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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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When the badass meets the playboy….love clashes ?





“Um…i_” Diego’s phone started ringing as he was about to answer.

“Wait a minute” He said picking up the call.

“Hello Dad…”

Kim sighs and look towards the door.


Ever since he had been back from school, he had been in his room not talking to anyone. His phone rang for the umpteenth time and this time he switched it off.

Not long after, the door slammed open and Kim came in. Immediately he saw her, he took his gaze away. Kim scoffs and went in fully.

“Why? You ain’t gonna talk to me now?” She fold her arms.

“Hi…you’re here” He said flatly not looking at her.

“Are you seriously being like this because of this afternoon? I was ju_”

“I heard you got injured…are you okay?” He interrupted her while she sighs.

“You heard? Weren’t you the one who actually took me to the nurse office?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about”

“Oh really now?”

“It’s good you’re fine. You should be home resting why are you here?”

“I just…I came here to…you know…talk things out. I felt bad after doing that to you earlier”

“You don’t need to. I deserve it anyway we both know that”

“Nevertheless I shouldn’t hav_”

“I won’t meddle anymore.”


“I…I admit I’ve been playing some silly pranks between you and Diego. Now I’m gonna stop all that. I have no right to butt into your relationship with him. Sorry for…the mischief I’ve caused.”

“Hey…why are you being weird it’s unlike you?” Kim asked while he gave her a small smile.

“And also…I promise never to do anything funny again. You can rest assured…you two fit each other perfectly”

“You…hat are you scheming now?”

“I told you I won’t do a thing anymore. You should get going…it’s getting darker. It’s dangererous for a girl to walk alone at night”

“I thought I was never a girl…at least to you”

“Ah…right” He laughs dryly.

“You aren’t a guy neither…so you should leave now. Sorry I won’t be able to see you out…I’ve got to do something for mother” He said not moving while Kim nodded.

“Alright…I’ll go. We’ll just see tomorrow. I hope by then…you’d have came back to your senses. This doesn’t fit you…you seems weird right now” She said turning to the door.

“As for saving me…since you want it to be like that I’ll pretend I know nothing also…though I don’t know why I have to do that See you tomorrow” She gave him one last look before going out.

A knock came on the door and he looks up to see his mother sticking her head in.

“Mom…” He called while Annabelle smiles going in.

“Son…” She took a seat.

“I saw Kim just now…the air doesn’t feel right…what happened?”

“Did she say anything?”

“Nothing but…I can sense it. Tell me she was injured…are you responsible for that?”

“No I wasn’t”

“Then what happened between you two?” Annabelle asked closely while he sighs.

“I feel like…I’ve wronged her”


“Not suddenly per se…these days…I’ve been really unfair to her”


“I plan to stop. She shouldn’t be treated like that”

“What about you? Will you be okay?”

“What do you mean Mom?…I’m fine”

“What did you just call me?”


“Right. I’m your Mom…you think I don’t know what’s going on with you?”

“Nothing is…”

“Others may not know but I do very well…how you try to conceal it. How you try to deny and reject it. But you know matters of the heart isn’t something we can deal with just because we want to. Most of the times we don’t have control over it.”

“I decided to stay away…at least for a while”

“And why is that?”

“Because that’s what she probably needs…right now”

“What if something goes wrong?”

“What could actually go wrong…when I’m the problem here?” He mumbles while Annabelle sighs holding his hand.

“Jayden…I hope you know what you’re doing” she says while he only stares. She stood up and sighs.

“Wh@ťěver it may be…I hope you sort it out soon…it’s ain’t good to drag on to a thing for so long”

“But she’s happy now…I can feel it too. I don’t want to snatch her happiness away from her”

“What about yours? You don’t need to feel happy?”

“I’m satisfied…with how things are. That’s enough I think…”

“You think so? You know when you started catching feelings there’s no way to go back to be just friends”

“Kimberly…is my best friend mother…nothing more” He said while his mother nods smiling.

“Rest” She mutters before leaving his room.

Jayden sighs slumping on the bed. He remembers the note he received earlier and how Kim was injured.

“Who are you really?” He mutters.


Verna got into Diego’s room not to find him. She heard the shower running and she smirk to herself she did something on her phone. Then she placed it inside a vase which is just at the window.

