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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 23

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( His Sassy Girl… )

ÇHAPTER • 23&24

By, Marie G.☘︎


༒︎♔︎ ⟨‹‹ THE SLEEPOVER AT THE KANG’S… ››⟩ ♔︎༒︎


Hazel was still screaming and crying when spicy spoke up

” Just cut the crap and stand up.. you think I’m heartless to pour acid on you? Sorry dear but you’re already ugly and wouldn’t want to add to it..” She said and that was when Hazel stopped crying

She touched her face all over then discovered she wasn’t feeling any pain.. guilt actually made her think spicy poured acid on her

She stood up gently and spicy walked to her, landing her a resounding slap that she felt her ears stopped working for a bit

” You wanted to ki|| me?” Spicy asked

” She can’t hear you, her ears are malfunctioning” Silvio finally said and she looked at him

” This reaction only occurs when Sodium reacts vigorously with cold water forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen”

” Then why is there a burn? Why did it burn Jayce?” She asked

” The reaction of sodium metal with water is highly heat producing due to which the hydrogen gas formed during the reaction catches fire and burns causing little explosions… The liquid had touched his arm, what do you expect? ” He stated and started walking away

He wouldn’t look back or reply no matter how Spicy called him

” Thank you though” she shouted after him and looked at Jayce

” I’ll take you to the infirmary, and please next time, don’t get involved that way ” She said but he smiled instead.

” I’m glad I took that in your stead” he replied holding her hands

” Ya, michyeosseo?! ( Hey, are you crazy?!) You got burnt, you foól..” She yelled but he smiled still

” Don’t smile that way, it’s creepy..” She said and he pulled her to himself, hugging her tight

” We need to treat your arm Jayce ” She said, not hugging him back

” Just a minute..” He closed his eyes and she didn’t say anything further as she moved her hand to his back Slowly, leaving it there

After a minute like he said, she pulled him off her body and held his hands..

” Let’s get you treated” She said, heading for the door

She stopped when she got to the door and faced Hazel

” I’ll forgive you this time, but when next you try $h|t with me, I swear on my parent’s lives, you’ll cross the gates to Hades” she said seriously before walking out of the Lab with Jayce..

Hot tears left Hazel’s eyes as she held her ears which was still making trumpet sounds cos of the slap..

She left the Lab afterwards silently

” What if it was really acid? What was I thinking?” She muttered still crying


Jayce was attented too and a gauze was wrapped around the spot.. Ibuprofen was given to him to use in order to ease the pain

” Thanks for caring.. ” He said to spicy as they left the Infirmary

” Yeah, I should since you had to interfere in my business..” she replied

” Are you going home now? I hope your parents wouldn’t get màd cos of your arm..” She said with concern

” Of course.. my mom would be like; Jayce did you take that for a girl? And I will be like; yes Mom, I did….

” Then you should date the girl… You arm was disfigured cos of her remember?” He said in funny tones and she chuckled

” You’re such an headache..”

” Anyway Jayce, take care of yourself and use those drugs okay?” She said and turned to leave but he held her and turned her around before hugging her again

” You should also take care of yourself for me, I’ll see you tomorrow..” He said and released her from the hug

” You shouldn’t be hugging me, I’m not your girlfriend..” she said

” I wish you were, but…

” Are you crazy? You just came yesterday and you want to be my boyfriend? Did the burn affect your brain?” She grimaced

” You should take care of yourself anyway” He said, walking few meters away from her

” But I’m serious.. I won’t stop until you see me worth owning your heart.. ” He winked at her before leaving..

She looked around to see if anyone was staring but fortunately, no one was paying attention to her

” I should be his girlfriend? He must be sick in the head.. I’m not even sure if I have a heart cos it has never beaten for any guy before..” She laughed, turning to the direction of her hostel when she sighted Darth

” Hey..” she waved

” Spicy.. ” Darth smiled and walked to her

” Coming from the Infirmary? Did something happen to you in the Lab?” He asked

” Thankfully nothing happened.. a good Samaritan took the pain in my stead” she muttered as they walked together

” That’s a relief, and I’m proud of you..” he said

” Why?”

