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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Game Of Hearts… }


Naomi Cindy B.







Spencer’s car pulled up at the fruits market, and he came out with Luxury.

“Which way do we go?” She asked.

“Is it your first time here?” Spencer asked.

“Yeah, Stacy is the one who comes to shop for fruits” she replied.

“Is she not around?” Spencer asked

“Yeah, she flew back to San Francisco this morning. She can’t stay for a week in one country, she’d get sick” Luxury replied.

“Weird” Spencer smiled.

“I know, I can’t spend a week in one country without travelling too, but I have an assignment to take care of this time around, that’s why I’m staying despite the inconvenience” she replied.


“Lead the way to the apples stall” she smiled, and Spencer led the way into the market.

Fernando opened the booth as slowly as possible, peeking out at the busy market.

“f-__-k, Fernando you’ve finally gone insane, what the hell am I doing here?” He muttered, feeling so suffocated in the booth.

He made to go out but he stopped himself.

“Fernando Moritz spotted jumping out of a car booth in a fruits market, that sounds too funny for the news headline” he muttered.

“But I’m suffocating, where the hell did they go?, Why would Spencer decide to go with her?, Just why!” He said funnily, and his eyes widened when he remembered something.

He dipped his hands into his pocket and luckily, he found a white handkerchief.

He covered his face with the handkerchief and stepped out of the booth as slowly as possible, to avoid suspicions.

He started running around the market, searching for Spencer and Luxury.

Soon, he saw them in the apples stall, and they’re both picking apples together like couples.

“Why is every of their moves annoying me?” He muttered, hiding to watch them.

“How many apples does Fernando eat at a go?” Luxury suddenly asked Spencer.

“He h@ťěs apples” Spencer replied.

“What!” Luxury’s eyes widened.

“He probably told you to get it just to make you suffer” Spencer smiled, and Luxury folded her fists.

“I swear it Spencer, I’m gonna ki|| him when we get back” she said, fuming with anger.

“Why did that idiot let out my secret?” Fernando said from his hiding place, glaring at Spencer.

“You’ll just eat them yourself” Spencer said

“No, he’ll eat everything…I mean everything” Luxury smiled like a witch, and Fernando swallowed hard.

“Let’s pick more” Luxury said, and Spencer touched her hair, removing a white feathery stuff.

“You had this in your hair” he said, showing her with a big smile.

She looked at him, and their eyes met. They started staring at each other, and Luxury could attest to it that her heart moved for a moment.

Spencer’s heart was racing too, and as they stared, their hearts raced faster

“Why the hell are they staring that way?” Fernando said jealously, and he almost went there…

“Spencer!” Lauren appeared, and that made them snap out of it.

Immediately Spencer saw Lauren, he became vexed, so he grabbed Luxury’s hand and carried the basket, then he started leaving with her.

“Is she your new girlfriend?” Lauren asked slowly, and he stopped to look back at her.

“Yeah, so stay away from me, she’s the jealous type so stop saying hi when you see me” he said, and Luxury’s eyes widened.

“What!” Fernando said as Spencer finally took Luxury out of the stall.

Lauren stared at them till they went out of sight, and Fernando ran out too.

He got to the car first and got back in the booth.

Luxury was avoiding Spencer’s gaze till they got back to the car, but immediately he dropped the fruits on the seat, he faced him.

“That was…. Just to make her stay away, I’m sorry” he said slowly, and she smiled.

“It’s ok, I understand. She’s Lauren Portman, the lady your dad wants you to marry, right?” She said.


“She’s pretty though, and I’ve heard that she’s as gentle as a dove” she replied.

“I don’t care” he said, and she smiled before opening the car door.

They got in together, and he drove them back home.

Immediately they came down and entered the house, Fernando came down and tiptoed to the door.

“Where’s he?, Why am I seeing only his wheelchair?” Luxury said surprisingly.

“Beats me” Spencer replied.

They both started searching for him till they went upstairs, and that was when Fernando came in

He pretended like he was crawling out of the kitchen, and when Spencer came down and saw him, his eyes widened.

“Ďïčk!, Where have you been!” He rushed to help him up.

Fernando pretended to be limping as he guided him to the wheelchair and made him sit.

“I wanted water, so I tried to get it in the kitchen” he lied.

“So you crawled to the kitchen?” Luxury said, coming downstairs.

“Yeah” he replied, and Spencer smiled.

“I have to go now, I have $h00ts tommorow to prepare for” he said.

“You’re resuming modelling?” Luxury’s eyes lit up

“Sure, thanks to my manager” Spencer replied.

“Aww, can’t wait for the $h00ts!”

“See you tommorow, take care” Spencer waved as he started leaving.

“You too” she smiled.

Fernando was glaring hard as they smiled at each other.

Spencer left the house, and Luxury finally faced him.

“Now, shall we start the apple eating exercise?” She smiled, and his eyes widened.


“Princess!” Sarah called as she made her way back to the shop.

She stopped to look back at her, and her eyes brightened when she saw her.

“Why haven’t you come since?, I distributed all the flyers alone” she pouted.

“I’m so sorry, I actually found a job so I was busy” Sarah replied.

“Really?, What job?”

“Dishwashing at a restaurant, I get ten dollars per day, at least to eat” Sarah replied.

“That’s better than roaming around, I’m glad you found a job” Princess said, and Sarah grimaced when she saw a fresh wound on her arm.

“You got beaten again?”

“Yeah, cos I mistakenly broke a plate” Princess replied.

“Are you sure you can continue enduring this?” Sarah asked.

“I’m strong” Princess replied, and Sarah hugged her.

“We see tommorow, same time” she said.

“Yeah, bye!”


They parted ways, and Princess walked the remaining distance to the shop.

Granny Kate was already eating dinner when she arrived.

Actually, their house is part of the shop, the shop is just in the front.

“I distributed it all” she smiled.

“Were you supposed to do otherwise?, Witch” granny Kate sneered, and Princess quietly went into her small room.

No food for her anyways,all because of the plate she broke last night.

She took her bath, and that was when she noticed bloodstains on her pants.

“My period” she said fearfully and rushed out of the bathroom.

She got a piece of clothe from her bag which she folded like a pad, then she wore it with her P@ŋtîēṣ and sighed.

No money to buy pads, and granny Kate will never buy her one, so she always uses clothes for her period.

Another thing about it is the pains that comes with it. She experiences menstrual pains every month, and it’s always hellish, one will think she’s sick once the pains mixes with hunger.

Soon, the expected pains came, and she held her stomach tightly before curling up herself on the bed, then she started crying slowly.

“My tummy…hurts”


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