Diego came out in towel drying his hair just as she finished doing this. He stopped in his tracks for a while staring at her.

He furrows his brows.

“Why are you here Verna?” He asked unfriendly.

“Are you angry at me bro?” She quizzed back.

“I’m not…go back to your room”

“I don’t think so…” She started approaching him.

“I can see it well you seems mad…brother” She stopped right in front of him.

“I’m telling you I really didn’t do it. Just why won’t you believe me?”

“I know very well you don’t like her Verna”

“Yeah I don’t but…I won’t do such a sneaky thing. That isn’t my method” She said while Diego sighs.

“It’s good if you didn’t” He continues drying his hair while Verna collects the towel from him drying it.

“Father called earlier” He said.

“What did he say?”

“They’re coming back…next week”

“Too bad…I wanted to spend more time alone with you” Verna smiles at him


“Does that mean…we’re going back to being sibblings?” She asked hanging her arms around him now.

“We’re indeed sibblings…you should go back now” He made to pull her hands down but instead she stood on her toes and give him a kiss.

“But siblings aren’t allowed to do that.”

“Verna…you need to stop this now…please” He gave her a look.

“Come on brother….you know that doesn’t work on me” She bit her lower lip in a flirty manner.

“What do you want Verna?”

“Simple…never push me away…it makes me want it more when you do”

“I’m ain’t never gonna give in to your nonsense anymore…I’m ain’t doing this” Diego declared while Verna smirks.

“Okay brother…” She steps back and took off her robe.

“Verna please…”

“I understand you brother…” She walks back to him. This time she turns her back to him taking his hands, she wrapped it around her waist holding it.

Diego closed his eyes trying to hold himself back as she started grinding her @zz slowly on his member.

“I’m ain’t gonna do anything…I should listen to you shouldn’t I?” She said in her usual flirty tone tilted her head up at him. She brought one of her hands to his face and slowly connect their lips.

“Tell me brother…should I go back to my room…I’ll…listen to you” She asked after unlocking from the kiss.

But instead of answering, Diego held her waist with his hands as she continues her grind on him.

Her eyes went shut as his lips travel around her neckline down to her shoulder.

“Hmm…brother…that feels so good” She breathes out slowly as Diego’s hands left her waist now gallivanting around her body. It eventually grabbed her B-__-bs and she Mõ@ɲs.

“Stay a bit…you’ll go back later” He groans to her earlobe and she smiles.

“Yes…brother” She faces him now.

“I can always go back later” She pushes him on the bed and got on him immediately.


Just as Kimberly got to the school, Jay also rode in. Kimberly stopped in her tracks with the aim of talking to him.

Jayden pulled off his helmet and saw her. Kim didn’t fail to notice the avoidance look he gave her.

“What the…hey Ja_” Before she could call upon him Jay quickly got away from the motorcycle and ran to Agnes who was also going in.

“Hey fearless”He smiles putting his arms around her.

“The hell…get lost” Agnes glared but he only chuckles as they went in together.

Kim folded her arms and scoff.

“Did he just totally ignored me?”


Onda flinched a little when a bag was suddenly dropped on her desk. She looks up slowly only to see Verna smiling down at her.

“Wha…what’s this?” She asked.

“Your books…you asked me to get them back for you remember? Here…I made sure to get the exact one. You’re no more angry right? I mean you sounded so scary yesterday that I couldn’t sleep…so I woke up early to get this” Verna smiles while Onda took the bag checking it.

“You…didn’t have to. Thank you…” She mutters.

“Sure…I should fix what I ruined anyway…tell me if I’m missing anything…I can always get them back for you”


“Are you okay? You look pale…”

“Please_” Her speech was cut short by her phone buzzing. They both look at the message that came in.

“Oh! Seems like you have a date later…with my ex” Verna smirks folding her arms. While Onda quickly took her phone which was on the desk.

“It’s…it’s ain’t a date…it’s…” She gulped.

“It’s just…”

“Hey hey…cool okay….I never said anything yet” She smiles before leaving her side.

Onda exhales deeply fisting her palms.


“You look worried…is something wrong?” Diego asked Kim who seems lost in thought.

“It’s Jayden…he’s been strange since yesterday”

“Why? What did he say happened?”

“He didn’t say anything…I just feel like…he’s not been himself.”


“You think he’s still angry about yesterday?”