” You haven’t been causing trouble these days..”

” If only you knew ” She laughed awkwardly and looked at him

” My dorm, see you tomorrow..” she said and turned to walk in when he spoke up

” Can we meet tonight? At the pool side?” he asked

” Why? ”

” Nothing much, just want to spend few time with you.. probably to know you better?” He said, more like a question

” There’s no….

” I’ll be waiting.. don’t keep me waiting for long, bye ” He waved and walked away

” There’s really nothing you should know about me..” she mumbled before walking her dorm

” What took you so long?” Kitten asked immediately she entered

” Nothing.. “She replied, lying on the bed tiredly

” What happened to Jayce? I saw you both at the Infirmary” Sua said though she wasn’t happy cos she saw them hugging and even heard their conversations

” Oh! He got burnt at the Lab so I took him there to get his arm treated..”

” Tomorrow is Friday and it’s weekend, I’m thinking of going home.. do you guys wanna tag along?” Kitten asked

” Like a sleep over?” Spicy asked and kitten nodded

” Then we’ll be back on Monday and straight to class..” kitten added

” I was actually thinking of going home too” spicy said

” Should we just go to your home? I want to see the Derrick you do boast about along with your Winter or is it spring?” Kitten laughed

” Let’s wait till tomorrow and again, I need to see Darth Tonight, he said we should spend some time together”

” And you say he doesn’t like you? C’mon doll, that guy likes you for real” kitten said diverted her gaze to Sua

” Are you okay? You’ve been quiet and this isn’t you..”

” I’m okay.. just a little headache and if I talk, it keeps hitting me hard.”. Sua replied and kitten chuckled, cos she knew Sua so well

” I’ll believe you then.. ” kitten smiled



” Why are you looking so messed up? ” Denise asked as soon as Hazel walked in..

Lilah was busy on her phone but stopped whatsoever she was doing before looking at Hazel

” You look a mess” She said

” You should be happy my face is still in tact” Hazel sighed, sitting on Denise’s bed

” What do you mean?” Eydis asked

” I wanted to ki|| Spicy in the Lab but Jayce ended up getting burnt and she did same thing to me..”

” She poured Acid on you?” Denise asked

” She didn’t, I thought she did.. ” Hazel replied and burst into tears..

” The thought of loosing my pretty face scares me” She cried and Denise hugged her

” I’ve told you guys we’re no match for her ” Eydis said

” That will be mine to decide.. I won’t stop until I get my revenge back even if I get to dîe in the process then I’ll gladly dîe with her.. ” Lilah said and resumed pressing her phone

” It seems you aren’t ready to face reality..” Eydis sighed and left the room



Darth sat beside the pool as he waited patiently for Spicy..

‘ Will she come? ‘ He wondered and looked back only to see her standing not so far from him..

A smile escaped his lips immediately

” You came..” he walked to her and pulled her into a hug. She didn’t reciprocate the hug until he disengage from it

They both sat on a bench at the poolside, each of them not knowing what to say

” You asked to see me..” She faced him while he handed her a cup of ice cream

” Oh! Thanks..” she smiled

She opened it and started eating from it while waiting to hear what he had to say

After what felt like forever, She looked at him again

” You got some on your lips..” he said, moving his hands to her lips and wiping the stain off

They both lock gaze as he did that but she immediately diverted her gaze

” You shouldn’t have done that..” she said a bit embarrassed as she stood up

” I’ll go in now, and don’t bother looking for me tomorrow cos I’ll be spending the night with my parents..” She said

” Is it some sort of sleep over?” He asked

” Maybe, cos I’ll be going with my friends.. ” she shrugged before turning to leave

” See you at your home then” he smiled and She faced him

” Huh? ”

” I’ll come along.. it’s always boring staying with my Dad all alone..” He smiled and she laughed

” Yeah.. I see ” She smiled before walking away..

He smiled and staring at his thumb, he kissed it

” You’re driving me cràzy Spicy..” he muttered before walking away


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