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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 57

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?

Banning of ghost readers is starting soon, are you one of them?

I wasn’t upset with Ansh. He must be thinking that I’m upset but now it’s a fact that both of us need to accept. The sooner we do the more easier it would be for us. I was lost in thoughts. I was exhausted and my tears were dried up.

As soon as I entered Dad and grandad were sitting in the living itself.
” Hey! Ahana…. We were waiting for you guys only for dinner.” Dad said.
” Where is Ansh?” Grandad queried.
As I sat beside him. I glanced at the door. I wonder why did he take so long to come.
” He was behind me only…” My cell beeped.
‘ Have Urgent Work… Gotta go to the office. Will be late. Have Dinner and sleep. Don’t wait for me. Please don’t be upset, I’m sorry. Love you…’
It was Ansh’s text. I think he needs some time to gather himself and so do I.
” Ahana… What happened? ” Dad spoke.
” Huh! Nothing. Ansh has some urgent work and went to the office. He’ll be late and he has asked us to have dinner.”
” Oh!! But he ought to stay with you. What did the doctor say?” Dad asked.
” He didn’t go to the office since long hence some urgent work must be pending. Doctor said that everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about. ” I lied.
I didn’t have any option now.
” Okk… Come quickly for dinner we’re waiting. ” Grandad said.
After I changed into my night dress I went downstairs to have dinner. After dinner, I called Ansh but he wasn’t answering.
Is he upset with me? But why?
I picked up a light hearted novel to read but then I couldn’t concentrate like always as my mind was occupied with something else. I switched on the TV but it was all the same. Boring.
I tried calling Ansh again but he wasn’t answering. I don’t know why he was doing this to me again. I thought we had sorted out things. Perhaps, he wants some time alone.
I just hope he comes home soon. I miss him so much already. Actually it’s because he was with me all the time since a month and his absence was ki||ing me now.

When I open my eyes, there was a beautifully wrapped box beside me. I opened it clumsily and it had the most gorgeous white off shoulder long dress.

A note was pinned on the cover.
‘ Get Ready and meet me quickly at the corner of our cross roads.
Be Beautiful…
Love You.

It was still dark around.
But I was excited and quickly got in the dress. Putting a light makeup and made my way through the deserted road. I was looking for Ansh but I didn’t find him around. I reached the cross roads in 5 minutes. It was equally creepy there. The cool breeze was blowing my hair and I wished I had carried my jacket along with me.
” Hey!! Sweetheart…” I heard that familiar husky deep voice. I turned around and saw Ansh standing about 20 steps away.

He had a beautiful bouquet of roses and lilies in his hand. He was constantly waving his hand to me. He was in a tuxedo. Elegant and flamboyant like always.
As I was about to go towards him a loud screeching sound of a car was heard. A few Masked men got down from behind. Ansh was still looking at me.
How can he not notice that deafening noise?
” Ansh….” I shouted.
He looked startled towards me. I covered my tummy with my hands. I sprinted towards him.
” Look behind…” As soon as I said that, one of the men had already punched Ansh as he turned to face them.
” Ansh…” I was shouting as well as running towards him. They were about 4 to 5 in number.
The bouquet of flowers flew in the air, disintegrating its contents on the ground. It was dramatic. There were tears in my eyes as those 20 steps felt like infinity.
I tried to remove my cell phone to call the cops.
” Ahana… Run home…” He shouted.
But I was oblivious to the shouts. Ansh was putting up a good fight but they had weapons in their hand. I was terrified.

” Leave him at once…” I shouted, dialing 100. But before the call could be transferred one of the men held me and threw my cell away. He pulled my hands behind my back as I fell on my knees. The dress was compromised as I felt jitters of pain through my knees till my abdomen.
” Leave her at once…” Ansh was struggling hard to free himself.
” Give us what you got…” One of them shouted.
” Yes… I will give wh@ťěver you want… Let us go…” I said. They set me free. I took out all the cash from my wallet.

” Give us that too…” He demanded pointing at the rings that Ansh had given me and the necklace.
I looked at Ansh. He looked so helpless as two of them had held him on the tip of the knife. I could see the Ansh’s blood at the tip of the knife.
” Ahana..

What the hell are you doing?” He screamed still trying to get free.
One of the men came towards me while I was moving backwards.
” Give me or else you die… ” He said.
” Ahana!! Your life is more important…” Ansh shouted.
” Help Help… ” I shouted but they stuffed some cloth in my mouth.
I looked at him. As soon as that masked man held my hand I saw that Ansh was already furious.

He punched him strongly in his stomach. We heard a loud scream. The man looked behind and let my hand loose. I kicked the one holding me in his groin. He screamed.

Ansh was coming towards me. Another man came in front of him. Ansh held his hand with one of his hand and slapped him so hard such that he fell.
” Ahana…”

” Ansh… Look behind….”
But before he could a man hit him with a wooden log on his back and he fell on his head.
” ANSH!!” I shouted running to him but that man held me. I was crying incessantly.

