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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Stand For Love… )


By; Succie Brown.








“Hello Mr. Terri, yeah I’m at the restaurant and yet i haven’t seen any sign of the writer of FOREVER YOURS, entering inside the restaurant” Mrs. McDonald said over the phone.

“I already talk to Nadia and she said she’ll be there soon”.

“Hold a second Mr. Terri, did you just say Nadia” Mrs. McDonald asked just to be sure.

“Yes. Why Mrs. McDonald” Mr. Terri asked.

“Nothing. I just happened to know someone that goes by that name. But i doubt if she is the one. Do you think she’ll agree to collaborate with me, so i can produce her story?”

“Every writer’s dream is for their stories to be made into a movie” Mr. Terri said.

“Alright Mr. Terri. Thank you so much” Mrs. McDonald said and ends the call. And just as she dropped her phone, Nadia enters the restaurant with Bryan.

“Hi Mom” She said.

“Don’t…. Don’t tell me you’re the same Nadia Mr. Terri was talking about?” Mrs. McDonald asked with so much surprised on her face.

Nadia smiles and sits in a chair, facing Mrs. McDonald.

“Yes I’m the writer of FOREVER YOURS” Nadia said still smiling.

“Bu-but how did that happen?” Mrs. McDonald asked, stuttered.

“Well being a popular writer has always been my dream, but you were too blinded to notice it, Cuz you always push me to become a model like Nadine. So i secretly start up my writing career and thankfully is greatly working out for me. A lot of movie productions wants my story”.

“Are you going to ditch your mom for them?”

“Of course not. You’re my mom after all” Nadia said and Mrs. McDonald smiles.

“Then when should we start with the casting” She asked

“I will agree to work with you on one condition'”

“Which is?”

Nadia stood up from the chair and held Bryan’s hand.

“Really? That’s your condition? Do you possibly think I will accept him just because of your story?”

“I don’t need your opinion in dating Bryan mom. Dad already approved of my relationship with Bryan. Guess I’ll have to collaborate with other producers” Nadia said and turns to leave with Bryan.

“Nadia wait” Mrs. McDonald said and Nadia smiles before facing her.

“What do you want?” She asked.

Mrs. McDonald sighs and looks at Bryan. “Do you love him that much to come up with such a thr_@t?”

“I’m not thr_@tening you mom. Is just an option, you take it or leave it” Nadia said.

“Fine then, I won’t interfere with your relationship with him. Happy now?”

“I’m more than happy. So when do we begin the casting? Nadia asked and that made Bryan smiled.



? Wow, they look so much like each other

? The trending news weren’t fake

? Who is could Carding between the two

The students keeps murmuring as Carson walks towards the class with Carding. It was his first day in Empire high and he kind of love it.

“You didn’t tell me the girls in your school are so hot. They’re dressed to ki|| dude” Carson said waving at some of the girls who was drooling over him.

“Will you stop doing that? I thought Nadine is your girlfriend” Carding said.

“Yes she is. Simply because I waved at other girls doesn’t mean i love her less” Carson said and winks at Carding.

“You’re so silly” Carding said and hits Carson lightly before entering the class. He went to Paige and sits beside her, giving her a kiss on the lips and she giggles.

“Last night was my best night, should I come over to the house so we can continue from where we stop?” Paige asked flirting with her eyebrows.

“I’ll be waiting then” Carding said seductively.

“Since when did you start having that naughty look on your face?”

“All thanks to having a baddie as a girlfriend” He said and Paige laughs resting her head on his shoulder, Carding kiss her hair.

As for Carson he was already sitting with Nadine and their hands were interlock with each other.

“I’m curious about something” Nadine said.

“What are you curious about?” Carson ask arranging her scattered hair.

“We only met once 10 years, So how come you were able to recognize me when you saw me again after 10 years?” Nadine asked and Carson smiles.

“Let’s say i stalked you secretly. It was through your Magazine. You became a celebrity model at a tender age, so I always buy each of your daily, weekly and monthly magazine”.

“Aww that’s so romantic” Nadine said smiling.

“And you were extremely hot too” He said, Nadine hits him lightly and he smiles.

The art teacher enters the classroom and everyone stopped the conversation they were into.

“Is everyone one ready to present their art works?” He asked.

“Yes” Came the voice of the students.

“Art work? What’s that?” Carson asked Nadine.

“It an assignment given to us months ago. The students were paired into two and they will work on an artwork together, the winner gets to study in Seoul national University, without trying so hard to pass, I was partners with my best friend, but too bad, she’s no longer in Chicago” Nadine said and Carson kissed her.

“What was that for?” She asked smiling.

“I just love your lips” He said and kiss her again. The art teacher cleared his throat and both Carson and Nadine looks at him.

“Should I get you both a room?”

