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Friday, October 18, 2024
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?By: Authoress Succy ?

Episode 20

Catania pov

I yawn loudly as I open my eyes looking around. I tried to stand up but I discover jax hand was wrapped around my waist and incident about yesterday came rushing towards my mind and I became shy.

I still can believe I finally did it with him, actually i seduced him.

I can’t even move my leg properly, he was d@mn so rough and I am grateful I didn’t lose my baby while having segz with him.

Geez jax didn’t go as gently as he said and geez I had to plead with him to stop before he stopped.

I turn my face to look at him and I smile as I stare at his cute face. I trace his face with my hand and almost immediately he open his eyes and he smile immediately he saw me making me shy.

I turn my back on him trying not be shy and slowly I felt his hand wrapped around my waist and he kiss my neck softly making me shivers.

“Good morning,” he whispered my ear and bite my earlobe softly.

“Good morning,” I reply more ike a whisperer because my voice was down due to me screaming yesterday.

“Seems I was hard to you huh?” He said in a teasing tone and I bite my lips nervously while he just chuckle before removing his hand from my waist and then he stood up from the bed and I quickly close my eyes as I saw he was still naked.

“Gosh you behave such like a baby,” I heard him say.

“Open your eyes baby,” he said but I didn’t dare.

“Didn’t you see it last night, huh?” He said and I sign but I didn’t open my eyes. Silence filled the room that I start to wonder if he was still in the room but then I felt someone carry me up from the bed making me open my eyes.

“Where the hell are you carrying me?” I asks panickly as I was still naked.

“Let go take our bath,” he replied and I rest my head properly on his chest as he move towards the bathroom.

He filled the jacuzzi with water before He laid me gently on the jacuzzi filled with soapy water and also got inside making me gulp down nervously.

He stare at my face and I just pretended not to see him staring at my face and I saw him chuckle.

He gently laid his head on my stomach and rub it slowly.

“Hey baby! How are you doing? I hope you are doing well in there?,” He said and kiss my stomach and I find myself smiling as I touch his hair.

“I and your mummy had segz tonight is it that so great, and also she is willing to give us a chance,” he said and I laugh.

Isn’t he just so cute.

He raise his head up and he move up to my lips kissing me gently and I reciprocated grabbing hold of his hair.

We broke from the kiss and we both smile at each other but d@mn…..I was so shy.

“You are such a shy baby,” he said touching my nose and I laugh.

“Come sit on my thighs so I can bath you,” he said and my eyes widened.

“What!” I gasps and he rolled his eyes.

“Come on,” he said and I sign. I stood up and gently laid on his thighs or msybe his Ďïčk.

Geez if being nervous could ki||, i would have been dead by now.

He took the sponge and started scrubbing my body making me smile, mistakenly the soap landed on my lips and….

“Jax,” I called and he humm a reply.

“Can I get the soap please, I want to lick it,” I said and his eyes widened in shock but I really want to lick it I don’t really know what is wrong with me or is it my pregnancy hormones again?

“Are you baby or something that you want to to lick a soap,” he yells and I pouted my lips.

“You are yelling at me,” I said giving him puppy eyes and he rolled his eyes.

“There is no way I am giving you that, and sorry to dissapoint you that won’t work on me,” he said and I huff.

*. *. *. *. *. *

“Really was he gently on you?” Anna asks excitedly through the phone and I just humm a reply since jax is also in the room.

He was searching for what to wear in the wardrobe so I don’t want him to hear my conversation with Anna, it will be make me feel embarrassed.

“Hmmm how about I call you later,” I said and I heard her grumble making me rolled my eyes.

“Are you so shy to tell me what happens,” she said and I ended the call immediately.

“Your friend is one hell of a Friend,” he said and I laughs.

“When are you friends now?” He asks walking towards me with a towel wrapped around his waist and a cloth on his left hand.

“Well it is five years now, I met her since I was 15 when I lost my parent in a car accident,” I said and remembering that incident brought tears to my eyes.

“Well she is truly a friend indeed,” he said and I nodded.

“So what happened to your parent?” He asks staring at my face as he bend down in front of me and I sign as I remember that year, a year that took the most important people in my life and tears gather In my eyes.

“Is okay if you don’t want to talk about it,” he said and I chuckle.

“Is okay, like people say it feels better when you share your sorrow and pains with other,” I said and he just smile ruffling my hair.

“That day 12 October 2017, they went on a business trip in korean while I was left behind to stay with the maids, I was born with sliver spoon and I get wh@ťěver I want, some people might complain that their parent don’t care about them but mine was different, they were awesome in many ways but death decided to take them away from me.”

“I fell terribly sick that day that I was even scared I was going to die, so when the news got to my parent in korean they were d@mn so worried and they decided to come home that day and that was when their plane got crash,” I said and Bursted into tears immediately and he hug me immediately patting my back softly.

“My uncle Anthony, a man h@ťěd so much with Passion. I have always know he was always wicked and he prove himself after my parent died, he took everything my dad walk for chasing me out of the way,” I said crying loudly and he just patted my hair softly.

“Hey is okay, hush stop crying,” he whispered in my ear as he pat my hair.

“You know I think I am the cause of their death,” i ask and he distinguish from the hug looking at my face.

“Hey don’t say that,” he whispered in my face cleaning off my tears.

“If I was not sick maybe they would still be alive by now,” I said and he sign.

“It was not your fault okay, you were sick, you didn’t have the choice to fall sick or not and they just wanted to be there for you but then they got on the wrong plane, so don’t blame yourself about their death okay,” he said and I nodded crying and he just kiss my forehead hugging me.

“Stop crying tania, it break my heart to see you in pain,” he said patting my head and slowly I felt tears dropped on my shoulder…

T. B. C.


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