At once I removed the all the jewellery I was wearing. God! I should have done it instead of acting smart. I ran towards Ansh, my swollen belly was making it difficult.
” Hey! Take their car keys… Let’s go..” I heard one of them shout and they fled.

I sat beside Ansh taking his head in my lap.
” Ansh… Open your eyes.. C’mon…” I was sobbing badly. My hand was under his head.
” A-Ahana… I-I am sorry…” He whispered trying to open his eyes slowly.

” Ansh… Look at me… I will call for help… Please….” I took his face in my palms.
I noticed that they were covered in blood.
” B-Blood…” My entire white dress was drenching in blood. So, was his tuxedo.

” I Love You… ” He said.
Noooo…. This isn’t happening.
” Ansh… Ansh… Wake up… Open your eyes… Ansh…” I cried more. I kept on sobbing.
” Ahana…. Ahana… What happened sweetheart?”

At once my eyes burst open. I couldn’t see anything. My vision was blurred.
” Ansh… ” I saw him near me, with my hand in his.
Oh! God…
It was a nightmare…


I wanted Ahana to have some time alone and hence I thought of going to the office. I had to sign some important documents. I got so busy in work that I forgot to check my cell phone. Finally after 3 hrs, when I was about to go home I saw Ahana’s 7 missed calls.

God!! What happened?
I sped home. When I saw her sleeping peacefully I found peace. I had a nice shower and slept beside her.
Suddenly, I woke up hearing her scream my name in her sleep. I was trying to wake her up since then. It must be a nightmare. She took time to adjust my presence.
” Ansh…” She whispered.

” Yeah! Honey… I’m here only… It was just a bad dream.” I said rubbing her back.
She looked at me with tear struck eyes. At once before I could realise he held my head in her hand and it seemed like she was checking something.

” Hey! What….” I exclaimed.
” A-Are y-you a-alright? ” She stammered still checking my head and hands.
” Yeah!! I am perfectly alright, Ahana….”
She cupped my face in her soft palms. The tears weren’t stopping and her eyes were red. I wiped them with my thumb.
” Ahana… ” But before I could complete myself she captured my lips and wrapped her hands around my neck.

Her tears were still falling as I was taken by surprise. I didn’t respond to her demanding kisses. I know how much she loves me and I am sure that the bad dream did affect her, terribly. I closed my eyes and kissed her back, still wiping her tears.
” I-I love you…” She said, she eyes still close as our foreheads touched each other.

” I love you more… And I’m sorry for leaving you alone tonight…” I replied and she opened her eyes.
” Ansh… Please don’t leave me, ever…. I can’t live without you. ” She said hugging me tightly and still sobbing.

I rubbed her back.
” Sshhhh…. I’m not going anywhere. Here drink some water. It’s gonna be Okay… ” I said helping her drink it. I wiped the water which spilled out of her mouth with my sleeves. I think what the Doctor said must have affected her too.

She didn’t let go of my hand. I wrapped her and covered ourselves in the blanket.
I was about to switch the lights off when she stopped me.
” Ansh!! Please don’t switch them off. ”

I nodded. I dimmed them. She rested her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her eyes were still open.
” What happened Ahana? Wanna share?” I asked.

” I’m scared. I don’t want to sleep. There were some Goons behind us and they nearly… Nearly…” She stopped in between.
” Nearly what?”
” They nearly k-ki||ed y-you… ” She completed herself.
I chuckled.
” It isn’t funny Ansh… ” She said in a serious tone. The tears didn’t stop.
” Yeah!! I know. But trust me I can handle a 50 of such Goons. ”

” But I don’t want you to handle even one of such horrible man. ” She clutched me tightly.
” Fine! Look at me. I’m good. ”
” When did you come back? And did you had your dinner? ” My caring wife asked.

” About an hour back when you were snoring. I had a light supper as I wasn’t hungry. ” I replied.
” Ansh!! I don’t snore… ” She said with authority. She was getting normal now.

” Yes, Sleepy Head… ” As I said that she made a grumpy face and looked away.
” Ahana…” I called her.
I was aware that she won’t be able to sleep so soon anymore.
” Do you want to go out for a ride?”

” NO!! ” She replied spontaneously.
” Trust me… We won’t encounter any Goons or Mafias.” I said laughing.
She punched me in my stomach.
” I’m not scared… Okay….” She averted my glaze.
” Really….”
” Fine! I’m scared. I don’t want anything to happen to you Coz I love you..
Happy…. ” Her eyes pierced mine as she said that.
” Yes… I’m very much happy that you had that dream. At least I came to know that how much lucky I am. ”
” Haha! Anyways, I told you that you’re very lucky to have me. ”
” Hmmmm….” I hummed.

” What? You won’t reply me now….”
” Oh!! I need to say I Love you too Ahana… ” I said in a sarcastic tone.
She pushed me away and turned to the other side of bed. I chuckled and wrapped her in her arms, her back was against my chest while my arm was around her belly.

I whispered in her ears.
” Ahana!! I know you can feel my heart beating strongly. Believe me, only you and your presence along with your love has the power to make it beat so loud.” Hearing so she turned herself towards me and kept her hand on her heart.

