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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEY ALIEN – Episode 16

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” You’re back ” Sua ran to Spicy when she walked in..

She made to hug her but stopped

” Why are you looking all wet? Did you go for a swim?” Sua asked and she exhaled

” Yeah, I’m back” Spicy replied instead, walking to her bed. She was about to sit on it when kitten held her

” What’s wrong?” She asked, staring at Kitten

” Your clothes, they’re wet and f-__-king dirty.. ” Sua replied

” Oh right! ” She exclaimed, ” Thank you, I need to take my bath now..” she said turning to the bathroom

” Spicy ” kitten called

” Yeah?”

” Can you teach me Kung fu? Or maybe Judo?” She asked and spicy furrowed her brow

” Kung Fu? ” Spicy laughed..

It was funny to hear that from kitten

” Stop that, I’m just trying to learn how to defend myself. I saw you beating up Ben and I was shocked to the marrow”. Kitten said

” Oh! you both saw that?” she laughed and they nodded at once

She stared at Sua then at kitten, They were eager to know her secret

” I didn’t learn all that, I just find myself doing it whenever I’m in danger, it’s just some kind of… Instinct and maybe that’s why I was named Spicy ” She winked

” Tch.. ” kitten scoffed. ” If you don’t wanna tell me, it’s fine ”

” But I’m serious..” Spicy said seriously

” Don’t mind her Spicy ” Sua intervened and Spicy giggled

” That’s my sassy girl..” Sua added

” Sassy from birth.. ” Spicy said and they both laughed

” I’ll take a bath ” She said and Sua nodded

She got into the bathroom and stripped. She turned on the shower and smiled as the water came in contact with her body.

Her mind drifted to what happened earlier with Silvio and she scoff

” How dare he.. who does the alien think he is? ” She scoffed again

She remembered her fight with Ben and the handsome guy who saved her and she giggled

” Who’s he? He’s cute though, unlike that lizard face.. ” she said

” But.. Why will they gang up against me? Not as if I did something bad to anyone right? Why does trouble find me even when I try to be cool? Who sent those guys? Who did I offend?” She thought for a while and gasp

” Delilah! ” she called her name

” She’s crazy but I’m crazier ” she laughed briefly before turning off the shower. She tied a towel round her chest and walked back to the room

” So why were they after you? I mean Ben and his gang ” came kitten’s voice

” Delilah sent them ” Spicy replied as she search her wardrobe

” Weren’t you scared? I mean Ben had once made a student comment suicide and he even went to jail”

” So? Things like that do not frighten me, Even if he rose from the dead, if he tries $h|t with me, I will make sure I send him back to hell”

” Aren’t you afraid? After what you just did?” Sua asked

” I’m not, I’m just worried my presence might implicate you both”

” No qualms, as long you’re with us, I believe we’ll be fine” Sua said and Spicy stared at her.

” why? Why are you looking at me that way. I just want to be your sister..” Sua said and She smiled

” Me too.. let’s stick together okay?” Kitten said

” So you’ll ki|| me if that alien talks to me right?” Spicy teased

” You’re not fun ” Kitten scoffed and walked back to her bed while Sua and Spicy laugh


” Who the hell is she?” Silvio wondered, staring at the ceiling

” How come she’s so strong?” He wondered again

‘ I need to study her from a distance, I have to know what she is!” He was determined


Lilah was already on her bed when Denise turned to her, she wasn’t sleeping when Lilah came

she also saw her ripped singlet yet she wouldn’t say anything about it

” Why do you look restless when you came back? Did something happen?” Denise asked

” You weren’t asleep? Did you see me enter the room?” She asked and Denise sat up before shaking her head

A relief sigh escaped lilah’s lips

” It’s nothing, I’m just angry spicy is still very much okay..”

” What do you mean?” Denise asked

” I saw that god-damned b!tch. She’s f_cking fine! Can’t believe I ended up saying sorry to her..” Lilah fumed while Denise left her bed and went to Lilah’s

” You said sorry? Like you apologise?” Denise exclaimed

” Wanna mock me? You should go to your bed..” Lilah rolled her eyes

” Easy girl.. ” Denise said and went back to her own bed

” Arghh!!!” Lilah screamed frustratingly


Silvio descended the stairs and entered the kitchen.. He went to the fridge and got an apple and a knife from the counter, he left there afterwards to the sitting room

” Greetings Master” He heard Luhnax’s voice

Silvio faced him swiftly, aiming the knife at him and he quickly went on a knee

” I’m sorry for frightening you Master” Luhnax said with his head bent

Silvio walked to the door and removed the knife stuck on it

” Nothing frightens me Luhnax.. why are you here?” He asked

” I just came to see my…. ” he didn’t get to complete his statement when his eyes met with Silvio’s

” Make that mistake once more and bid your tongue goodbye..” Silvio said he nodded

” Anyway, I’ll be on my way now” he said, dropping the knife and Luhnax nodded again

” I’ll see you off master ” Luhnax said and they both left the house

” Bye my… I mean Silvio..” Luhnax laughed awkwardly while Silvio shook his head as he entered his car and drove off



” How are you feeling?” Ben asked his friends who just wake up

” That girl is d@mn strong..” Lipo said stretching his neck

” What am I gonna do with my feeth?” Mambo asked

” We’ll get it fixed today, You can’t go out looking this pathetic.. And it’s teeth not feeth” Ben said and fold his fist..