“Yes you should” Carson answers and the whole class laugh. The teacher ignored him and continue with what he was doing.

“Was that necessary?” Nadine asked pushing his head playfully.

“He asked a question and I answered it” Carson said. Nadine chuckles and looks at Paige and she was busy secretly throwing papers at Desiree. She sighs taking in her lips.


Paige came out from the restroom and sees Nadine resting her back on the wall. She tried to walk pass her, but Nadine held her hand.

“What do you want?” Paige asked

“I want to apologize for everything I have done to you Paige. I’m sorry” Nadine apologize and Paige sn_gg@.

“Are you doing this because you’re dating Carding’s twin brother”.

“Of course not Paige”

“Then why? Do you know how annoying it is that you’re dating Carson. It will have been much better if it was someone else dating the identical brother of my boyfriend, but sadly it turns out to be you and as if that is not enough, you’re faking to be sorry”.

“I’m not faking it Paige. I really want to change and that’s why I’m apologizing to everyone I have wrong. I’m sorry Paige, if I had knew Carding and Carson were two different people i won’t have been so mean to you. I’m sorry Paige, I hope you can forgive me and let’s be friends. Just like you said we’re dating identical twins”.

Paige sighs and said. “You’re so lucky that I don’t know how to hold a grudge”.

“Does that mean you forgive me” Nadine asked smiling.

“You already apologized, what kind I do, but to forgive you” Paige said.

“Thank you so much Paige. I promise not to go back to the old me” Nadine said smiling.

“I hope so. My brother is getting married a day after tomorrow, You should be there”

“Am I allow to come?” Nadine asked.

“All my friends are invited, so you shouldn’t be left out”.

“Thanks so much Paige” She said and Paige smiles and just after that, the school Bell rang.

“Is time for the competition, let’s go” Paige said holding Nadine’s hand, Nadine smiles and followed her.

“Okay what’s going on here? Since when did you two become friends?” Desiree asked looking surprised to see Nadine and Paige together, so did Sabrina.

“Nadine already apologized, so let’s welcome her into our friendship group” Paige said. And both Desiree and Sabrina gaved her a blank look.

“Maybe I should just go” Nadine said and turns to leave.

“Welcome to the group Nadine” Both Desiree and Sabrina said at once. Nadine turns to face them smiling.

“Thank you” She said.

Nadia later joined them and the five of them chitchatted and laughs. The boys were together laughing as well.

The artwork competition started, everyone presented their artworks of different kinds, it was beautiful but at the end of everything, Sabrina and Angelo were the ones who won, since they were the only one that make a difference, by going for sculpture artwork.


Greg’s wedding with Nina was a success and everyone made sure to shower them with lots of gifts. And after their wedding they went to Hong Kong for their honeymoon.

As days runs, the students of Empire high because serious with their studies until it was time for the exam.

“What if he doesn’t come Carding? Dylan promise me that he’s will be here on the day of our exams. What if he couldn’t make it after the surgery?” Rose said crying.

“Don’t lose hope Rose. I’m sure he’s on his way. We still have an hour left before the exam” Carding said and the rest of them nods in support.

“But he’s wasting time. I want to see him again” Rose said crying the more.

“Did anyone miss me” Dylan said from behind them and they all turned their heads.

“Dylan!!” They all said st once and Dylan smiled showing forth his dimples.

“What took you so long? I was so worry about you!” Rose half yelled at him. Dylan smiles cleaning her tears.

“Sorry I made you worry Rose. After my successful surgery, my parents insisted I rest still the day of the exam. And thankfully they want me to go for what i want”.

“You should have called at least. We got worried for nothing” Angelo said.

“At least he’s back to you guys. Give him a break” Carson said.

“Am I forgiven?” Dylan asked caressing Rose’s Chin. She nods like a baby and hugs him, the rest of them smiles.

“Who’s ready for the exam? Let’s break a leg!!” Desiree said loudly.

“I’m not ready” Paige said.

“You’re always not ready with anything that involves schooling” Carson said.

“Do you want to die?” Paige asked glaring at him.

“I won’t allow you touch my boyfriend” Nadine said.

“Then tell him to shut up” Paige said.

“You’re not the owner of his mouth”.

“I’ll just joined your heads together and hit it together” Paige said.

“And I won’t hesitate to fling your boyfriend off the window”.

“What did you just say?” Paige asked going close to her.

“You heard me right” Nadine said going close to Paige too. And after few silence between them, they burst into a laugh.

“You’re really crazy Nadine” Paige said laughing.

“You’re more crazy” Nadine said.

The school Bell rang indicating it was time for the exam.

“Alright friends, let’s get this done and dusted” Desiree said.

And the rest chorus a YES and the friends headed to the exam hall.



