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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin



They picked up every of their favorite snacks and drinks, quietly.

Neither Blue nor August said a word to the other as they shopped closely to avoid loosing one another since they had no phone yet.

I need a phone, Blue blurted out, its been on her mind ever since they left but she was busy beefing both of them to say a word.

Okay…. but… I’m sure you won’t be able to use it when we get home, August replied cautiously.

Ofcourse I know there won’t be connection, she snapped.

August pursed his lips as he concentrated on shopping for Beiber

If I’m going to go to a place that strange, I should be able to play games to ki|| boredom, she mumbled to herself.

Are you done? She asked August but she was glaring at Beiber who glared back.

What? She almost yelled with as shechuckled in disbelief, she couldn’t believe how proud her mate must be.

Instead of apologizing, He’s glaring back at her now? she thought glaring harder.

She h@ťěd that she would have to wait for a whole week to give whoever her mate is an earful.

She wanted so bad to fight with him since they said he was inside Beiber, but she knew she won’t be able to stand that pitiful look.

As they walked to the counter to pay, she wondered how Beiber was her mate.

Did he leave his kingdom without a king for this long?

Are their kings allowed to go on vacations outside of their kingdom’s jurisdiction?

August brought out his card to pay but she snatched his card away and gave hers.

He still pursed his lips like he suddenly can’t talk.

He knew she can’t use her powers yet but if she possesses the same power as Zelda and even more like he was told, then just a glare from her with intention can turn him into another cat.

He followed her out,carrying the heavy bags like he was being paid to do so.

He wasn’t going to make a mistake, no, he loves his human form so much to loose it over lack of self control.

They got out and two cars were packed in front of the mall.

One was a police van, while the other one had two tall dark guys standing in front of it.

They both had dark shades on.

Fear gripped Blue on seeing them

Are they here for us? She whispered to August who was staring at the two guys, he didn’t respond.

August, she called through gritted teeth when the door of the police van opened and two police men walked out.

She glanced at August, hoping they can teleport again when her eyes landed on her picture right behind August’s ear.

WANTED was boldly written on it with a reward of 5 million dollars written on it.

The staffs at the mall must have given them away to the police, she thought tapping August who shook in shock.

What’s wrong? The are coming for us!! she yelled at him shaking his like she was trying to wake him up.

His eyes and mind worked fast, the two men had the same WANTED print out on their hands too.

Pulling Blue, he dragged her as they ran towards the two men just when the police was about getting to them.

Seeing them run off the police men chased after them.

They got to the other car, the two men rushed in and August made to drag Blue in but she pulled her hand away.

What are you doing? she yelled.

Get in! August yelled

They are…. Blue was saying as she pointed at the two dangerous looking guys.

They are on our side, get in, August said, this time, he bundled her into the car, got in, and they zoomed off almost running one of the police men over.

They shot at their car but the driver was not moved, they didn’t seem tensed in any way even when Blue informed them that the poloce men were chasing after them.

Blue sat still praying silently that she is not in the wrong car.

Come to think of it, she has only known August for few weeks, how can she trust him at a time like this? she asked herself..

Was she being kidnapped?

Is August really on her side?

These thoughts couldn’t leave her head.

But what was more pressing was the police on their tail.

She looked into the mirror,the two guys had their eyes at the back seat instead of the road.

While the driver was looking at Beiber,the other guy was looking her.

The moment their eyes met, he bowed slightly confusing Blue.

They are gone, he announced still looking at her.

Blue tore her eyes away from his as she looked behind, true to his words,the police that was once on their tail was gone.

But she noticed something else,they were in an unfamiliar route.

She panicked.

Where are you going?

Where are you taking us to? Blue asked glaring, hoping its not what she’s thinking.

No one said anything.

August? Who are they?

They are… ahh.. my family, like… distant relative, he stuttered.

Your family?


They are black, she said stating the obvious.

Grandma married a black man, I’m sorry I never mentioned that we are mixed, he apologized.

Oh, she muttered, trying not to look at them, even though it was obvious the other guy still has his eyes on her.

Thanks, she muttered shyly.

Its my pleasure your highness.

She gazed at him for few seconds, wondering why he wasn’t looking away.

What’s wrong with him? she thought.

Is there something on my face? she turned and whispered to August who glanced at her then shook his head.

None of them noticed as Beiber glared at the dude looking at his mate.

Where are we headed? Blue asked remembering that she’s actually following them to a strange place.

Someone wants to meet you, the guy who was driving spoke.

Who?! Blue asked as herhert skipped.

Here we are, he said stopping the car suddenly.

She looked around, they were surrounded by tall buildings, but they packed close to a small house that looks old and abandoned.

Who are we meeting? Blue asked but none of them spoke.

The guy in front signalled August to get down.

What’s going on? he asked, confused as well.

But he kept shut when he heard him mind link him.

Yes, say Something, what’s going on? Blue asked, glad she August wasn’t on their side.

But her little hope got dashed when August gave her a warm but nervous smile, dropped Beiber on the seat then got down.

Where are you going?

August? she called trying to open her own side of the door but it was locked.

You can’t be seen outside, Your Highness, the guy who has been staring at her told her calmly.

They both gave off this dangerous look that she couldn’t help but shiver and imagine the worst.

She ignored him and grabbed Beiber completely forgetting she was angry with him.

She shifted to her other side that August got up from them she tried opening it but it was also locked.

What have you done to August?

He said you are brothers! she yelled at them.

The guy in front sighed, then turned to face her, He’s had that mean face since she first saw him.

He looked like he h@ťěd her.

She flinched amd tore her eyes away from his scary gaze.

But she was too bothered about August to let her fear eat her up.

Tell me what the hell is going on? Am I a captive? Is August alright? What’s going on?

He glanced at Beiber and his gaze softened, Blue on seeing him look at her pet drew Beiber close to her body like he would harm him.

He smiled softly, I wouldn’t dare kidnap you My Queen, I would be dead before I even think of it, he said and Blue wondered what he meant by being dead before he thinks of it.

His eyes narrowed again towards Beiber and she followed his eyes, then it dawned on her,she completely forgot he was the king, her mate.

Well have to be off in few minutes so you can start your journey, My Queen,but first you have to meet someone, he said looking at his watch.

Who am I meeting? Blue asked looking around.

Her eyes landed on two men, one was August who was standing and staring at the other man who was walking towards the car.

He was dressed in all black with a hat and a dark shade making it impossible for her to see his face.

He’s here, the guy announced.

Before she could speak,they both got down leaving her alone in the car.

Scared to her bones,she tries to push the doors but they were all locked.

She watched in fright as the scary man shook hands with them while August glared.

Her heart sank when he walked towards the car,opened in and sat the locked the door immediately.

Who the hell are you!! she yelled shifting from him.

The strange man sighed deeply then faced her.

Don’t … don’t look at me! she yelled, she was now leaning on the door.

Slowly he took off his glasses then the hat.

Blue stared at him in shocked as her eyes widened.


Who is the man?

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