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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin



Blues family house was filled with people, both men and women.

Friends of her dad, Kathy and friends of Mia… sympathizers.

Everyone of them had a gloomy look on their face.

They all knew Mr Joe, he was one lively and very kind man, none of them expected something so tragic to befall him.

None of them expected that his own daughter of twenty five years would be the culprit.

Saraphina sat in the couch on the right with Mia leaning on her body, they both had puffy eyes, with fresh tears still pouring out as their guests consoled them.

The policemen who chased Blue and August were there too, pacing around as they waited to receive CCTV footage from the last place they were spotted.

Saraphina would sigh every few seconds and Mia would rub her back slowly.

Everyone who saw Saraphina, pitied her.

*It must be painful to raise a ki||er, one person muttered with malicious eyes.

*I knew something was off about that Blue eyed girl, she wasn’t in any way like her sister, the woman beside her replied with the same tone.

*Can you both stop, that’s not what this family needs right now, a man dressed in all black, with a black face cap and dark shade sitting close to them cautioned them.

*Since when has saying the truth become a crime? another woman fired at the man, glaring at him

*I’m just saying…. what if she wasn’t responsible for this? The man replied.

*When all evidences are pointing towards her? the second woman asked

*Its just… there could be a misunderstanding?

*What misunderstanding? Her bracelet was found at the crime scene, the next morning the whole house came down in smoke, if she wasn’t the one why would her bracelet be there and why would she burn down the house if not to hide evidence? the first woman asked

The man kept mute.

Seeing as he didn’t say a word the women glared at him, it was obvious he didn’t have any other word in defense of the cruel family ki||er.

Just when they thought he won’t talk,he spoke.

*Who found the bracelet? he asked.

A simple question that had them thinking but they were not ready to admit that the question really gave them a hard thought.

*Does it matter who did? All that matters is the evidence that was found!

*I mean, if the house was burnt down to destroy all evidences, the bracelet would have atleast had a burn mark right? It won’t still look the same if it went through fire, but from the picture we all have seen, that bracelet looks as good as new, like fire never went through it, he said.

*What are you trying to say? a man beside him asked.

*No conclusion yet but in my opinion, someone else must have been there too, that someone must have retrieved it even before the house went down in smokes, now think of the possibility… if Blue was the ki||er, wouldn’t she have seen whoever it is before setting the place on fire? he asked

*Maybe the person was….. the second woman was saying but stopped as she tried to think about it.

*Does it mean the person saw the whole incident and didn’t raise any alarm? the first woman asked.

*Instead, they went for just the evidence and waited till the place was found before presenting it? how does that make sense? the third woman asked.

*Or whoever presented that bracelet is trying to frame her with it, the other man suggested and they all went mute.

*I’m glad you are all putting the pieces together yourself, the man dressed in black replied with a smirk as he stood up to leave when his eyes landed on Mia who has been behind them all along.

From the look in her eyes, it was obvious she must have heard a lot.

The others, oblivious of her presence continued.

*But who found the bracelet? One of them asked.

They all lifted their heads to look around the room.

None of them know who found it, they were never told.

Mia looked around too, her eyes landed on her mom who was still crying her eyes out.

She recalled when they went apprehend Blue at the hotel, the one who had turned the bracelet in, was her mom.

Her body shook.

Mia, the man called warmly.

Glaring at him, her eyes slowly grew softly as she went to hug him.

How are you? He asked her.

Uncle Enoch? she called and he looked at her.

What’s going on?

What do you mean by the one who found the bracelet? she asked pulling away from him.

He glanced at Saraphina, she was looking at them.

Pretending like he didn’t see her, he pulled Mia towards him, hugging her tightly as he whispered “Come with me”

Without waiting for her reply, he placed his hands on her head like he was consoling a crying baby, then he slowly led her out,her head in his chest, his body covering her expression.

He didn’t want anyone finding it suspicious that he took her away, he wanted them to see it as a situation where he consoled her then took her out for fresh air.

He took her to his car, she got in and he drove off.

Where are we going? Uncle Enoch? she asked.

Daphane wants to see you, he replied.

She stared at him.

Why didn’t she come?

She couldn’t make it.

Tell me the truth uncle Enoch, is she the one hiding Blue? Mia asked with a suspicious frown.

Do you still think it was Blue? he asked her.

Ofcourse, do i need to think? Where the hell is she? Mia yelled.

Are you sure that’s what you think?

Deep down? he asked calmly.

Stop asking me that Uncle, if you know where she is then its better you provide her, I will personally make sure she rots in prison.

Uncle Enoch sighed.

None of them said a word as silence engulfed them.

Mia had her eyes on the road, looking at the tall trees.

You know Zelda would have gone to any length to prove them wrong if you were the one in her shoes, he finally said and her breath hitched.

