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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Miranda came out of Kiara’s car in front of the house, and she waved at her.

“Now that you have a boyfriend, you suddenly don’t need your car anymore” Kiara teased, and she laughed.

“I just wanna see more of his face by driving with him to school” she said.

“Just be careful, bye!” Kiara waved back, and she walked to the door.

It was Mrs Maxim who opened it after she rang the doorbell.

“Goodmorning ma’am” she greeted politely.

“And you are?” Mrs Maxim gave her an uncertain look.

Before she could reply, Nathan came over, already dressed in his uniform.

“Let’s go!” He grabbed her hand and took her away.

They entered his car together, and she hugged him first.

“I missed you” she said.

“Me too” he replied, breaking the hug.

“Why didn’t you let me meet your mum?, You could have introduced me as your girlfriend” she said, and he sighed.

“Maybe next time” he said and told the driver to drive.

Immediately the drive started, he looked at her again. The necklace on her neck looks familiar.

“What?” She asked when he saw he’s staring so much.

“That necklace” he said, and she held the pendant.


“It feels like I’ve seen it somewhere before” he said.

“Only two people have it, I and my missing sis” she smiled.

“Where the hell have I seen it before?” Nathan muttered, and Miranda hugged him.

“Nathan, I really love you so much” she said, and he smirked.

“You really didn’t see Princess on the day she disappeared?” He asked, and she bit her lip.

“No” she said.

‘You won’t be able to lie to me for long’ he thought.

They got to school after a fifteen minutes drive, and they came out of his car together.

“Go first, I’ll meet you in class” he said.

“I’ll be waiting” she smiled and pecked his cheek before leaving.

Nathan started walking in separately, and Miguel suddenly blocked him.

“What?” He made a sour face.

“Thought we both cared about Princess, but now she disappeared and you’re already dating Miranda?, I’m disappointed” Miguel replied.

“”What’s your point?”

“When she comes back , don’t even think of going close to her, I mean it jerk” Miguel said and walked away, bumping his shoulder on Nathan’s


Chairman Cole’s car stopped in front of it, and he came out with his PA.

Lauren came out of the house.

“Lauren” he smiled.

“You should be crying at my sight, I h@ťě that smile” she replied, stopping in front of him.

“I told you you can have Spencer to yourself, why are you still tormenting me?” He said.

“It won’t stop till Spencer becomes mine completely, and you think you don’t deserve the torment?, You’re playing no role in making Spencer my man, so take the torment as your punishment, and more is still coming” she replied, holding his shoulder.

“You’re a Ɓîtçh” he said, and she laughed.

“You’re right, and anytime you try to behave stupidly, I won’t hesitate to tell the whole world about your daughter whom you ki||ed” she said, and chairman Cole swallowed nothing.

She smiled and hit his cheek twice.

“I’m planting a bomb, it’ll explode soon” she winked before going back into the house.


Spencer was the first person she saw when she came out of the house, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

“Hey” she waved.

“Are you kidding me?” He replied and hugged her tightly, placing a gentle kiss on her neck in the process.

“I missed you” he said, sniffing her in addictively.

She broke the hug and smiled lightly.

“Did you go to see Fernando?” She asked worriedly.

“You don’t miss me too?, Is Fernando more important than your boyfriend?, You didn’t pick my calls last night too” he said, and she touched her ear nervously.

“I’m sorry” she said slowly, and he held her face.

“Your face is red, did you cry?, What’s wrong?” He asked with great concern.

“I’m fine, I just didn’t get enough sleep” she replied.

“Insomnia?, Then let’s get you to the hospital, see a doctor” he said.


“I’m just worried” he interrupted, and she pecked his cheek.

“I’m fine, I need to go to work” she said, and he smiled.

“I love you” he said.

Luxury replied with a light smile.

“I’ll drive you to work and come back to pick you up, get in my car” he said.


“I insist” he said, and she reluctantly got in.

She made to get out of the car when they arrived at the company, but he pulled her back and held her face, then he kissed her lips deeply.

“I love you” he said again.

“I…I need to go, I’ll see you later” she replied and got out of the car.

She walked in slowly, thinking about Fernando all through.

The deal with Deluxe is over anyways, but she still wants to spend this week in the company to bade her bye to her co-workers.

She badly wants to go to the hospital to see Fernando. She misses him already, she wants to know how he’s doing, and she craves to see his dimples and lips, but all her cravings met the wall cos it’s impossible to meet, guilt won’t let her go to the hospital.

She got to their floor but non of her co-workers are around, they must have gone to see Fernando.

She saw Chelsea’s bag on her desk and looked around.

“Did she not follow them?, Maybe she’s in the restroom” she said

She dropped her bag on her desk and entered Fernando’s office, then she started running her hands on his desk, thinking greatly about him.

“If you fall first, I’ll f-__-k you on this desk” he replied his words and smiled, staring at the table.

“I deserve to be f-__-ked on this table after all, I fell hard” she muttered to herself.

“Mind if I be the one to do the f-__-king?” Marcus voice said from the back, and she turned around to see him just coming into the office.

“You’re out of the hospital?, How fast” she said, and Marcus laughed, chewing gum like a psycho.

“You should learn to respect me, especially now that Fernando is still unconcious in the hospital” he said, and Luxury sighed.

She started walking out of the office, but he blocked her way.

“Move” she glared, but he kept standing.

“Move!” She yelled, and instead of moving, he showed her his phone.

A post is currently trending online about a lady who aborted five babies while in Czech republic, and when the picture of the lady came up, it’s her!

Luxury Maxim, Fernando Moritz’s researcher found out to be a slut when she was still in Czech. A doctor confirmed he did five different abortions for her, and on during the fifth one, he said he removed her womb according to her request, and even miracle can’t make her give birth again.

Breath left Luxury’s nostrils, and she ran out of air in her lungs immediately she read it.

“A generous person was kind enough to post your life story for us, so you a baddie, but you act all saint” Marcus said with a crooked chuckle.

“No, no this isn’t me!, No!!” Luxury cried and tried leaving the office again, but Marcus pushed her back once more, and he whispered in her ear.

“I wasn’t joking when I said I’m gonna f-__-k you in here”

Strangely, his voice felt familiar instantly, maybe because of the closeness.

She felt like she has heard it somewhere different from this time.

“Who are…you?” She muttered shakily, crying slowly.

“You already know, I’m Marcus Hampton” he smiled, and without squandering another minute, he tore her blouse in the front, and her bra came to view.


He forcefully grabbed her and pushed her to the wall violently, then he held her face and…




TB Continued…

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