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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Falling For You… }


Summer Gold R.






“How do I look?” Leonard asked when he came into the ward

He got discharged today and they are going home already

“Seriously? You look handsome of course” Mariana said

Leonard touched the bandage around his head and Mariana hugged him

“That doesn’t make you less handsome” She muttered and Leonard smiled before wrapping his arms around her waist.

Collins came into the ward

“I think you should stay for a little while,the reporters and fans wouldn’t move an inch no matter how the guards tries” He said and Mariana broke the hug

“What do we do now?” She asked

“Don’t worry,I will go out like that…”

“The doctor said you don’t need noise” Mariana said worriedly

“I will be fine,trust me” Leonard said and Mariana sighed

“Are you sure? What if they try something crazy?” Collins asked

“I can’t just neglect them,they are obviously worried about me” Leonard said

“Okay then,let’s go,the guards will cover you up” Collins said and went out

Mariana and Leonard held hands and followed Collins.

About six guards immediately appeared in front of them and some also followed them from the back

As soon they got out of the hospital,the waiting fans and reporters started rushing to them

? Leonard!!!!!

? Finally you’re back!!!

? Leonard!!

? Ahhhhh!!!

? He’s still handsome even when he’s sick!

? We love you!!!!

The guards tried their best to cover them up especially Leonard

? Leonard,please a word to your fans

? Can you say something?

The reporters run after them

“Thank you all for waiting for me,I’m really okay now. I love you guys so much” He said and blew them a kiss

? My heart!!!

? We love you!!

The guards immediately ushered them into the car,the fans still followed until the car was off.

“That was crazy” Mariana chuckled

“I know right?” Leonard smiled and Mariana hugged him

“Where’s mom anyway?” He asked

“I think she have an important business to attend to” Collins replied from the front and Leonard sighed


Mariana and Leonard entered the house and immediately Leonard pushed Mariana against the wall

She gasped girlishly,staring into his wanting eyes.

“Leonard” She called In a whisper

“What the f-__-k have you done to me? I just want to have you every minute,can’t believe all I was thinking about even in my unconscious state is you” He muttered

“I was scared you won’t remember me,I was so scared” Mariana said

“Even if I forget everyone,I won’t forget about you,never” Leonard said and crashed his lips against her own in a hot kiss

Mariana shut her eyes and opened up immediately,she moved her hands to his neck and kissed him more deeply,their tongues rolling in each others mouths.

The kiss kept getting hot until Leonard felt a sudden headache

“f-__-k” he whimpered and broke the kiss

“Are you okay?” Mariana immediately asked

“That silly headache” Leonard scoffed and kissed her again

Mariana smiled into the kiss

“You’re such a bad boy you know?” She said when he broke the kiss again

“For you alone” Leonard said and bite her lips

“Hey” Mariana hit his chest

“I feel like eating everything off at once” Leonard said and Mariana blushed

Her phone buzzed and she immediately took it out from her pocket,it’s a message from Ricardo

“Who?” Leonard asked

“Ricardo,he’s on his way to school already” Mariana replied

The trip to Spain is tonight and every students are to meet in the school field where the airplane will be waiting.

“Don’t worry,we will join them tomorrow” Leonard said and Mariana nodded with a smile


“Spain!! Here I come!!” Octavia and Alexa shouted as they ran to the plane

Some students are already inside while some are just arriving

“Mariana will be coming with Leonard right?” Charlotte asked

“Yeah” Octavia replied

A car stopped and Ricardo came out of it with Nico

“Awwn,they look so cute” Charlotte smiled

They watched as the driver left with the car while Ricardo and Nico walked over to them

“Ricardo and Ronald!” Tessa screamed and Nico chuckled

“Hey Ricardo” Charlotte waved and he smiled at her

Minutes later,everyone was in the plane,ready to take off.

Ricardo and Delaney sat down together but none of them said a word to each other. Alexa and Jeremy are also together,chatting and flirting. Tessa and Nico are partners,Octavia and Royce together while Charlotte was sitting with a random guy.

Dior and Jace are sitting separately,Jace was sitting with Mary while Louis was beside Dior

Jace turned back from his seat since Dior and Louis are right behind

“Dude,wanna exchange seats?” He asked Louis and Dior smiled immediately

“You should just say you wanna sit with your girlfriend” Louis scoffed and Jace chuckled

Louis sat up and Jace also got up,they both exchanged seats immediately.

“I love you” Dior said and pecked Jace’s lips

“Love you more” Jace said

Louis sat down beside Mary

“Hey” He muttered and Mary faced him

“Hi” She smiled and Louis almost got lost staring at her beautiful smile but he simply looked away


“Hey” Delaney turned to Ricardo and he faced her

“Are you okay?” She asked

“Do I look sick?” Ricardo asked and Delaney shook her head

“Honestly,I’m not really feeling well” he muttered

“Really? Where?” Delaney asked worriedly

Ricardo smiled

“Are you really that worried about me?” He asked and Delaney nodded

“I missed your calls,I’m sorry for not calling back” Ricardo said and Delaney smiled

“It’s fine” She said shyly and looked down at her fingers

She suddenly felt Ricardo’s head on her shoulder and a silent gasp escape her lips

“Tell me if you’re not comfortable” Ricardo muttered

Delaney smiled and touched his hair,he smiled and closed his eyes at once.

Charlotte was watching them with jealousy and anger,she just want to be Delaney at that moment

Minutes later,the plane moved


Mariana was just coming out of the bathroom when suddenly Leonard entered

“Gosh Leonardo!” She called and Leonard grinned

“What,you’re going to be mine soon anyway” Leonard said and walked closer

“Really?” Mariana raised her brows

“Yeah” Leonard grabbed her waist and kissed her neck

“My towel” Mariana muttered

“Should we just loose it then?” Leonard asked

“Leonard,you’re just recovering” Mariana said

“I know,I just h@ťě this crazy headache but I won’t pity you once it’s gone,trust me” Leonard said and Mariana chuckled

Leonard slammed his lips on her own and kissed her shortly

“I’m sleeping here” He muttered and sat down on the bed

“I ordered for Pizza,so let’s eat together and sleep” He added and Mariana nodded

“I can’t wait for the camp,it’s gonna be fun” She smiled

“Don’t ever leave my sight,okay?” Leonard said

“I’m never going to do that so don’t worry about that,I’m all yours” Mariana said

“Gosh,just get dressed immediately or I will forget about my head pain and f-__-k you hard” Leonard said and Mariana laughed

“I should start packing my things” Mariana muttered

“No,you don’t have to” Leonard said and she faced him

“Why?” She asked

“Coz I said so” Leonard replied and Mariana crossed her arms

“Okay Mr Briggs” She said and Leonard smiled


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