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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?By: Authoress Succy ?

Episode 6

Catania pov

“Thank you,” I said as I pay the taxi driver money and he just nodded before driving off.

I sign and clean the tears forming in my eyes.

I stare at my stomach and slowly I touch it.

Is there really a baby growing inside of me? I asks myself.

I am actually in front of annabella store, I didn’t want to go home so I decided to come here.

“Catania,” anna called as i walk into the shop and I just smile weakly.

She was obviously busy with s customer because she and a woman was discussing.

“Sorry mam please excuse me,” she said to the woman and walks towards me.

“Why are you here catania, are you okay?” She asks and i nodded.

“Come on go attend to your customer seems she is getting impatient,” I said pointing to the woman who was staring at me.

“Okay,” she said and walk back to the woman.

She was pretty and young, she looks so rich wearing those expensive clothes.

I sign and rest my back on the chest while closing my eyes.

Am I really going to keep this baby or what? pregnant For a drug dealer. Geez that was not my dream.

“Bestie please come here for a while,” anna said and I stood up from the chair walking towards her.

“Between this two cake which do you think is better?” She asks as she showed me the picture of the two.

The two was really beautiful but I like the blue and white more than the blue and pink.

“I think I will go for this,” I said touching the blue and white cake.

“Okay then I chose that one,” the woman said.

“You are so pretty,” the woman said and I fake a smile.

“Thank you mam,” I said and she just smile.

“I would like I you get married to my son,” she said and I fake a cough and she laughs.

“But that son of mine wouldn’t even want to. Can you imagine he just decided to date a girl because he wants me to stop disturbing me,” she said and I could not help but chuckle.

“He is stubborn like freak but then very caring when he is in a good mood but also stay away from him when he is angry else he would do something stupid. Even i his mother run away from him when he is angry, is not like he is going to hurt me but I don’t want to die yet,” she said and me and anna burst into laughter.

No one wants to die right?

“Am happy to see you smile girl, you look somehow when you fake a smile,” she said

So she knows I was faking it.

“No matter what is wrong just know everything is going to be fine and keep on smiling, smiles bring out the beauty In you and hide those worries from your face,” she winks at me and I smile as i stare at her, at least someone manage to put a smile on my face.

“Thank you,” I said sincerely and she smile.

“Okay I need to get going, my son wants to see me,” she said.

“Okay mam I will call you when the cake is ready,” Anna said

“Okay,” she wave before walking out of the shop leaving me and anna.

“She is such a funny lady,” anna said shaking her head and I just remain silent.

“So how are you feeling now,?” She asks staring at me and I sign.

“I went to the hospital for check up,” I said slowly.

“So what is the problem?” She asks and slowly tears fell down from my eyes.

“I am ruined,” I said tears falling down from my eyes.

“Catania please say something and stop making me worried,” she said and I sniff in cleaning my tears away.

“I am pregnant,” I said and her eyes widened staring at me.

“What….I don’t…. don’t get you,” she shuttered.

“I am pregnant,” I yells and she gasps covering her mouth in shock.

“That mean you are pregnant For jax,” she said and I nodded.

“You didn’t use protection?” She yells.

“He didn’t even give me space to settle down,” I said.

“Then I think we should tell him,” she said and I scoffs.

“Never anna, I have a boy…….I tried to say but he cut me off.

“A boyfriend that doesn’t even care about you,”she yells and I scoffs.

“He cares about me anna okay and also I don’t want my child to be father by a gangster,” I yells back and she huff.

“Okay then do wh@ťěver you want,” she hiss and walk outside.

I sign and sat on the chair.

I feel like eating is better I go home.

“Anna I am going home,” I said as I walk outside to see her sweeping.

“Okay and don’t stress yourself too much, if I come back we talk about this,” she said and I nodded.

Jax pov

“Son,” mum called and rush towards me hugging me tightly and I reciprocated immediately.

Have miss this woman so much.

She withdraw from the hug and kiss my forehead.

“You didn’t even asks of your mum,” she said pouting her lips like a baby and I rolled my eyes.

“Why would I call you when I know you were out of country,” I said and she chuckle.

My mum, my life, my happiness, I am obviously nothing without her. My dad died when I was 12 years old,my dad died of heart cancer leaving me and my mum alone.

I didn’t know what to do so I decided to join a gang that deals with drug, after learning so much I open my own gang even through is like signing my own death because my master has been d@mn angry with me.

For some reason I did all this because of my mum because I didn’t want her to suffer anymore.

“So what do you say you want to tell me?” My mum asks and I sign.

I taught of telling my mum about catania, I did the right thing right now.

“Hmm let go to my room,” I said and we both enter my room.

“d@mn it,” I whispered to myself when I saw cigarette and alcohol on the ground.

She is gonna ki|| me.

“Son I taught I warn you to stop smoking,” she yells and I stractch my head nervously.

My mum might be jovial but if she is angry I am d@mn so scared of her.

“Hmmm mum I am sorry,” I said and she huff before walking towards me and pulled my ear harshly.

“Stop daring me son,” she said and I nodded before she release my ear.

“So what the hell do you want to tell me,” she asks sitting down on the bed.

“I am expecting a baby soon,” I said without hesitation and she turn sharply to look at me.

“Oh my gosh son!” She yells excitedly and I rolled my eyes.

“So where is my daughter in-law or is it clara?” She ask and I huff.

“It is a girl I had a one night stand with,” I said and her face turns to a confuse one.

“I don’t get you, you had a one night stand with a girl but then she is pregnant with your baby?” She said and I nodded.

“How do you even know she is pregnant?” She asks and i sign.

“Mum it is long story but I don’t know where she is,” I said feeling frustrated again.

“Son calm down okay, am sure you are going to find out where she leaves,” she said tapping my shoulder.

That is one thing I love about my mum, she understands me more than anyone else.

“Do you have the girl picture,”she ask and I shake my head negatively.

“But I do have a video of her,” I said.

Don’t be surprise, when she was stripping the other day I took a video of her.

“Okay show me,” she said and I took my phone from the pocket unlocking it.

“Pretty?” She called staring at the video and I stare at her with surprise.

“Yes I mean I met her few hours ago at a bakery shop,” she said.

T. B. C.

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