It was indeed beating very loudly. She kissed me on my lips lightly.
” Ansh!! ”
” Yeah! ”
” Did you fall in love with me at the moment you saw me? Was it love at first sight? ” It was good to change the topic now.

I looked in her eyes without blinking. They were indeed pearls.
” Well, It wasn’t a love at first sight though. I liked you initially.”
” Then why were you trying to court me if it wasn’t love?”

” I thought you will readily agree to date me but being Ahana Sehgal, the great you rejected me very badly that too without meeting me.” I said and hearing this she was in laughs. It lightened her sulken mood.

” Then I took it as a challenge. And the more I knew about you and your doings the more I thought you were perfect for me. Initially, I never thought that I would be perfect for you but then…. You are now the mother of my babies, that implies I’m perfect for you…. ” I said winking.
” Ansh…. ” She pushed me laughing.
” And then I assume that the final verdict was given by Granny…”
” Granny? ”

” Yeah! As you know I always share all my secrets with her. When I told her about you and showed her your picture I think she too realised that you were perfect for me.” I said.

” Really!! How? ”
” You won’t believe me. You will think that all this stuff happens in daily soaps and dramas. ”
” Noo… I won’t. Tell me please…”
” Don’t laugh… Okay… ”
” I won’t…. ”

” You know, I always keep a red rose on the top of her portrait in the morning. That night I stood in front of her. I told her about you. I talked for hours. I asked her if you’re the one. Then the rose fell. Surprisingly the windows were closed too.

And the same thing happened on the night when you first came to meet me. After you left I asked her what she thinks about you. When I alsed her were you the perfect one, it fell again. For the second time. ”

I noticed she chuckled.
” I know it sounds lame but I believe it. ” She cupped my face in her palms.
” I believe it too. C’mon close you eyes now. ”
” Why? I thought you were scared. ”
” Ansh!! Close.. Now. ”
” Fine… ” Even she closed her eyes. She held my hand in hers.
” Dear, Granny… Ansh loves you a lot and he misses you very much.

If you are watching us then please shower all your blessings and love on our babies. And thanks for choosing me for Ansh. I’m glad I met him and he actually did turn out perfect for me…

” As soon as she completed herself I opened my eyes. There were tears in hers as well as mine.

” I don’t know what would I have done without you…. ” I said.
” As I said before… Nothing… ” Saying so she smiled.
I captured her lips and our kiss grew in intensity. I slowly bit her lower lip as she Mõ@ɲed wrapping her arms around me. Her belly touching mine. When we were at its peak we both felt something.

” I swear Ahana… It has to be a girl. She loves her Papa…”
Ahana laughed.
” It can be a boy too, saying you have to stay away from me…”
” That is never happening….” I said kissing her again.

How fast time travels…
Ahana is 8 months pregnant. She has undergone a lot of changes. We were waiting for Mrs. Bhatt to update us with the reports. I was just praying that Ahana’s condition had improved.

” Come in…” She called us in her cabin.
” Yes, Dr. Howz everything ?” I asked curiously. Ahana was holding my hand firmly. We both were equally scared.

” Hmmm… I’m still afraid that there are no good news. The condition remains as it was before. The placenta has moved further, the chances are still remain slim. The babies are doing very well but I need Ahana to be strong and mentally prepared for the worst. ” She said looking at Ahana.

Ahana nodded. There wasn’t a single tear falling from her face. Her eyes have dried tears.
Is she that immune now? I wonder how can she be so strong when somebody is telling her that she won’t even be able to look at her own babies.

” Dr. I still want you to do wh@ťěver you can do. Change the medicines or start another treatment…”
“Ansh!! I know it’s hard on you but all we need to do now is to have patience. There is nothing else that we can do now…”

” But… We have progressed to such an extent in Medical Science and still I don’t get a guarantee that my wife and my babies are safe. Do you think it is easy for us? ”

” I know it’s not at all easy. But I want you to have faith. Have faith in your love, in your God… Lend her your strength. Miracles happen everyday. ”
” Everything is a philosophy. I don’t believe it. I want a proof that she is safe. No matter what…
Ahana!! Why aren’t you saying anything? ” I called her.

” Ansh… Please do me a favour… ” She spoke and after a long silence.
” Anything, honey…. ”
” Please sign these papers. ” She said pulling out the files.
” NO!! Way… I am not signing those $h|t… ” I said angrily.
” Ansh… You need to be practical now. ”

” Yes… I am being practical now. Only if we are going with my decision then only I’m signing or else I’m not. ” I was firm.
” Ansh…”

” Ahana… Don’t try to dominate me Coz I’m not listening to you anymore. I have said it before and I am saying it again. I won’t do anything that takes you away from me. You are not going anywhere. Let’s go home now. I don’t need anyone’s advice on what I need to do in order to take care of my family. ” I said the last line looking at Mrs. Bhatt.
I pulled Ahana’s hand and ignoring her protest I took her to our car.
” Ansh!! ”
” We are going home and I don’t want to speak to you. ”


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