Who the hell is Zelda? she asked with a frown.

Your twin sister is not actually your twin sister, he announced.

What do you mean? she asked, confused.

Check this out, he said handing his tablet to her after clicking on what he wanted her to see.

Slowly she took it from him, clicked on the video.

There her dad was, in front of the camera, his head was all she saw blocking the camera at first then his confused face showed.

She sniffed as she saw him check out the angles, take a step back trying to make sure the camera was in the right place.

Then he walked away in a hurry, came back few seconds later with pen and paper.

She couldn’t help but notice how tensed his shoulders looked from behind.

What’s going on? What is he writing? she asked without taking her eyes off.

I don’t know the content myself, he responded.

Silence engulfed them again as she watched the CCTV footage.

She watching him take the paper out to hide it but where he hid it was not captured in the camera.

Where did he go? Where did he put it? she asked again.

He did that so that even if anyone finds the camera they won’t be able to find the note, its for your sister, he answered

You can fast forward that a little, Uncle Enoch told her and she did.

All he did was pace around the living room, all sweaty even though the A C was on.

Mia’s bones almost broke off when she saw a woman enter..

Mom? she called like she was calling the woman in the video.

She watched as her dad shook in fear on seeing her.

The look on her face.

She couldn’t not hear them but it was obvious the woman standing in front of her dad was the reason he has been tense.

Was the reason the camera was set up.



No! Oh my God, Mom!!! she screamed as she watched Kathy transform to Saraphina.

Who the hell is that?! She screamed throwing the tablet off her body on fear.

She had never seen any thing like that all her life

But the next scene made her quickly pick up the table.

Her dad was choking even when all she did was point her staff at him.

She watched as Saraphina burst into laughter as she enjoyed his torture.

That’s not my mom!

That can’t be my mom! she yelled her eyes still glued to the screen.

Her dads body dropped on the floor with a loud thud making her burst into tears.

OMG, Dad! she whispered like the woman in the video would hear her, she was scared and shaken but she still kept watching, as she saw her drop the bracelet on the floor.

Oh no… she muttered in regret.

This is not real, she muttered again like she just came to her senses.

Are you trying to prank me, Uncle?

My mom won’t do this?

Keep watching was all he said.

She concentrated back on the video, trying so hard to convince herself that it isn’t real…

Maybe the video was manipulated.

Saraphina who already walked away came rushing back into the room

She took a picture of the body and the bracelet lying on the floor then she picked it up with her handkerchief.

It was like she had a bad feeling.

Then she walked off.

But…. mom… mom does not have any reason to do this to dad!

Tell me this is a joke.

Fast forward a little, Uncle Enoch responded without answering her.

He was mad at her.

Mad at her for being too vulnerable to her moms deceit.

Mad at her for letting go of Blue and even betraying her.

He’s heard of everything that happened and he wasn’t pleased with her.

But he needed her to know the truth.

Wait… this cat.. I know this cat, she spoke pointing at the little cat that ran into the living room.

He ignored her as he drove into his estate.

The cat jumped around Mr Joe’s body severally.

What is he doing? she questioned again but got no reply.

We are here, He announced getting down.

Mia got down too but the sun outside didn’t let her continue watching, she had to hold on to the tablet as she followed him inside.

He led her into the house, straight to Daphane’s room.

Daphane was sitting on her bed, hugging her pillow, her eyes were all puffy and red.

Hey, Mia called out walking into the room but Daphane ignored her.

Daphy? What’s wrong? Mia asked going over to her.

Don’t call me that!

How could you!

What do you….

All she ever did was love you, she idolized you, she would never do anything to hurt you, how could you do that to her? Daphane asked tears rolling down her eyes

Mia frowned.

Is this why I’m here?

I thought you were going to show concern atleast, i lost my dad! Mia screamed at her.

I can see all you have always cared about is Blue!

She ki||ed my dad! Mia screamed

Daphane glared at her, she felt like strangling her.

Her eyes were so red from anger, She never knew a day would come when these two sisters she had loved all her life would reach this point of enemity.

Getting up on her feet she walked towards Mia, pulled her hands as she dragged her out of her room, down the hallway.

They got to a room and she slowly pushed the door open

There, on the bed, her dad lay.

Dad! she screamed rushing in to go meet him.

He had a drip on, his eyes were shut.

But he was breathing.

There was no sign of fire burn on his skin.

He looked pale like life was sucked out of his body but he was alive and breathing.

Tears rolled down their cheeks as they stared at him.

What happened to him?

How did he?

The Fire? Mia asked all at once.

Watch the d@mn video! Daphane growled at her as she walked away, leaving her standing with mixed feelings.


Do you think telling Mia is a good idea?

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