The school premises were filled with students and their parents taking pictures. They were done with their exam and today happens to be their graduation day and they were all wearing their graduation caps and gown.

“Why is this cap refusing to fit in?” Desiree said struggling with her cap.

“That’s because you’re wearing it the wrong way” Clark said. He took the graduation cap from her and wears it on her properly, Desiree smiles.

“Congratulations on signing out from high school Des”.

“Thank you Clark and thanks for coming as well”.

“I won’t trade me being at your graduation for anything in the world Desiree” He said.

“I have something to tell you”.

“You’re already in love with me, right?”

“How come you always know everything? Are you by chance a mind reader?”

“Of course not, is just that I fancy romance a lot. I’m glad you reciprocated to my feelings”.

“Is hard to resist you”.

“That’s because I’m world wide handsome” Clark said and that made Desiree laugh.

He kissed her lightly, but Desiree deepen the kiss. And after the kiss they went to meet the rest, her parents and Bryan already came, since Bryan’s school have another date for their graduation ceremony.

Vince, Tessa, Edward, Helena, Greg and Nina also came to the party. The two families reconcile with one another and they were like one, since Paige still considers Helena and Edward as her parents.

Morris was also there for his sons. Odessa could have been here to witness her sons graduating, but too bad she’s in jail, paying for her crimes.

“I’m glad you could make it here Greg” Paige said smiling.

“Of course I have to be here for my beautiful sisters” Greg said playing with both Rose and Paige’s cheeks and the two girls laugh.

“Once you give birth Nina, You should call your child Paige. At least you will use that in remembering me since I’ll be a college student soon”.

“I don’t want my baby to have a fish brain”.

“Nina!!” Paige whines and they laugh.

“Paige your B-__-bs got bigger, What happened to them?” Greg asked looking at Carding.

“Is time for the pictures taking, let’s take a picture together” Carding rushingly said.

“Yes we should” Paige said in support.

And they began taking pictures laughing and smiling at each other.

NADINE; I’m glad I was able to retrain my part and I’m also happy to be with the guy I love, if anyone asks months ago, if I’ll be friends with Paige, I was going to shush that person, but I’m glad we’re friends now and I know there’s a better life ahead of us.

CARSON; I never knew I had a twin brother, but I’m happy i have someone that looks just like me and he’s the best, I also had the opportunity to be with the girl i love and I can’t ask for anything else than to be with my family and the girl I love.

NADIA; A lot of you may h@ťě, I won’t blame you though, I was a weakling and took Bryan’s love for me for granted, but I’m ready now to face any challenges we come across, that’s how strong I have become.

BRYAN; One thing I regretted was playing with Desiree’s feelings, but I’m glad she was able to forgive me. You all might think I’m crazy for still choosing Nadia after everything she has done, but she’s the one my heart choose to love and I can’t do anything about it.

SABRINA; I am glad I was able to know what being in love means and I’m grateful for having a boyfriend like Angelo. And Stacey, I missed her like crazy and I’m hoping we cross part one day, she’s still my best friend.

ANGELO; I have nothing to say but to be grateful for being with Sabrina and I’m so happy that my parents love her.

ROSE; I always thought that my real parents abandoned me and I loathed them for it, but after getting to find out the truth, I love them more than anything in the world.

DYLAN; Having a bad parents is what a child will never asked for and I’m grateful to the heavens for making me sick, cuz if not that I had a brain tumor, my parents won’t have be a caring as they’re now.

DESIREE; Love they say is sweet and painful and I am kinda of happy I experience both. Although Clark and I just started dating but I know he’s never going to hurt me and I’m more than happy that he came into my life.

CLARK; All I just want to say is I’m thankful I met Desiree, she might be a chatterbox and a gossip queen, but I love her that way.

CARDING; All my life I’ve always been mistreated by Vince, but despite that I was able to forgive him, at least I have a crazy brother and a caring Dad, I won’t deny that I miss my mom, but she has to pay for her crimes. Paige and I may have gone through so much difficulties in our relationship, but I’m glad we were able to get through it.

PAIGE; I’m still your crazy queen but I have decided to get serious with life, especially with my studies. So that’s why I’m going to study hard, so I can take over my dad’s company I’m his only daughter anyways. These past few weeks were filled with nothing but pains, tears and sadness, but I’m glad that we were able to overcome all of it. If there’s anything that I have learn from the episodes that happen I will say…..

PAIGE AND CARDING; No hindrance can come between destined heart and together we start a new beginning.

“All for one!!!” Desiree screams loudly.

“And One for All” They chorus loudly throwing their caps to the sky laughing, as they hope for a better life ahead of them.


We have finally come to the end of ENTANGLED HEARTS, thanks for staying tune still the end and for loving it as well.

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Stay tuned for our next story

Succie ?? Y’all

Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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