“Because you slapped him? Is he that petty?”

“Exactly…he’s not. I don’t get why he’s being weird suddenly”

“Just don’t think much about it…I’m sure he’ll come around. You needn’t worry uh?” He said slowly taking her lips in his.

Moments later he unlock and Kim chuckles.

“Wanna come to my place later?” He asked with their face still close.

“Sure…it’s been a while since I last stopped by.” She mutters back.

“Then I’m gonna be expecting you after school.”

“Can’t wait” She smiles while he careless her face.

“Me too” He smiles back.


Jade checked the time for the millionth time.

He had been in the restaurant waiting for Onda for over two hours now.

“Why won’t she pick up?” He mutters clearly annoyed.

“You look worried Mister” Verna knocked on Jade’s desk.

“Verna why are you here?” Jade asked clearly surprised.

“I? I just got stood up by my date. What about you?” She asked while Jade itch his hair.

“I think…I just got stood up also” He mutters chuckling.

“Wow…like someone actually stood you up Jade? I find that hard to believe”

“Maybe…I had hoped too much…I forgot for a while she can be fickle sometimes”

“It’s her loss”

“Yeah…so…you going home?”

“Nah…just gonna crash somewhere for a bit…Kim is home”

“Ohh…Verna how about my place? We can Netflix…and chill” He suggested.

“Sounds fun” She grins.


“Coming!!” Agnes ran to the incessantly ringing door.

“Onda!” She called in shock on seeing her.

“Agnes…” Onda called in a breaking voice wrapping her arms around her.

“Hey…what’s wrong?” Agnes asked worried.


“Here” Agnes gave her a cup of hot tea.

“Thanks…” Onda mutters taking it.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing…I just feel like…we haven’t been together lately so I came to hang out”

“This late?” Agnes eyed her

“Why? You don’t want me here?”

“I’m okay with you being here but…won’t you be uncomfortable being alone with me? What if I do some stuff to you?” Agnes asked while Onda chuckles.

“But Agnes….isn’t it lonely living alone?”

“Have gotten used to it? It’s nothing new”

“Really? I’d still find it lonely though”

“It is. Terribly lonely…imagine having no one to talk to…all I do is sleep and eat”

“It must be hard.” She sighs.

“Why is it so hard to be happy Agnes?”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it…some people gets it easy…why is it always so hard for the weak ones…like me? We did nothing wrong but still….we suffer endlessly”

“That’s all because…you’re aren’t strong enough”

“Exactly…I’m ain’t strong enough…so I can’t be happy…yet”

“Are you okay Onda?”

“I wish I could stay over but I’m scared you might kiss me out of the blue again”

“If you teases me again I’m really gonna do that” Agnes replied while she chuckles.

“Will you like to sleep over? We could hangout all night”

“Crazy…we have school tomorrow”

“We can always skip”

“Be honest…you’ve done that several times right?”

“Everyone does it”

“I’ve never done such”

“Your life is boring”

“Yeah it is…awesomely” Onda chuckles.

“You’re laughing a lot tonight”

“I wanna try out something new being weak is getting boring now”

“Now you’re acting strange”

“Tell me…what should we do first?” She stood up.

“How about taking your shower…you dirty pig”

“Do I smell?” She sniffs herself.

“You stink….will you do it or should I do it for you?”

“You’re getting more dangerous…I’ll do it myself” Onda said heading upstairs.

“I give you two minutes!!” Agnes shouted after her.

“Or I might just barge in!!!”

“Pervert!!!” Onda shouted back while she chuckles.


Looking for Jade, Onda went to the music room knowing that’s where he would be since he’s no where in sight.

As predicted,he was really there but her heart shattered when she sees he wasn’t alone.

She made to leave quietly but her shoes made some sounds betraying her.

“Onda?” Verna called on seeing her. Jade also looks back and saw her. He looks at her for a while but takes his eyes away.

“Onda…come here…who did you come to see?” Verna who was on Jade’s laps asked.

“I…I…” She clenched and unclench her fists looking everywhere but them.

“Did you come for Jade?” Verna’s voice came again.


“Why would she come for me? I have no reason to meet her” Jade voiced out.

“Really? Then is it me? Come here dear” Verna smiles.

“You…you guys can continue…I’m…sorry” She shuttered and ran out. Verna couldn’t help laughing and Jade gave her a question face.

