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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“I’ll kiss you again” Fernando said, and Luxury quickly pushed him away from herself.

“You really won’t stop being a jerk, right?” She said, and he smiled slowly.

“You look more Șëx¥ tonight” he winked, and she took a pillow to throw at him, but he dodged, and the pillow landed on the ground.

“I’m hungry” he said with a silly smile.

“Your apples are still in the freezer” she replied, and he sighed.

“I want real food, food” he said with a cute pout, and she smiled.

“You don’t deserve how cute you are” she said.

“So now you’re admitting that I’m cute?”

“Wh@ťěver” she rolled eyes and entered the kitchen.

She made quick omelette and veggies, then she served it with juice on the dinning table.

Fernando settled down and started eating slowly.

“Hmmm!, Tasty!” He nodded.

“What do you take me for?, I cook the best meals” Luxury flaunted her hair.

“I’m a better chef” Fernando replied.

“You’re nowhere near me” she replied, and he stood.

“You’ll bite your tongue if you taste my food, I mean it’ll be too delicious” he said.

“Wanna compete?” She replied, and he smirked.

Two minutes later, they were already in the kitchen, each with his or her ingredients for the meal.

Luxury set the timer and looked at him.

“Start!” She said, and they both started cooking their meals.

They’re both making pasta and some side dishes, and it’s supposed to take an hour.

At one hour on the dot, they both stopped working.

“Done!” They said at a time, then they got forks and fed each other with their meals.

“Mine is obviously the tastiest” Luxury said proudly.

“Don’t be nosy, you know my pasta is the best” Fernando replied, and Luxury blinked.

“Except for the scent, mine is better” she said.

“Even the president of this country can attest to it that mine is better” Fernando replied, and Luxury dipped her hand into the bag of flour.

She scooped some and poured it all on his face.

“I’m still your boss!” He shouted as she started laughing.

“I don’t care!, I’m in my house” she stick out her tongue.

Fernando got the whole bag and ran after her. Immediately he caught up, he poured it on her too, and they started chasing each other around the kitchen, looking like lost ghosts with the flour on their faces.

Five minutes later, they both ran to the living room and fell on the couch, and when they looked at each other, they started laughing again.

“Tonight was so fun” Fernando said.

“I know, right?” Luxury yawned.

“You feeling sleepy already?” He asked.

“No” she replied, yawning again.

Fernando continued looking at her till she started dozing off on the couch, and he smiled.

“Thought she said she’s not feeling sleepy” he said, and when her head was about to fall off the headrest, he caught it and carried her completely, then he took her to her room in a bridal style.

He placed her on the bed and covered her well, then he got wipes from her dressing table.

He started wiping the flour on her face with it till her face became free of flour, then he disposed the wipes and looked around the room.

It’s sparkling clean just like his own room, and that made him smile.

It has been his most noticeable character since he was young. He’s obsessed with cleanliness.

He exhaled and looked at sleeping Luxury again.

“Skinny witch” he smiled and left the room quietly.


Luxury stretched lazily immediately her eyes opened, and she sat up afterwards, then she noticed a note on the stand.

She took it and smiled as she read.


“Moron” she chuckled after reading it, then she climbed down the bed and entered the bathroom.

The first thing she noticed was her face. It’s free of flour.

“Did he wipe it?, And…how did I even get to my bed?” She asked herself and smiled again

“Is he this cool or is he just pretending?”



Fernando was already on his way to work when he remembered he hasn’t taken his shot for this month from his mother, so he told Tyler to branch at her place.

“To get injected again?, What exactly is the injection for?” Tyler asked.

“For my phobias” Fernando replied.

“But your phobias didn’t get any better since you started taking the shots, is it really for the phobias?” Tyler replied.

“What are you tryna say?, That it’s poison?” Fernando replied.

“No president, I’m just….

“It’s ok” Fernando cut him off as he drove into Benita’s compound.

He came out of the car and entered the house, but he was shocked to meet Benita with a guy in her room.

A guy that’s obviously his age.

“Son!” Benita smiled.

“Who’s…he?” Fernando asked, looking at the corny looking guy somehow.

“Oh!…. Meet Marcus, my….

“Her new husband to be” Marcus cut her off.


“Fernando….I can explain ok?” Benita said.

“I’m listening”

“He’s… we’ve been together for some couple of months now, and he’s…. he’s a good guy…I’m planning to get married to him at the end of this month…. he’ll be the general manager of the company” Benita explained.

“The Royals belonged to my dad before his death, and I took over because I’m his son!, I grew it till it became as big as it is today, and now you’re bringing him in?, Mum!” He shouted.

“You’re here for your shot, right?” Benita said, trying to change topic.

“Give it to me and I’ll leave” he replied, leaving the room.

Benita got the injection and met him in front of the room.

She loaded the syringe with the injection and injected him on the arm.

Before she could say a word, he left the house.

Benita has been giving him the injection every month since he was ten, and it was supposed to be fighting his phobias, but even though it doesn’t seem to be working, he’s still hoping it does, and that’s why he kept taking it

He got back in his car after buttoning up, and Tyler started the drive to work immediately.



Princess was with her flyers as she hid beside the school gate, watching the students that are going in.

She only comes during closing hours, but it’s been long since she visited, that’s why she came in the morning this time around.

“So cool!, I love their uniform” she said admiringly, wishing she could touch it and feel it on her skin.

She was rubbing the necklace pendant on her neck as she stared, and she was smiling as usual.

She was still on it when someone suddenly pushed her, and she fell on the ground, but she stood immediately, and she came face to face with Miranda.

“Nathan’s girlfriend?” She said arrogantly, looking at her like she’s an insect.

“No!, He’s just a friend!” Princess quickly replied, and Miranda smiled.

“I knew it, wasn’t expecting that hottie to date someone like you anyways” she said and started moving closer.

Princess stepped back fearfully till she hit her leg on something and fell on her butt.

“Stay away from Nathan, ok?” Miranda said like a thr_@t.

“He’s my friend…I can’t” Princess replied.

“Hey!, You have a death wish?” Miranda said and made to grab her hair, but someone held her hand, and she looked up to see Miguel.

“If you want Nathan, go to him and stop doing this, it’s senseless” he said and threw off her hand.

Miranda glared at him before walking away, then Miguel gave Princess an hand.

She held it, and he helped her up, their chests slammed in the process, and her hands held her waist mistakenly.

She blinked three times, and he smiled at the cuteness. Her naturally long lashes added a lot to it.

“I’m…not a thief” she said childishly, and he smiled again.

“I know, sorry for taking you as one the other time” he said, and she smiled.

They were still smiling at each other when Nathan appeared.

“Princess” he called, and she released herself from Miguel.

“Nathan!” She smiled.

He grabbed her hand immediately.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“Somewhere” he replied, and she removed her hand from his

“I have to go distribute the flyers, granny will be angry if I don’t. I have to go” she said and ran away immediately.

Nathan’s eyes followed her, same with Miguel’s.

When she went out of sight, they faced each other.

“What were you doing with her?, Why were you holding her like that?” He asked, and Miguel smiled.

“The last time I checked, she’s not your girlfriend so quit acting like you own her” he said and left.

“That idiot” Nathan muttered.


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