d@mn serious.

“I am d@mn serious, catania please can i have her number,” he said pleadingly.

“I think you should give him, my nigbro is in love,” jax said coming downstairs and I just scoffs.

Geez! Annabel is going to ki|| them when she finds out I gave my number out to a stranger, nope not a stranger, she knows him too.

I took my phone slowly bringing out her number and I stretch it towards it, which he didn’t not take time to collect.

I look at her face trying to see if I could find any inner motive but i couldn’t find anything.

“Thank you,” he said as he gave me back my phone and I just nodded.

“Okay man bye, I need to get going, I have an emergency patient at the hospital,” he said and i huff.

“And you decided to leave the patient to collect a number,” jax said slapping his shoulder playfully an they both bursted into laughter before hugging each other and I just rolled my eyes.

“Bye.” He wave and walk out.

I felt someone hand on my shoulder massaging it gently and I Mõ@ɲ closing my eyes.

‘Geez! It feels so good,’

“How are you feeling babe,” he kiss my cheek gently and I just smile.

“Am better,” I replied turning to look at his face and he smiles before kissing my cheek again.

He move towards me and sat on the couch, making me place my legs on his thighs while he messaged it.

“Hmm babe you are getting fat,” he said as he massaged my legs and I frown staring at him, as I felt tears gathering in my eyes.

“And you look more beautiful,” he quickly added when he sees my expression and I just rolled my eyes.

“You are such a cry baby,” he said and I chuckle.

“Princess how are you doing?” He asks kissing my stomach.

“Hmmm babe l am going to a party tonight,” he said and I just ignore him looking at the T. V.

Oh Geez, I got distracted. I was watching the movie “Wednesday,” and it really d@mn interesting.

“Babe are you hearing me?” He asks and I turn to look at him.

“But your wound?”

“Come on, I am strong again,” he said and I just smile.

“I know my hobby is a very strong man,” he said and he chuckle.

“Geez, tania you are making me blush,” he said and I bursted into laughter.

“Can I come with you?” I asks pouting my lips and he laughs.

“Come on tania, it my boss birthday party and criminals are going to be much there, so I wouldn’t want you to get hurt,” he said and i smile.

“Okay and come early, okay.” I said and h smile before kissing my cheek.

“I will be back early,” he said and I nodded.

“Geez am sweating, there is so much d@mn heat here,” I said pulling off the little jacket leaving me with just a crop top. I felt that farmiliar gaze boring holes into my skin and when I turn around I saw jax staring at me while licking at my lips.

“Babe please can you put on your jacket,” he said and I just ignore him focusing my gaze on the movie but I couldn’t as I felt him looking at my face.

“What the hell are you doing?” I fired as he push me to the chair laying on top of me.

“What the hell! Jax let go of me now,” I said trying to sound serious.

“Come on tania I swear it won’t be long, please an begging you, okay just the tip,” he pleaded like he wanted to cry and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I am serious jax, no segz except you are you are going to force me,” I said and he sigh bug it didn’t take minute before he started pulling my shot.

“Stop it jax, we are in the sitting room,” I said trying to push him away but I couldn’t.

I gasps as he tore off my pant, putting them in hi pocket.

“Jax, someone might see us,” I whispered but he didn’t even listen to him and slowly I felt his lips on my p***y and I close my eyes trying not to Mõ@ɲ.

“Hmmm, hmmm,” we heard someone cough from behind and we quickly turn around only to see jax mum staring at us with a smile on her face.

“Mum,” jax excalms and quickly use my trouser In covering my lower part and his mother just laugh.

“You guys don’t have manners, f-__-king in the sitting room,” she said and I gulp down nervously while jax just rolled his eyes.

“Welcome back mum,” I greeted nervously and she rolled her eyes.

“Put on your shot,” jax whispered in my ear and I quickly wore my shot. Without thinking twice I rush upstairs and then I heard laughter coming from the city room.

Am so gonna ki|| jax.

Annabella pov

“I am so happy today,” I yells as I slice the onion.

I go myself a day off, d@mn I am so f-__-king tired and also I think I will go and visit catania today, I miss that girl like crazy.

All alone in their house is driving me crazy.

I heard my phone ringing from the sitting room and I quickly rush there.

“Hello,” I said immediately I look at the number.

“Hello sweetie,” the gently voice said, I move the phone from my ear and stare at the number only to see it was an unknown number.

“Who the hell is this?” I asks .

“Well it is me will,” he replied and I gasps.

“How the hell did you get my number?” I asks softly and i imagine him smirking.

“I have my way darling, beside as a customer I should have your number,” he said and i just rolled my eyes.

“I see you got a day off,” he said and I just remain silent.

“Prepare yourself ann I will be chasing you,” he said and then ended the call immediately.

I scoffs as I stare at my phone and I slowly drop it on the table.

“Is this prapia and sky love story in love in the air, because I remember that was what prapia told sky,” I said to myself.

My phone rang again and I smile when I saw it was catania.

“Hey bestie,” I yells as I pick up the call.

“I miss you so much like mad,” she said and I smile.

“I miss you too, so how is our baby doing?” I asks smiling and i heard her laugh through the phone.

“We are fine and you?” She asks and I smile.

“Good, I will coming to your house today,” I said.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t wait,” she said and I smile.

“Hmmm did anybody by any chance call you?” She asks and I frown.

“Wait…. Are you the one that gave him my number?” I asks but she didn’t reply me.

“Catania” I called.

“Yeah, I mean he said he wanted to have your number so I gave him,” she said and I scoffs.

“I am gonna ki|| you catania,” I yells and she bursted into laughter before ending the call.

Cara pov

“Jax is coming to the party, the man was his boss before he formed his gang so he is invited,” she said and I smirk.

“So what is your plan?” My friend asks and I smirk.

“My plan is way more evil than you can imagine. I wonder how his pretty wife is going to feel.”

T. B. C.

Danger ahead?
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