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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Fernando descended the stairs slowly, thinking of what Mrs Maxim told him at the hospital.

It’s all he has been thinking about, and it’s true.

He felt insignificant and unimportant. He felt little.

Spencer got all her attention, meaning he has no chance at all.

He sighed as he got water from the freezer which he drank.

He continued standing there like a sheep, looking worried.

“Will she be ok?” He asked himself, and his phone rang.

It’s Isabella, and he picked this time around.

“Bella” he smiled, and she started crying loudly.

“Hey hey!, Stop ok?, I’m sorry” he said, walking away from the freezer.

“You haven’t been picking my calls for the past three days, I was so scared that something bad happened to you” she sniffed.

“I’m sorry Bella, I’ve just been… choked up with work at the company” he said, and she hiccupped.

“You always pick my calls no matter what, what changed?”

“Listen Bella, I’m tired right now and…

“It’s obvious in your voice, are you ok?” She asked.

Fernando went mute.

“Dad…” She said.

“I’m fine, I’m just stressed out, let’s talk tomorrow ok?, I promise to call you immediately I wake up” he said.



“I love you daddy!, Goodnight!, Sweet dreams! Kisses!” She said cheerfully, and he smiled.

“Goodnight love” he said and was about to hang up when he heard Megan’s voice.

“Don’t try it again” she said.


“Not picking your daughter’s call, she got sick as a result, and I had to stay home for those three days, you know she loves you a lot” Megan replied.

“Is that all?” He asked.

“I miss you Fern” she replied, and he hung up immediately.

He threw the phone on the couch and rested back before closing his eyes.


That’s the only word in his head, and it kept ringing loudly, and when he remembered how Spencer got all of Mrs Maxim’s attention, he spranged up.

“f-__-k” he muttered, falling back on the couch.

He covered his face with his palms.

“Why am I like this?”


Nathan’s car stopped beside the road, and a smile formed on his lips when he saw Princess on the usual spot.

He got the package beside him and rushed out of the car, then he crossed the road to meet her.

“Hey Princess!” He called, and she faced him swiftly.

“Nathaniel!” She smiled widely, and he engulfed her in his arms immediately, hugging her tightly.

“I missed you” he said, and she smiled, hugging him back.

“Me too”

He broke the hug and pecked her on the right cheek.

“You left with Miguel yesterday” he said.

“I’m sorry, he helped me and….I…

“It’s ok, here” he cut her off, bringing out the pack in the nylon. It’s a phone.

“A phone?” She gasped.

“Yeah, It’d love to hear your voice every night before going to sleep” he replied.


“Please…ok?” He said with pleading puppy eyes, and she was about to take it when Miguel appeared and snatched it away.

He gave her the phone he brought instead.

“Have this” he said, and Princess blinked.

Nathan hit the phone away from Miguel, and Miguel punched him on the face.

“How dare you!”

“You started it! Bastard!” Nathan punched him back, and they started fighting there.

“Stop!, Please!” Princess screamed, but they kept punching each other till they bled

“Stop fighting!” Princess shouted again, trying to separate them.

Sarah suddenly appeared and passed by their middle, making them stop.

“Is this a fight for love or something?, You both are behaving immature” she rolled eyes and took Princess’s hand.

“Let’s go” she started pulling her away, but Princess kept looking back at the both of them.

Nathan was the first to walk to his car after spitting out blood.

Miguel drove off after him, and Miranda came out of her hiding place.

She hid beside her car actually.

“Two hottest guys in school… fighting for that pig?” She smirked.

“Funny, right?” A voice said beside her.

“Brianna?” She said surprisingly.

“Wanna work together?” Brianna smiled.


“Luxury!!!” Chelsea shouted when she got to the door and met her awake.

“Luxury!” Mr Moore walked in too

“I’m so glad you’re finally awake” Mrs William came in last, and Luxury smiled on her bed.

“I woke up early this morning” she replied slowly, expecting Fernando to come in, but he never came.

“To hell with that Wesley guy, I hope to squeeze life out of him soon” Chelsea said.

“Stay fine, please” Mrs Williams said, and she smiled.

“Time to go to work!” Mr Moore said.

“You guys can go” Luxury replied.

“We’ll miss you at the office, get well soon” Chelsea winked.

“Bye!” Luxury laughed as they left at once.

Spencer came in afterwards, with a food flask.

“Spencer I’m not hungry” she said.

“Your mum and sis left you in my care, and I need to make sure you eat, ok?” He said, and she bit her lip as he helped her sit up.

He set the food flask on the tray and placed it in front of her.

“You want me to feed you?” He asked.

“No I’ll help myself” she replied and started eating.

Spencer started stroking her hair as she ate slowly, and she looked at him.

“Go on” he smiled.

She returned to the food.

“You must have gone through this too when you saved me from the pool back then” he said.

“Huh?” She faced him.

“Nevermind” he replied and kissed her forehead.


“Your mum gave me approval, so shush” he smiled, and she sighed.

“Mum is crazy”

She pushed the flask away from herself.

“You barely ate anything” he said.

“Like I said, I have no appetite for this” she replied.

“What do you want?” He asked.

“Chocolate bread, homemade one” she replied.

“I don’t know how to make it” he replied, and she lay back on the bed, wishing Fernando will show up.


Fernando came back from the storeroom checkout with Tyler, and he stopped when he walked past the RT office.

“How’s… Luxury.. doing?” He asked awkwardly.

“You didn’t go to see her?” Mrs Williams asked.

“Forget it” he replied and entered his office.

He fell on his chair and released a sigh.

“She should have woken up by now. She loves food, has she eaten?, Is she….

He stood and started walking around.

He has never been this worried all his life, not even when Benita forced him to get married to Megan.

He doesn’t wanna go to the hospital because of Mrs Maxim.

It won’t be great if he meets her again, he might disgrace him.

He got his phone to call her, but he stopped.

“What if she doesn’t pick?”

He returned the phone and rested his palms on the table, biting his lip slightly.

Blood suddenly dropped from his nose to the table, and his eyes widened.

He blocked it with his palm and rushed into the restroom.


Fernando walked in cautiously, watching out for Mrs Maxim as he took each step.

He decided to come when he couldn’t think straight anymore, he’d just risk it.

He was looking around like a thief till he got to her ward door.

He took a deep breath and opened the door slightly, and luckily, she’s the only one in.

He went in and walked slowly to her bed.

He smiled when she saw her sleeping peacefully, and he felt her temperature with his hand.

“She’s back” he whispered, stroking her hair gently.

He started staring at her face. The face he missed throughout today, and he smiled more.

He suddenly stopped when he remembered Mrs Maxim. What if she comes in?

He stood straight and started walking out, but immediately he took the first step, Luxury’s eyes opened, and she grabbed his hand.

“Luxury!” He looked back shockingly.

“Are you planning to leave without talking to me?” She smiled lightly, sitting up.

“I….I…. I’m… I’m sorry” he said awkwardly, and she hugged him immediately.

His eyes widened.

“Make me chocolate bread” she said with a pout, and Fernando smiled before hugging her back.

Her svelte body felt so tiny in his arms.

Spencer stood by the door, watching them.

He’s actually on his way back from where he went to get her dinner.

“How many chocolate breads do you want?” Fernando asked.

“Two hundred” she replied.


“That’s your punishment for not coming to see me since morning, douchebag” she replied, and he chuckled before saying the next word.

“I missed you today, so much”




TB Continued…

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