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Friday, October 18, 2024
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?By: Authoress Succy ?

Episode 10

Catania pov

I sat on the dinning table eating the noodles I cooked.

Gosh I was never like this, now I am d@mn so lazy that I my was noodles I can cook.

My phone started ringing making me look at it and I frown when I saw it was jax calling.

I sign and ignore the call but It kept calling and to worsen it, it was a video call.

He stops calling and I sign in relief but almost immediately my phone peep.

I pick it up and then it was a text message from him.

“You better pick up my call sweetheart.” I sign as I read the text message and almost immediately there was an incoming video call from him.

I sign before picking it up but then my eyes widened when I saw his bare chest, he was not putting on any shirt.

“What took you so long in answering my call?” He asks in a angry tone while I just rolled my eyes.

“You know that is disrespectful tania and i wouldn’t want you doing that to me,” he said and I just stare at his face through the phone.

“Can you please put on a shirt,” I said as I felt my self becoming sweaty and then he smirk.

“Don’t tell me I have an effect on you.” He said and I scoffs.

“Well I just call to check up on you and alsoto know if you are getting ready already.” He said and I rolled my eyes.

“Tania,” he called in a warning tone.

“What?” I asks confused.

“Stop rolling your eyes at me, you are f-__-king disrespecting me,” he said and I rolled my eyes again trying to tease him.

“Really now?” He said and I couldn’t help but laugh. I stops anyway seeing the way he was staring at me with a smile on his face.

“You look so f-__-king adorable,” he said and I couldn’t help but blush.

“Hmmm I gotta go,” I said as I felt myself becoming uncomfortable and he just chuckle.

“Okay then but actually don’t bother to pack your clothes,” he said and I frown in confusion.

“Why?” I asks.

“Because you wouldn’t be needing them,” he said.

“What the hell!” I said not understanding what he meant.

“Bye Tania,” he wave and he ended the call immediately.

” What the hell is he even saying? I asks myself.

I scoffs and continue eating the noddles and suddenly I remember what happen in the restaurant.

He was so dangerous at that moment and I am also sacred and then I remember anna word.

“He is the most wanted drug dealer in america,”

Yeah, one could tell he look exactly like one with the way he is behaving.

The door open and I smile when I saw anna walk in looking so tired.

“Bestie,” I called and hug her immediately and she reciprocated.

“You look tired,” I said as we withdraw from the hug.

“Well yeah thank God there were 2 customer who needed urgent cake so I have to work endlessly.” She said and I laugh making her frown.

“Are you mocking me?” She asks

“Of course not,” I said and she scoffs.

“So what do you cook?” She asks and j scoffs.

“Noodles,” I replied and she scoffs.

“I was so tired to cook so I just cook the simplest food,” I said smiling and she huff.

“Do I have a choice?” She hiss and I smile before sitting down on the couch.

Few minutes later she brought out the pot to the dinning making me laughs.

“Hmmm anna I have something to tell you,” I said looking at her.

“I will be leaving with jax as from tomorrow,” I said making her choke on her food.

“What is wrong?” I asks nervously as she was staring at me with mouth open.

“No…no…it is a good news,” she said and I rolled my eyes.

“Am so happy baby girl, go stay with your baby father,” she wink at me and I hiss.




“Oh my goodness,” Anna Bursted into laughter holding her stomach as I told her everything that happens at the restaurant and she is busy supporting jax.

We were currently in the room so I decided to tell him what happen but she is laughing like a f-__-king Ɓîtçh.

“I like what jax did,” she said still laughing

“Anna,” I yells

“What? I can’t believe he beat elijah. Geez bestie you should not have stop him,” she said and I throw the pillow at her.

“You are full of evil,” i said playfully.

“Really now? Elijah deserve what he got,” she said.

“There is something also,” I said and she turn to look at me expecting me to say something.

“He kissed me,” I said after a long silence and she open her mouth in shock.

“Who? I mean is it elijah?” She asks and I scoffs.

“As if. Jax, he kiss me and told me he loves me,” I said but then anna hug me.

“Finally you have find a man of your dreams,” she claps hugging me making me frown.

“I taught you said he was the most wanted drug dealer in america,” I said and she stratch the back of her hair.

“Hmm he is but the police can’t even get hold of him, they are scared of him,” she said and I huff.

“You know you are silly right,” I hiss and lay on the bed.

“Come on bestie let discuss, this is going to be the last time we will get to spend more time together,” she said and I smile inwardly but truth be told I was feeling sleepy.

“Am tired,” I said yawning and I heard her scoffs.

“Good night bestie,” she kissed my hair and I smile.

Am really going to miss this Friend of mine.

“Good night,” I said and slowly I gave way to the darkness that want to overcome me.





I yawn and open my eyes before sitting down on the bed. I look at the bed but I couldn’t find anna.

Has she gone to work already?

I turn sideways but then I scream in horror when I found someone sitting down on the couch while staring at me.

“Good morning tania,” he smile and I blink my eyes to make sure I was not dreaming.

How the hell did he get inside here.

“What the hell! Are do you get here?” I asks in horror standing up from the bed and he chuckle.

“Oh I let him, he said he wanted to see you,” Annabella said as she enter the room.

“Really? What guts, how can you just allow him come into the room when you know I am a lady and he is a man. What if I was naked.” I whispered the last part and jax chuckle making me glare at him.

“If you are naked, it would’ve been better,” he wink and I huff.