” I’m surely going to kîll her..” he said in his head as he stared at his friends pitifully

” Will you guys be able to attend class today or we should just stay at home?” He asked concernedly

” I don’t wanna lose face yet. Maybe tomorrow after I get my feeth fixed ” Mambo replied

” I just said it’s teeth not feeth!” Ben whisper-yelled and ran his hands in his hair.

” Just Call it wh@ťěver you want ” He said as he left bed



Spicy stood up from bed and looked around the room but she couldn’t find her friends.. She left for the bathroom yet no sign of them

” Kitten?”

” Sua?” she called and walked back to the room and her eyes dilated at what she saw.. Her room wasn’t looking like her room anymore, it suddenly turned into a forest..

It looks like she was in the middle of no where

” What’s this? Why am I here?” She looked around, her heart skipping beats then a sudden whirlwind rustled and she covered her face because of the leaves and dirts flying around her..

Seconds minutes later, the rustling stopped and she opened her eyes slowly, beholding a man in front of her.. He was putting on an all black outfit with his head covered as well

” W-who are you? ” She asked looking around the forest then at the strange man

” I’ve been searching for you, where are you presently?” The man in black asked..

He didn’t know how he was able to get to her too but he was glad he found her..

” You must be kidding me.. how did you find me when you don’t even know where I am?” She scoffed

” Trouble is this you I’m sensing? Why do you always find me?” She muttered, referring to trouble

” I’m talking to you.. ” The man growled and the forest shook greatly.

He stretched his hands forward and a dagger appeared on it. On seeing the dagger, fear gripped her

” Tell me where you are, I’ve been looking for you for years now..” The man said and She shifted back in fear, her eyes on the dagger with him

” Stay away from me..” She said and started running away

The man in black only laughed as he appeared right Infront of her.

” I’ll find you.. I will find you, I promise. You’re my possession…” The man said and lift up the dagger..

Spicy tried fighting him but all she did was remove the man’s hat and his face came to view.. she has never seen him before

” I’m your master..” the man laughed, his eyes were dangerously dark

” You’re my possession..” He laughed again and ran the dagger directly at her heart

She gasped painfully and a loud scream followed afterwards

” Arghh!!” She screamed and opened her eyes. Pain immediately gripped her on the chest where she got stabbed.

” Arghh!” She winced cause it felt real..

The pain was unbearable that she felt, she was gonna die..

” Spicy, Is something wrong?” Sua ran to her..

“Y-yeah, everything is fine..” she said, trying to stand but the pain didn’t let her so she fell back on the bed, groaning painfully while sweating profusely

‘ What type of dream is that? It’s the first time I’ll be having such a dream’ She thought

” If you can’t go to class then it’s fine, I’m gonna let them know you aren’t feeling well…’ Kitten told her.

” Thanks..” She said as she took her phone and texted her mom about the dream she had and her mom’s call came in immediately

? How are you feeling now? Is it still painful? Her mom asked

? Yes mom and it’s weird. She replied

? You just have to be careful in that school okay?

? Alright mom, I need to rest now. She said and ended the call

” I wish to stay with you.. ” Sua pouted

” No you shouldn’t.. you both Will be late if you stay here.. ” She said and they nodded slowly

” Bye spicy, take care” kitten and Sua walked out of the room

” Hi kitten.. ” someone said from behind and they two girls turned to look at the person

” Darth? ”

” Where’s spicy?” He asked

” She’s not feeling fine” Sua replied

” Can you take me to see her?” He asked

” Yeah, Sure..” Sua said and made to take a step but kitten held her back.

” She’s not feeling well and needs to rest. Maybe after class, you can come see her. I don’t want anyone to disturb her.. ” Kitten said and Darth nodded

” I’ll be heading to class then ”

” Take care of yourselves” he said and they nodded

They were about to enter the class when a car drove into the school premises.

Someone alighted from the car and all mouths went agape. His hair was tinted green, which fell at a corner of his face , making him even alluring

The white shirt and the blue trouser fitted his body perfectly. He was insanely cute and would fit in as a model

He held his backpack tightly with a cute seductive smile plastered on his face.

” Hi.. I’m Jayce and I’m looking for spicy kimchi..” He smiled cutely and Sua gulped at his cuteness..

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