“She’s just too funny…and cute”


“Hey if you can score a goal I’ll delete the video” Verna whispers to Onda.

“Re…really?” She asked.

“Try scoring one” Verna smirks.

The gym teacher blow the whistle and the game begins.

While Onda chase after the ball, Verna chase after her also.

“Ah!”Onda grunts as Verna nudge her almost making her fall.

“You can do better than that” Verna smirks at her while Onda sighs

Onda continues the chase once more and Verna went after her again.

Just as she was about to get the ball, Verna pushed her making her fall this time.

“Ah!” She winced.

The gym teacher blew the whistle and they stop.

“What’s happening over there!!” He asked.

“Oh sorry teacher I don’t know why I feel so competitive today. Onda sorry!” Verna smiles at her while she looks away.

“You okay?” Kim asked offering her a hand while she nodded.

“Let’s go on let’s go on!” The gym teacher claps his hand blowing the whistle. The game continues.

“COME ON MAN!” Daniel called the attention of Jade who was looking at the from the other side.

“Oh sorry” He mutters before joining them back.

Onda ran chasing after the ball. This time she seems determined. Verna also ran after her with the sole aim of hurting her again.

“I just need to score a goal” She said within as she chase after the ball but just then before she could kicked it, Verna crash into her from nowhere.

“Ahh!!” They both grunts going down.

“ONDA!!” Kim shouted gaining the others attention. She ran to her but before she could get to her Jade has already gotten to her.

“Onda…hey…are you okay?” He asked the Onda who lay down unconscious.

“Onda!” Kim and Agnes shrieked also on getting to her.

“To the nurse office hurry!!” Kim said while Jade carried her on his back immediately running out of there with kim and Agnes.

“You okay?” Diego reached out his hand to Verna who was also on the floor.

Verna scoffs slapping his hand away. She stood up and walk out of the field annoyed.

Diego sighs.

“You guys continue with the game Verna stop there!” The gym teacher went after Verna.


“You okay now?” Jay asked and she nodded.

“Why would she do such a thing? Onda be honest is she bullying you again?” Kim asked clearly annoyed.

“What do you mean bully her? Why would Verna do such a thing?” Jade frowns.

“What would you know…your so called girlfriend had been on her neck ever since she came to this school everyone knows that” Kim snapped.

“Is this true?” Jade asked.

“She’s…she’s not. I’m perfectly fine…I just need some rest. I’m sure what happened earlier was just an accident”

“Despite all my warnings” Kim seethe

“Kim please…I’m really okay”Onda said while she sighs.

“You guys should go to class now…I’ll join you later.”

“Will you be okay alone?” Agnes asked.

“I’ll be fine after I get a short nap…please go now I don’t want you to miss your classes because of me”

“Alright…rest okay? Let’s go guys” Kim said while they all troop out. Jade looks back and their eyes met. Immediately Onda took her eyes away.

She sighs when they finally left bringing out her phone. Verna had texted her to come to the lab earlier. She bit her lip staring at the message.

“You guys should go first…I’m gonna use the restroom” Jade said.

“Okay…meet us in class” Jay said while he nodded leaving them.

“Jayden” Kim called.

“What? Is there a problem?” Jay asked.

“We need to talk”

“About what?”

“We have to go to class now…keep it till later” Agnes said linking hands with Jay

“Let’s go” She said and Jay smiles leaving with her. Kim fold her arms.

“He and that algae girl has become really close I see…” She scoffs.


With shaky hands, Onda opens the door and went in.

“Verna….Verna I’m here” She announced just to see no one.

“Is she not here yet?” She thought walking closer to the table where she saw a note.

? “Now I’m more angry” ?

Onda gasped on reading the note and just then she heard some sounds at the door. Rushing there, she made to open it only for it not to.

“Oh….open the door! Open the door!!” She started banging on it yelling.

She perceives some smell and looks back only to see smoke filling up the room.

“Oh!” She covers her nose running to the windows but all is locked.

“No…no…” She went back to the door banging it hard. Crying and begging till she couldn’t anymore.

Now, it became hard for her to breathe since the smoke filled up all the room. She slumps to the floor coughing.

“Please….save me…” She mutters feeling debilitated.

I’m sorry it can late. My phone was off yesterday

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