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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Stand For Love… )


By; Succie Brown.








Nadia enters the living room and was about proceeding to her room, but was stopped by Nadine.

“What do you want?” Nadia asked.

“I saw something interesting today” Nadine said smirking.

“Which is?” She asked and Nadine shows her a picture of her and Bryan.

“I saw everything that happened ealier at school. You didn’t mean to break up with that $cvm bag, right? You only did that because you wanted mom to believe it was over between the both of you, and poor Desiree has to be a pawn in the game Bryan was playing just to make you jealous” Nadine said.


Nadine sn_gg@ and said. “I’m going to tell Mom about it and she is going to scold you so badly”.

“Then go ahead, that’s what you are good anyways. A parrot and a mummy’s girl” Nadia said.

“How dare you call me that!!” Nadine yells and slaps Nadia and Nadia returned the slap, shocking Nadine to the core.

“Did you just slap me?” Nadine asked surprisingly.

“Yes I did. Try to lay those hands of yours on me again and you won’t like what I will do to you” Nadia said angrily.

“What’s going on here?” Mrs. McDonald asked coming downstairs.

“Well Nadia here, never really intended on breaking up with that boyfriend of hers. She only did that so you will think is over between them” Nadine said and smirks afterwards.

Mrs. McDonald walks closer to Nadia. “Is that true?” She asked.

“Yes is true” Nadia answers and Mrs. McDonald tried to slap her, but Nadia held her hand before it could land on her face, and Mrs. McDonald almost went paralyzed.

“I have enough from the both of you!!!, I can’t let you both control me anymore. Because I let you control me the way you want, I’m about to lose the boy I love so much!!” Nadia yells at them.

“Did you just raise your voice at me?” Mrs. McDonald asked shockingly. This is the first time Nadia will be reacting this way, and her attitude right now, was enough to give Mrs. McDonald partial stroke.

“Yes I did. And I am also sure your ears aren’t clogged either. I’m done being a robot controlled by you and Nadine. Is high time I stand up for myself regardless of how the outcome is going to be!!!” Nadia shouted.

“Are you doing all of this because of that Bryan Guy. No daughter of mine is allowed to be with a poor folk!!” Mrs. McDonald yells at Nadia.

“Then just disown me”

“W-what” Mrs. McDonald stuttered and Nadine’s jaw dropped.

“You have never treated me like a daughter anyways. You have always preferred Nadine to me. So I guess there’s no use trying to gain your love. I’m going to live with dad from now on and don’t think about filling a case against him Cuz I’m going to tell the court what kind of an abusive mother you are. I won’t try to create peace between the two of you anymore” Nadia said and made her way upstairs.

She came downstairs with her luggage and without saying a word to either Mrs. McDonald or Nadine, she left the house.

“Mom, is that Nadia or someone else?” Nadine said and Mrs. McDonald gulped down hard, trying to recuperate herself from the shock.



The park was filled with couples taking selfies, enjoying a nice meal, some were just chitchating and laughing while some were just running around the grassy area.

Desiree sitted in a chair at the park looking at the happy couples and she sighs sadly.

“You’re going to cry in the next two minutes if you don’t stop looking at them”.

Desiree looks at the voice that spoked and Clark flashed her a charming smile at her, Desiree diverted her eyes from him.

“Here drink this” Clark said giving her a can of orange Demi soda.

Desiree looks at him for some seconds before taking it from him. He sits beside her and Desiree quickly shifted away from him which made Clark smiled.

“I guess the Guy who broke your heart was your first love, right?” Clark said and Desiree looks at him.

“How did you know that?” She asked.

“Firstly, you won’t have cried the way you did ealier and you won’t be acting so outstripped. Guess you’re still a virgin” Clark said and Desiree gulped down the can of Demi soda, Clark smiles.

“It seems I’m saying the truth” He said and Desiree shot him a glare, but her brows furrows afterwards.

“Wait, I think I have see you before… You’re the boy that came back with Paige’s real mom from New York, right?” Desiree asked.

“You finally recognize my face. I wonder why a high school student like you is so forgetful” Clark said sarcastically.

“And why’re you taking as if you’re not a high school student” Desiree said.

“Because I’m not. I graduated from High School two years back”.

Desiree sn_gg@. “Liar”.

“You think I’m lying?” He asked.

“Yes you are. You look more like a high school student to me” Desiree said.

“That’s because nature cheated me. I’m 20 yunno” Clark said.

“Really?” Desiree asked and Clark nods and she scoffs.

“Wh@ťěver, You’re just two years older”.

“Really? Then should I date you then?” He asked drawing his face close to hers, Desiree gulped down hard and pushed his face away from hers.

“You’re a jerk” She said walking away, Clark smiles.

“Wait for me” He said going after her smiling.

“Why’re you following me” Desiree said increasing the pace of her feet.



“Brain contusion?” Sabrina asked as she set the table for them to eat. Little Seth was also present.

And Angelo nods wearing a sad face.

“I may not know much about science stuffs, but having a contusion in the brain leads to disability, if by chance the patient survive”.

“And that part scares me so much Rina. I won’t be able to take it if Carding goes insane” Angelo said wearing a sad face.

“Can we eat already. I’m hungry” Seth said.

“Sure Seth, go ahead and eat” Angelo said roughing his hair playfully.

Sabrina sits next to Angelo and just when they were about to eat, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson enters the house. Angelo spranged up quickly on seeing his parents.

“Dad, Mom” He called.

Mr. and Mrs. Dawson looks at Sabrina and Seth, then to Angelo.

“And who the heck is she?” Mr. Dawson asked, Sabrina hides behind Angelo.

“She is my girlfriend Dad” Angelo answers and holds Sabrina’s hand.

“Your girlfriend?” Mrs. Sabrina asked and Angelo nods, and his heart was slowly panting in fear, he knows what his parents were going to say next.

“Are why are you hiding behind him? Do we look like ghost?” Mr. Dawson asked, and Sabrina reluctantly came out from Angelo’s back.

Mrs. Dawson walks closer to Sabrina and Angelo wondered what his mom was about to do. He’s just patiently waiting for her action, before he can retaliate.

“You look familiar. Are you by chance Carolina’s daughter?” Mrs. Dawson asked.

“How did you know my late Mom?” Sabrina asked and Mrs. Dawson smiles.

“You definitely look exactly like your mom. You’re just the carbon copy of her. Love, you remember Caroline, right? The lady who helped Angelo when he had convulsion five years ago”.

“Oh yes I remember. We met her thrice and after that we didn’t see her again” Mr. Dawson said.

“This is her daughter. Take a closer look at her and you will see she looks exactly like Caroline” Mrs. Dawson said.

“Oh that’s true. How are you young lady?” Mr. Dawson asked.

“I’m…. Fine” Sabrina stuttered.

“How is your mom. We never heard from her again?” Mrs. Dawson asked.

“She passed away that same year, five years ago” Sabrina said.

“Oh no, that’s so bad. How have you been coping since then” Mrs. Dawson said holding Sabrina’s hand, Angelo slowly smiles.


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