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Friday, October 18, 2024
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He laughed before concentrating back on his cooking.

As promised, he was done after an hour, and he set it beautifully on the dinning table.

Luxury had the first forklift and her eyes widened.

“Yummy!, Ten stars!” She said, and Fernando smiled, sitting in front of her.

She started devouring the salad and rice without waiting, and Fernando just watched.

Something about watching her eat makes him happy, in fact all her moves gets his attention.

She suddenly looked up with a mouthful.

“Eat too!” She said.

“No I’m ok” he replied, and she scooped into the fork.

“Say ha” she said, and he opened his mouth.

She fed him, and he nodded.

“Maybe it’s better if you feed me” he said, and she continued feeding him.

They ate with the same fork till they were done, and they both went back into his room.

He entered the bathroom for his shower, and immediately he came out, Luxury went in.

“Was this bathroom made for a country?, Why is it so big!!” She shouted.

“I’m Fernando Moritz, you can’t expect common things baby” he replied, and she smiled before getting a new towel from the hanger.

She showered and came out in just the towel, leaving Fernando brainless for some minutes.

His eyes were madly wide as he stared so hard.

“Stop staring and find me something to wear” she threw the pillow at his face.

“Oh!, Sorry!” He said and quickly rushed into his dressing room.

He came back with a big hoodie which she took and put on.

“Looks better on you” he smiled.

“What’ll I wear tomorrow morning?” She muttered, and he held her shoulders.

“Your boss gat you, I’ll order you a dress” he winked, and she smiled.

He suddenly carried her.

“Ah!, Put me down!” She gasped.

“That’ll be when we get to the living room” he replied, and she hung her arms on his neck till they got there.

He dropped her on the couch, and he sat beside her.

“How did you know about the bomb?” She asked.

“The maniac texted me, he also texted me when he kidnapped you the other time” he replied.

“How did he get your number?”

“I have no idea”

“Does this mean he’s working with someone we know?” She said.

“Maybe” he replied, putting on the TV.

The news about the explosion is on. The fire has been put out, and ten dead bodies were found in the restaurant, burnt till death.

Luxury put off the TV, and Fernando faced her.


“I h@ťě death news” she replied, and he went to the freezer.

Her eyes followed him till he came back with a bowl of popcorn.

They both dipped their hands at a time and started eating.

“Today was your mum’s wedding” she said.

“Sometimes I wonder if she’s really my mum” he replied, and she looked at him.

“Since dad’s death, she changed so much, she’s not the Benita I know anymore” he replied.

“How did your dad die?” She asked.

“I don’t know” he replied.

“Is that even possible?”

“I really don’t know, and anytime I try to remember, I get nosebleeds” he replied, and she raised a brow.

“You have amnesia?” She asked.

“No” he replied.

“Strange” she muttered.

“What about you?, How did your dad die?” He asked.

“Plane crash when I was in elementary” she replied sadly.

“I’m sorry” he whispered, and she looked at him.

“And I lost someone else that same year, my sis” she said.

“I’m very sorry” he said again, and she smiled.

“You look like a responsible human right now” she teased.

“I’m responsible” he claimed, and she smiled.

“I know, you’re not as bad as you painted yourself” she replied, and he touched her hair.

Their eyes locked, and he leaned in sharply.

She closed her eyes, expecting a kiss on the lips, but he whispered in her ear instead.

“You’re Șëx¥”

She opened her eyes and hit his chest.

“Naughty” she laughed, and he pulled her to his chest, going down on his back, so she’s laying on him.

“Let’s stay this way till you fall asleep” he whispered.

“Ok” she whispered back, and he smiled before kissing her hair.

He coiled his arms around her, and the usual peace came to her again as she nestled closer to his chest.

Her lashes hugged each other, and she slept off peacefully.


Princess sat up on the bed immediately she opened her eyes, then she started looking around, wondering where she is.

Her eyes widened when she remembered what happened.

The two girls were still tearing her face with razor that night when a man appeared and saved her.

He shot the first girl in the tummy, but the second was able to escape.

The shock made her pass out, and now she’s here.

She was still wondering when Wesley came in, and her eyes widened.

“Kimberly” he smiled, sitting beside her.