He is trying to flirt with me.

“Am sorry bestie, he said he wanted to watch you sleep,” anna said and I hiss turning to look at the time and I gasps when I saw it was 9: 30 am.

I never sleep this much. I taught staring at the time.

“I am here to pick you up so get ready before 30 minutes,” he said, no actually it sounded like an order.

“Bastard,” I curse under my breath as he made his way to the door but turn to look at me.

Gosh, I hope he didn’t here that.

“What did you say tania?” He asks and I gulp down.

“Nothing, I was just talking to annabel,” I said smiling at annabell who just hiss.

He stare at us for a while before walking out of the room.

“How can you just allow him here,” I whispered yell and she scoffs.

“He was here yesterday remember,” she said in a teasing tone and I hiss before walking to the bathroom.




“Awwn sweetheart I am gonna miss you,” Anna said as we hug each other and I just rolled my eyes.

“You can visit anytime,” jax said.

“Really?” Anna asks smiling and jax scoffs.

“Am sure you heard me,” he said rudely and I rolled my eyes while anna just fake a smile.

“Okay bestie I will come visit you,” she said and I smile.

“Can we just go already,” he said getting impatient and I foam angrily.

“My bag,” I said trying to go back but he held my hand.

“I told you there is no need for that, I order clothes for you,” he said and I frown.

“Come on get in,” he said impatiently entering the car.

“Bye, I will call you later,” I said and she just wave me.




The security man open the gate for him as he drove into the compound and I gasps when I saw the mansion in front of me.

This is different from the house I went the last time. They all bow down as we walk past them and I don’t really like it.

We got inside the sitting room and I gasps as I stare at the beautiful room before me.

Geez this is heaven. I taught staring at it.

“Stop looking around tania,” he said and I rolled my eyes making him scoffs.

“I will have to teach you a lesson,” he said.

“Lora?” He called.

“Yes boss,” a young girl came in wearing a small black trouser and a black jacket and she was even holding a gun.

“Assemble all the maids and guards I have a announcement to make,” he said and she bow down before walking out.

“Come on let go inside,” he held my hand and for some seconds I stop to look at hand together.

“Come on,” he lead the way upstairs and I smile when I saw pictures of him and his mum.

“Don’t he have a dad? I asks inwardly.

The house was really big…

He open a room door and we both walk in and I gasps as I stare at the beautiful room.

It was looking so amazing than the other room last time, it was painted with purple and that is my best colour so far.

“Feel comfortable, this is our room,” he said and my eyes widened and then I got to realize there were pictures of him around.

“What the hell! We can’t stay in the same room I wouldn’t allow that,” I yells and he just scoff.

“You don’t have a choice tania,” he said.

“Really now? I wouldn’t sleep in the same room with you,” I yells angrily

“Don’t you f-__-king raise your voice at me tania and you will be staying in the same bed with me even if you like it or not,” he said in a cold tone before moving to the door.

“Follow me,” he commanded and I scoffs before walking along with him.

“As I have told you early today she is someone very important, you must treat her very well, obey her and whoever fails to do will be fired. Do i made myself clear,” he yells

“Yes boss,” everyone yells .

Lora you will be her personal guard, wh@ťěver she needs you offer her okay,” he said and the lora wh@ťěver just nodded.

Geez I can’t have her as a personal guard. She don’t seems friendly.

” You may leave now,” he said and everyone bows down before walking out of the sitting room.

“Are you hungry?” He asks turning to look at him.

“Nope I ate a while ago,” I said codly while he just sign.

“Am sorry for yelling at you,” he said and I huff ignoring him.

“Am suddenly feeling heat can I get changed,” I said and he nooded.

I walk upstairs but then I could feel his gaze on me which made me uncomfortable and I fasten my pace.

I open the room door and walk into the wardrobe but then It was only male clothes I was seeing here.

Almost immediately the door open and jax walk in while operating his phone.

“I taught you said there were clothes for me already but it Is only male clothes am seeing which I suppose is yours,” I said.

“Oh my bad they are here to bring it,” he said and I scoff.

“You told me not to bother to bring any clothes but then there is no clothes now so what am I going to change into,” I ask angrily.

“You can change into my clothes first,” he said throwing me a singlet and I scoff.

“Excuse you, I would rather stay naked than put on your clothes,” I said and he smirk.

“Really? Go naked baby I would want to see your p***y,” he said and I bend down my head in embarrassment.

Geez I don’t think I can survive with all this heat here. I taught.

I should have wear this f-__-king long sleeve.

“Are you this stubborn?” He asks as he sat on the bed and I hiss rolling my eyes at the same time.

“You know what change into my clothes, I wouldn’t want my baby to die of heat,” he said and I scoff.

“As if,” I hiss.

“Well I would do it myself,” he said standing up from the bed.

“No…no don’t worry I will do it myself,” I said panicky but he didn’t even listen to me.

He walk towards me and drag the singlet from my hand.

“Turn around,” he said and my eyes widened. Before I could even think of running he caught me immediately.

“He pulled me closer and unbotten the Gan. I struggle but he didn’t give in. After he finally unbotton it he pull it down even after my struggle leaving me in just my pant and bra.

I tried to pull away from him but he held my hand behind my back and force the singlet through my neck.

“You bastard,” I yells as he finally wore it on me.

“What did you say? He asks and slap my butt making my eyes widened.

“Being stubborn turns me on baby,” he whispered in my ear……

T. B. C.

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