He stroked her hair, and she shifted back.

“My name is Princess, and who are you?” She asked.

“You’re Kimberly!, Kimberly!” He shouted, and she shrunk.


“Don’t worry, I did justice to the girls who did this to your face” he said, and her eyes widened.

He pulled her up and took her to the mirror.

“Argghhhhh!!!!” She screamed when she saw her face.

It’s disfigured completely, and she doesn’t even look like princess anymore as a result of the razor blade.

“No, no this can’t be me, this isn’t my face!!!” She cried loudly, shedding hot tears.

“You can just change your face completely” Wesley said behind her, and she quickly faced him.

“I’ll make you fly to Korea tommorow for surgery, I’ll give you a new face, but you have to promise to always listen to me from now on, I don’t want you to get hurt again” he said, and she held his hand.

“Of course!, I’ll listen to you!, Please do something about my face!” She sniffed, and he smiled before hugging her.

“I missed you, Kimberly” he whispered.


To avoid unnecessary suspicions, Luxury and Fernando came separately.

Luxury came first, and immediately she came out of her car, she got a text from Spencer.


She pocketed her phone after reading it, then she walked into the company.

As expected, she met Benita and Marcus at their floor.

“Oh, welcome Luxury” Benita smiled, and Luxury walked to her desk, ignoring her.

Marcus was chewing gum as he stared at her.

“Good to see you again Luxury” Chelsea whispered.

“Same here!” She whispered back.

Benita left for the broadcasting room with Marcus, and two minutes later, her voice spoke.

“I stopped bearing Benita Moritz yesterday, now I’m Benita Hampton, and as from today, my husband Marcus Hampton is the new general manager of this company” she announced, her voice reaching everywhere in the company.

“Can’t believe this, how can she give her dead husband’s company to her son’s age mate” Mrs Williams said.

“That’s illogical” Mr Moore said.

Fernando came into the office with Tyler, and they all stood

“Your results must reach my desk before 12” he said sternly.

“Yes boss!” They all chorused, and he entered his office as if he heard nothing.

Luxury could see in his expression that he’s hurt, but he’s not bold enough to decline this cos he’s weak.

She stood to go meet him in the office, but Benita appeared.

“Are you even a mother at all?” She said, and Benita blinked.


“You’re only after your own happiness, is he even your son?” Luxury replied, and Benita smiled before coming closer.

“You should be worried about yourself instead, young lady” she said and walked out.

Luxury sighed and faced the others. They all shrugged, and her telephone rang.

She rushed there, thinking it’s from Fernando’s office, but it’s from the office of the manager.

“Hello” she picked calmly.

“Get me the supervision schedule, right now” Marcus ordered, and she dropped the call.

“Here” Chelsea handed the schedule to her.

“He’s occupying the office next to the president’s” Mrs Williams said, and Luxury smiled before making her way there.

Marcus was smoking when she came in, he was chewing gum too.

She dropped the files on his table and started leaving.

“Nice @zz you’ve got” he said, and she stopped.

“Are you out of your mind?” She glared.

“Was just complimenting you, and I’d love to touch” he said, and she made sour faces.

“You irritate me, mad boy” she rolled eyes and resumed walking out, but immediately she touched the doorknob, Marcus spanked her @zz, and her eyes widened as she faced him.

She made to slap him but he caught her hand.

She tried using the second one, and he grabbed that too.

“Let go of me” she glared.

“After I kiss those lips of yours” he replied and started leaning in, holding her tighter.

Luxury’s eyes widened, but before he could do it, Fernando came in with a bottle of wine which he got from the storage.

“f-__-k you bro” he said and crashed it on Marcus’s head immediately.

“Fernando!” Luxury gasped as Marcus let go of her.

He fell down unconscious, and Fernando made her face him.

“He didn’t kiss you, did he?” He asked searching through her bright eyes.

“He did” she lied, and Fernando smirked before leaving her.

He went back to unconscious Marcus and pulled him up, then he started grinding his mouth on the wall.

“How dare you, motherf_cker” he muttered as he did it angrily.

Luxury smiled, blushing hard as she watched him.

“He spanked my @zz too” she said, and Fernando’s eyes widened.

“What the…




TB Continued…

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